Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0643 Meng Liang's group attack ability

Meng Liang didn't want to play dumb, the key is that this flower species spread too fast, and this powerful fighting method Meng Liang had never seen before, it was beyond the scope of fantasy, it was magic!

Helplessly, Meng Liang could only quickly push Bai Suzhen away and get off her.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Suzhen looked down at Meng Liang.

"I'm going to find someone, I'll find you later!"

Meng Liang left quickly, interspersed in the sea of ​​giant Tyrant flowers, and ran towards Wang Peiji.

This side has also been occupied by the sea of ​​flowers, and there are still people below, and the tentacles began to attack.

Everyone took out their weapons to fight the tentacles, and Wang Peiji chanted a spell.

"The wind wheel soil blew up the wild sand,

The sand condensed in the wind and became a knife,

The knife rotated and flew away with the wind,

Wind wheel blade, cut them into pieces!"

Soon, the surrounding wind and sand gathered, countless sand blades rotated and flew around, and all the nearby tentacles were cut off. The attack on the main trunk of the giant Tyrant flower only left scars, but did not cut it off, and blood flowed from the wound.

Meng Liang sighed when he saw it.

An attack with the 8th level of ability strength could not cut the trunk, and the attacks of others were probably useless.

But it cannot be said that way. Wang Peiji's attack caused 2 million blood loss. The blood volume of a plant is 10 million. Others will also lose blood when attacking it. Then there is strength in numbers. Everyone may always be able to destroy these giant Tyrant Flowers together.

But the loss may be very heavy.

Thinking of this, Meng Liao no longer hesitated and also took action. He took the Seven Gods Demon Sword in his hand and turned on the transformation. The seven gods merged and the two gods merged.

"Split Slash!"

Meng Liang casually gave his move a name, which is actually the clone ability of the Wolf God.

Instantly split, the body burst out, and then use the Beast God Reincarnation Slash.

This move actually has no specific concept, it is just an attack situation.

All the clones swung the sword together, and each sword energy was reincarnated in the air. After cutting a giant Tyrant Flower,

they will continue to fly out to attack another target.

Split Slash and Beast God Reincarnation Slash are Meng Liang's strongest attack ability. He hasn't thought of a name yet because the system didn't name it, and Meng Liang doesn't care much. This ability can only be used once a day at most.

Under normal circumstances, it will not be used easily, but now it is already very dangerous, so use it.

In an instant, all the giant Tyrannosaurus flowers were killed, and Meng Liang's clones all returned to their original bodies. It was just a moment, and many people didn't see it clearly.

Wang Peiji had seen Meng Liang's transformed image and ran over immediately.

Looking at this perfect creature that was more beautiful than herself, Wang Peiji was a little at a loss.

Meng Liang looked at her, then frowned and said:

"What? Where are the jewelry? Didn't choose it?"


"Haha, that's great, the boss has run away, just take whatever you like.

"Is this good?"

"What's wrong with it? "

Meng Liang quickly took all kinds of jewelry and put them on Wang Peiji. He also put some in his pocket and planned to give them to Qu Jiaolan and other women.

The people around him finally became a little confused.

We had just experienced the disaster of the giant king flower, and all the giant king flowers were killed at once, fell to the ground and withered, turned into ashes, and fog appeared around us.

"What happened?"

"I don't know! It seems that many women appeared and disappeared!"

"Did they kill these giant king flowers?"

"They all look the same, I can't see clearly!"

On the other side, Ye had already jumped out from the ground.

"Who! Who is it! What the hell! How did my giant flower forest maze get broken? Who broke my skills, who is it? ! "

Ye is really unlucky.

As soon as he came to the virtual world, his identity was discovered by Bai Suzhen, and his powerful ability was broken by Meng Liang.

At this time, Bai Suzhen didn't understand what happened.

She was thinking in her heart.

What kind of skill is so powerful? Is there such a powerful master in Lincheng?

Song Tiantian is very powerful, but she doesn't have this kind of group attack skill. Could it be the 8th-turn woman who just came to the city? The distance seems not far.

Now I can't care so much, Ye shows up, let's start the battle!

Bai Suzhen picked up her flute and blew it gently, and a melodious and graceful music came out.

Others can't hear it clearly, because these sound wave attacks are completely output in the direction of Ye.

Soon Ye was surrounded by this audio, and he felt dizzy and his body was numb and swollen.

However, these side effects are not strong, which only makes Ye more excited and angry.

"You want to paralyze me in the 4th turn realm, you stinky woman! I must kill you first! "

While speaking, he rushed towards Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen knew that her strength was definitely not comparable to that of the other party, and now she could only rely on her large number of people.

"God of War, attack!"

While speaking, Bai Suzhen retreated quickly, and the nearby God of War warriors with slightly higher levels immediately rushed up. They had all put on heavy armor and formed a square formation to separate Bai Suzhen and Ye.

While playing the flute, Bai Suzhen took out a golden spear in her hand. As a magic god, she could also fight in close combat.

However, her close combat also belonged to spell attacks, so it also took some time to release, so she needed to keep a certain charging distance from the enemy.

Ye rushed into the square formation here and used other abilities to resist the aura.

This skill should be familiar to players who have played the online game Legend. In the Legend game, the mage profession has a skill called Resist Aura.

The ability that Ye possesses is similar to the Resist Aura in the game. As long as someone approaches within 10 meters, they may be directly pushed away by this aura and fly far away.

And with Ye's parameters, ordinary people here cannot resist this aura, so Ye drove straight in and pushed away the people around him, and soon came to Bai Suzhen's side.

Bai Suzhen had already chanted his magic at this time.

"A kind of impact force triggers all potential, and wherever it attacks, it is invincible, indestructible, and unbreakable. The broken spear, rise!"

Bai Suzhen almost shouted the last word. The magic program was completed, and Bai Suzhen stabbed the gun in her hand.

Ye was really savage. He didn't dodge at all, and directly punched the gun head with a fist.

After the spear head collided with Ye's fist, Bai Suzhen flew out like a kite with a broken string. She flew for more than ten meters before landing. After landing, her health was only half left. She opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ye was also pushed back 34 steps by the powerful force of the spear head, and his palm was actually pierced.

However, the wound on his palm healed quickly and soon healed.

"This move has a high attack power, but what's the use? Can it kill me? Dirty woman, die!"

Ye roared and shouted something and rushed towards Bai Suzhen. At this time, Bai Suzhen had not yet climbed up and was about to be knocked down by this move.

It is unimaginable that such a punch is estimated to be enough to kill Bai Suzhen, who is at the 4th level.

Bai Suzhen also realized this problem, and at this moment she really couldn't stand up.

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