Lincheng was once the most important transportation hub in the northeast.

Before the doomsday, there were 3.7 million permanent residents here, which was considered a large city in the north.

The doomsday broke out because the zombie virus was injected into the parameter system of the virtual world. The virus randomly appeared in different corners of the world, turning some humans into zombies.

The very important keyword is "random".

That is not an average distribution, that is, some places may have more people transformed into zombies, while some places have not many people turned into zombies at the beginning.

Lincheng is such a lucky city. Among the 3.7 million people, only less than 3,000 people turned into zombies.

However, even if there were only 3,000 zombies, it could actually be a disaster at the beginning of the doomsday.

People were afraid of zombies and dared not resist, so they gathered together. A zombie entering the crowd could infect many people.

Fortunately, Lincheng was a place where heroes came out. Nine people rose up and organized the earliest zombie-killing team. They led people to fight against the doomsday crisis at the beginning of the doomsday, saved Lincheng, and had the Jiutianmen later.

As the saying goes, fish look for fish, and shrimp look for shrimp.

The place of Hell Gate is full of bad people.

Tianhai Town is where ordinary survivors gather.

Wuyou City is where a group of muddleheaded people gather.

Jiutianmen is a place full of hope and positivity. People here are still working hard to upgrade themselves to become stronger, and they also hope that they can become saviors. There are also many saints who still maintain the basic three views before the end of the world and believe that mankind has a future.

Of course, they are not stupid. It is not that they love outsiders as well. They just believe in themselves and their own people, believe that they are the light of the right path, and can bring a ray of light to people in the dark, even though they have entered the world of eternal night.

Jiumen Building.

Originally called Qinglan Building, it is thirteen stories high and is a convention and exhibition center.

The three floors downstairs are exhibition halls, and there are many offices, conference rooms, and two floors of hotels above.

Of course, this is the layout before the end of the world. In the second year after the end of the world, this place became the conference building of the Jiutianmen Alliance in Lincheng, so it was renamed Jiumen Building.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

But Lincheng is a strange place, and nine tigers appeared.

The nine sect leaders have their own characteristics and stories, and they are all very charming.


they came to the top floor conference room of this building, with three women and six men gathered together.

How to describe them accurately?

For example, in a novel, there is only one protagonist, who is full of Niu coins and lightning, sparks on wires, and cool without bottom line. In short, all the fate belongs to him, and the others are all fools.

But in this room, there are nine protagonists.

Since they can be called protagonists, they are naturally awesome in every aspect.

First of all, these people look like pig feet. The men are either handsome or have characteristics, and the three women are all stunning.

Then the names.

Qin Weiyang

Tang Dong


Zhao Tingwang

Guo Musen

Feng Yilao

Zhen Ena

Song Tianxin

Bai Suzhen

Each one is catchy, nice and generous, sweet and pure, simple and easy to remember, which is the name that the protagonist should have.

It sounds much better than Meng Liang.

Not only are they good-looking and have good names, but they also have many stories.

As long as you enter Lincheng, you can hear their legends.

Qin Weiyang

went in and out three times to save Zhao Zi,

a sword cut off Qiu Bo,

two lives were heartbreaking,

the iron horses and corpses were terrified.

It was said that year, Qin Weiyang led 300 iron cavalrymen to rush into the prairie, killing zombies to upgrade, and the second son of his deputy Zhao Annian was trapped in the zombie group, and he was dead and could not get out.

Zhao Annian himself said that this child must be finished, what about those thousands of zombies, a 15-year-old child, less than level 40, how could he still be alive, just give up the transfer, otherwise the remaining more than 200 brothers might have to go in.

Qin Weiyang asked everyone to take down the ropes they carried with them, and ordered them to tie each other up on the high mountain slope.

No one knew why, but everyone was used to listening to the boss's orders, so they did so.

After that, Qin Weiyang rushed down the hillside with a single sword and iron horse, wearing a full set of armor and entered the zombie group.

Everyone was furious, but they were already tied up and couldn't go to support. Only then did they realize the good intentions of the boss. He wanted to take risks himself to keep everyone safe.

Qin Weiyang went in and out three times to rescue Zhao Annian's son. The child was also smart. When he saw the zombies coming, there happened to be a big pit nearby with some loose sand on the edge of the pit. He buried himself, escaped the danger, and waited for Qin Weiyang.

This boss is 30 years old this year. He originally had a wife, but just a year ago, when he and his wife went out to level up, they encountered a more powerful zombie mutation and his wife died in the battle.

Qin Weiyang was heartbroken. He didn't eat for 6 days and 7 nights. He was so hungry that only a drop of blood was left.

Later, there was no other way. Zhao Ennian found someone to use chopsticks to pour rice into his mouth little by little. Qin Weiyang had lost the will to live, so he had to use chopsticks to pour it in and push it back and forth to send the food into the esophagus and stomach.

After 10 full days, Qin Weiyang miraculously survived and finally decided to continue living, as if he had lived two lives as a human being. From then on, he became a caring and affectionate man in people's eyes. He led everyone in battles and madly leveled up, all for the purpose of ending this doomsday and destroying all the zombies.

Although he is surrounded by beautiful women, he doesn't even look at them, because he is a man with ideals and lofty ambitions, and he still misses his old wife. It can be said that his values ​​are very positive, hence the name.

Then it's not just Qin Weiyang, everyone has a legend, and everyone has experienced very extraordinary things, which has created their tall image, making many people willing to follow them, become their loyal believers, and serve them.

Then this kind of loyalty is different from those believers of God in Wuyou City.

Because believers in God believe in God.

And these people believe in a concept, a kind of values.

They think that their master is a person with the same values ​​as them, and is the person they want to be, so their belief is actually more loyal than their belief in God. In the final analysis, they are loyal to themselves, and they want to be such a person.

Therefore, Lincheng can be great, and can gather a population of more than 7 million in the end of the world.

People are all looking to the light, and there are nine people here who can lead them to the light. How can everyone not want to come?

If the alliance did not believe that the population should be controlled and the quality of the population should be balanced, the city would have exceeded 10 million people.

So the nine gate masters are really great. They rarely meet and hold a meeting.

Once the nine gate masters appear at the same time, it will inevitably cause chaos among the people around them.

Everyone gathered around the Nine Gates Building, just to catch a glimpse of them, even though many people have actually seen them all.

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