Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0587 Goodness and Reality

When you are strong enough, you will find that the world has become gentle and elegant - from Meng Liang's perception.

In mid-August, the weather in the north is not very hot, and the temperature difference between morning and evening begins to appear. It's just that one hour at noon is still a bit hot.

A little boy walks in the vast mountains, walking briskly and at a very fast speed.

Meng Liang has come out more than 150 kilometers, and his body does not feel tired, because he does not run fast. It only took two hours, an average of 75 kilometers per hour, which is really not fast for him.

At this speed, it will take another two hours to reach the sphere of influence of Tiandisha.

For some reason, none of the scouts sent by Meng Liang returned, so no news of Tiandisha was collected in the past two days.

It doesn't matter. Since Meng Liang went there in person, he will be the best spy there. No news can escape him. Super hearing is very useful.

The mountains here are actually very short, averaging 500 to 600 meters, but they are large and long, with constant ups and downs. Wherever you go, you are ups and downs, and it is not a developed scenic spot, there are no steps, and it is all wild roads.

If it weren't for this, Meng Liang's speed might be faster.

Suddenly, a beast roared in front of him.

Meng Liang stopped and listened carefully.

It was a roar he had never heard before. He wondered if it was a zombie or a zombie beast he had never seen before.

Meng Liang walked forward cautiously and was speechless when he got close. It was actually a wolf, but it was crying strangely because it was injured, so he didn't hear it.

And Meng Liang didn't know what a real wolf howled like. He had never seen it before the doomsday, and it was rare after the doomsday.

The wolf was injured because its neck was caught by a lasso. Several people were hitting its head with long sticks, and it was already bleeding.

This was a battle to catch wolves. Looking at these people, they were all level 1, wandering weaklings, and the lowest existence in the doomsday.

Meng Liang planned to bypass it. There was nothing to see, and he didn't plan to meddle in other people's business.

At this moment, someone suddenly spoke.

"Stop hitting! Stop hitting! There's a cub!"


Meng Liang jumped from one tree to another, which had a better view.

There were five people, four men and one woman, all around 30 years old, none of them were outstanding, the men were not ugly or handsome, and the only woman was average, an ordinary aunt.

The one who spoke was a man.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other people who were beating the wolf stopped and all looked at the wolf's belly, and Meng Liang also looked.

Sure enough, the belly was bulging, and there was a cub.

At this time, the wolf had been beaten to the ground, gasping for breath, and it seemed that it was too tired, so it didn't want to continue calling.

Several people stopped for a while, and one of them spoke in a rough voice.

"Nanfeng, even if it has a cub, we haven't eaten for a day, and I still have 3 points of blood. Should we not kill it for the cub in its belly?"

"Hunters have passed down the rule for thousands of years, and if there is a child, let it go."

The man named Nanfeng had a low and suppressed voice.

"No! This is food that was obtained with great difficulty, Nanfeng. No one wants to be a bad person, but the apocalypse has been going on for more than two years. No one should be a saint anymore, otherwise they are not worthy of being hunters. The wife and children at home are still waiting. Even if we don't eat it, don't they want to eat it?"

The topic is very heavy. ơɱ

Goodness and reality are in front of us.

Meng Liang admires this Nanfeng very much. He has not forgotten the rules of his ancestors at this time.

However, if it were me, I would also catch this wolf and eat it.

After all, reality and heart are two different things.

Meng Liang thinks this matter is very noisy. The values ​​are contrary to the values ​​in front of us. It is a small tragedy.

Forget it, let's keep going. It's nothing.

So he left quickly and continued to move forward.

When we were about three kilometers away, we found a large cave with people living in it.

Thirty or forty people.

This place is considered a deep mountain forest. It is estimated that they have been living in seclusion here since the outbreak of the apocalypse. They have not been discovered by the world and have never gone out.

After stopping to listen for a while, a conversation attracted Meng Liang's attention.

"Sister-in-law Nanfeng, do you think Brother Nanfeng and his men can bring back prey? We are running out of food."

"There are fewer and fewer wild animals in the mountains because there are more refugees nearby. I don't know, but I hope we can get something."


This is the den of those hunters.

Sister-in-law Nanfeng, is she the saintly woman?

Meng Liang was a little curious and wanted to see what she looked like because her voice was nice.

But they didn't come out of the cave, so Meng Liang couldn't see them.

"Okay, let's go change shifts. Maybe we can bring him back. Hopefully we can get prey."

This is Nanfeng's wife speaking.

After waiting for a while, two women and two men came out of the cave.

Meng Liang had been locking onto the voice, so when she appeared, he knew that the taller, well-proportioned woman on the left, who looked about 27 or 28 years old, was Nanfeng's wife.

She looked okay, better than Du Mei.

Meng Liang felt that he had to find Du Mei to change her appearance. It was too ordinary. He was really hungry and had no choice of food at that time. He looked like he was sick.

They came out to replace the guards. They walked around 500 meters, found a high point and climbed up, and then observed the surroundings to prevent danger.

They were not very professional. There was also a young girl with ordinary looks following Nanfeng's wife. The two of them were together and kept talking. Meng Liang knew after listening for a while that Nanfeng's wife was called Li Yan and the other girl was called Cai Xiaodi.

Well, the daily life of a group of survivors from the bottom.

Meng Liang curled his lips and was no longer interested in watching.

Let's go.

Super hearing is on. With Meng Liang as the center, all sounds within a thousand meters in diameter can be heard very clearly.

Cicadas chirping, birds singing, wind blowing leaves, fallen flowers, and grass blowing in the wind.

Sounds outside a thousand meters can actually be heard, but they are not very real. If you want to hear more clearly, you need to stop and listen carefully.

Of course, there is no need to do this. Meng Liang is fast. If there is a strange sound that is not clear, just get closer.

About two kilometers away, a vague shout came into Meng Liang's ears.

Meng Liang stopped and squatted down with his ears on the ground.

About half a minute later, another sharp cry was heard.

In fact, it sounded very vague.

But Meng Liang judged that the sound came from a distance. If he listened to it at the place where it happened, it must be a sharp woman's shout.

The direction is. Behind? Where he came from?

And there are only a group of people in the cave over there.

Did they get into trouble?

It has nothing to do with me.

There is no need to hurry, so I will go and see if it is okay.

After hesitating for a while, Meng Liang turned around.

He leaped into the air, stepped on the treetops a hundred meters away, and continued to move forward, just like a flying master in a novel.

When he returned to the cave, he could smell the blood when he was a few hundred meters away.

When he got here, he saw that everyone was dead, right at the entrance of the cave, with corpses all over the ground.

Not only did Nanfeng's wife and the others die, but also Nanfeng and the hunters.

They returned and just caught up with the slaughter.

The wolf was killed by them after all, and the corpse was now lying aside.

Everything was fresh, fresh blood, fresh human and wolf corpses.

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