Meng Liang didn't take action immediately to kill the zombies. After making the wooden shield, he put away his things. He went out for a walk and found that everyone was in the yard. There was also a ladder placed under the wall on one side of the courtyard. They probably already knew the situation outside very well.

"No! I must go home. I want to be with my family at this moment!"

Chen Meier couldn't help crying. What she missed most at the moment was her family.

"Sister, listen to auntie and don't go out. There are monsters outside. Let's just stay here without going out. Wait, maybe the military and police can control the situation?"

Lu Anke comforted her daughter's best friend as an elder.

"Mom, don't have any illusions! Didn't you hear the beep? Global alarm, destruction mode is on! This is a disaster for the whole world! There must be aliens who want to deal with us, and their technology is so powerful that we can't do it at all. Wait to die!"

My brother-in-law is usually spoiled and pampered, which is really useless.

Meng Liang couldn't stand listening anymore, so he secretly returned to the warehouse, took a shield and a heavier machete, and went to the corner where no one could see him.

Just kill the zombies here.

Fight when you can, and crawl into the wall when you are in danger.

At this time, there were no living people visible outside, and zombies occupied the field of vision.

Their recognition range is about five meters, which means that zombies five meters away will not immediately detect Meng Liang, which gives Meng Liang the opportunity to lure the zombies over and kill them one by one.

In this way, Meng Liang killed more than 20 animals in one go, becoming more and more skilled at it.


Suddenly I discovered a big problem. The health bar above his head was 5. This was wrong!

All level 1 avatars and level 1 undead zombies have a blood value of 10. He was not bitten by a zombie, so why did his blood decrease?

Meng Liang couldn't find the answer and could only continue killing zombies.

After killing about a dozen more, I found that the health value had reached 4, and I started to feel hungry. And this feeling of hunger is getting stronger and stronger, which is something I have never felt before.

There was no other way, Meng Liang could only return to the third floor of the warehouse to eat the food he collected.

After he finished eating, he found that his health value had reached 10.

This is a bit scary. The importance of food has increased. If there is no food, people will watch their health value drop to 0, and the final outcome is to starve to death.

Before, his health value was 10, but after killing zombies, it became 5, and he lost it too fast.

Normally, it would take five, six or seven days for a person to die without eating, but that is not necessarily the case now. If you exercise for 24 hours, your blood volume will probably drop below 0, and it will be even more difficult to survive. How can you not be worried?

Meng Liang left the warehouse angrily and walked around the yard to find that no one was there.

So he approached the villa and heard a conversation in the living room in the foyer.

"Xu Feng is amazing. There are zombies outside, but you can still come back.

"I, um, this."

Xu Feng hesitated, probably because she didn't dare to say anything about Meng Liang, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Meng Liang quietly walked to the edge of the hall and looked into the living room.

Xu Feng had changed her clothes, washed her hair and face, and looked her usual delicate self again.

Hehe, she is so awesome that she almost peed her pants in fear outside. I guess she was too embarrassed to beg her to come in, right?

Raising her hand to smooth her hair, Xu Feng finally spoke:

"Anyway, everyone, please don't go out. There are zombies outside. Fortunately, there is a wall. But it's best not to go to the yard if you are fine. I'm afraid the zombies will know there is someone here and they will climb over the wall."

"Oh my god, will zombies still climb over the wall?"

Lu Anke asked nervously.

"One may not be able to do it, but if there are more, you can't tell. There are all zombies outside, which is scary."

Xu Feng lied to cover up Meng Liang's secret.

Meng Liang was very satisfied.

It can be seen that she is afraid of herself from the bottom of her heart and dare not tell anything about the safe house.

Hearing what Xu Feng said, everyone in the living room was silent. Fear filled people both inside and outside, and no one could relax.

The topic has nothing to do with Meng Yang. Meng Yang is indeed a dispensable figure in the Qu family.

When there is no resentment, isn’t that just a passerby?

If there is anything to do with it, it is the Qu family security guard, an employment relationship. In the minds of the Qu family, he cannot keep up with the electrician Liu, the delivery boy Zhang Dameng, or Aunt Sun who leads the square dance in the park. He couldn't keep up with the old Wangtou who was in charge of the janitor at the senior high school next door. The old man was very kind to the third young master. Every time the third young master skipped class, he used the back door.

Meng Liang curled his lips and turned to leave. Because he was tired from killing zombies before, he went to sleep again.

Even if the sky falls, people still have to eat, sleep, poop and pee. This is reality.

When I woke up, it was already dark, and the apocalyptic night was particularly scary. The roars of zombies could be heard through the windows, making people feel terrified.

Meng Liang didn't know what time it was. When he walked out, he saw the moon was in the sky and the stars were dotted. However, the surface was still terrifyingly dark, without the familiar lights that people had become accustomed to. It turned out that this city felt like a wilderness, lonely and heartless.

It was good for the zombies to scream at this time. It reminded Meng Liang that the outside was not a wilderness, but a group of man-eating demons.

I did some stretching in the dark yard, picked up tools to deal with zombies, and then walked around the yard wall with a ladder on my shoulder.

He still had to kill zombies. For him, killing zombies was the same whether it was day or night. He could just use the wall to fight guerrilla warfare, cut it and run away. The light of the stars and the moon was so bright that the short-distance vision was not affected.

Meng Liang had calmed down after experiencing the initial doomsday. No one else had the advantage of the safe house. If he didn't use it, it would be a waste. He didn't want to live off his savings and eventually die here.

Meng Liang went out to fight monsters and level up, but it was hard for the Qu family.

The zombies roared around the villa wall, making people panic.

Qu Jiaolan and Chen Mei'er slept together in the room. They couldn't fall asleep at all listening to the zombies' screams.

Qu Jiaolan got up and went to the balcony to look, but the perspective here was not where Meng Liang was at all, so she could only hear the screams but not see anyone.

"Jiaolan, I'm a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, there is a wall, and our doors are closed, and the doors between floors are locked. Even if the zombies enter the yard, they can't come upstairs."

"But if we are trapped, how can we survive?"

Qu Jiaolan didn't know the answer. She frowned on the balcony for a while, and finally went back to bed.

Chen Mei'er hugged her, and the two of them were silent.

Qu Jiaolan broke the silence and said:

"Say something, the zombies are also making me panic."

"Oh, okay, I'll say. Look, you've been married for two years but you're still a virgin. Now the men here include your son-in-law Meng Liang, the gardener Luo Dacheng is a married man, and your brother Meng Jiaoyang, dear, the world is destroyed, if you were asked to find a man to be a real woman before you die, who would you choose?"

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