Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0650 Scared away the wild

"I am Meng Liang! Go back and tell your people over there that you should keep a low profile when you come to my world from now on. Otherwise, when I come over one day, I will kill all your men and strip all your women naked!"

The knife had already fallen while she was talking. It still couldn't kill her with one knife, but it could seriously injure her, and the next half of the knife would directly decapitate her.

The defense ability of Hong Yufei cannot keep up with the giant king flower, and the defense ability of Ye is basically the same.

It's just that Ye is more cunning and very lucky. Meng Liang somewhat underestimated the enemy at first. This time, he was allowed to hide underground and expand the sea of โ€‹โ€‹giant flowers, trapping everyone.

It cannot be said to be underestimating the enemy.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐—๐—๐—„๐–บ๐—‡.๐–ผ๐—ˆ๐—†]

After all, it is not his own territory. The nine masters here are very powerful. Of course, Meng Liang has to observe them.

I can only say that wild luck is better.

In fact, if Meng Liang's ability was not too abnormal, Hong Hefei would have been able to fight Meng Liang if he had been fully prepared, but it was a pity that there was no if.

Now Ziye was even more afraid to come out, while Meng Liang gained greater prestige and was able to command the battle with ease, even to the point of imposing orders and prohibitions.

To everyone's surprise, the battle only lasted for twenty minutes. Many giant king flowers withered and withered, and they all fell to the ground and died. In the end, everything returned to silence, leaving only a mess in the city.

Ye disappeared, probably scared off after seeing Hong Yufei's death.

From this, Meng Liang guessed that these enhanced versions of the Giant King Flowers must be related to Ye's body. The more Ye died, the more seriously he would be injured. Even if he didn't come out in the end, if all the enhanced versions of the Giant King Flowers were destroyed, Ye should be Can't live either.

There are only two left of the four who came out. Ye Li left most likely to find Zhen. This battle will have to be fought. The nine gates of Lincheng suffered heavy losses. Liang Zi has been forged, how can he not take revenge.

Meng Liang is very awesome and is the solver of this crisis.

He transformed back into the image of a child, and many people saw it, because the nine sect masters happened to rush here just to get to know this powerful man.

Asking his deputies to arrange the restoration planning work in the city, Bai Suzhen stepped forward and first invited Meng Liang to live in a better house in the city.

Of course Meng Liang would not refuse, he came here just to find them.

Almost four hours later, the city's statistical work was completed, and more than 46,800 people were reported dead and missing. There were basically no injuries. They were all killed by their own people after turning into zombies.

Meng Liang was quite impressed after hearing this ending.

In such a short period of time, so many zombies appeared, and the spread of the zombie virus was actually controlled. In addition to the complete defense facilities in the city, it was also due to the high quality of the people. This once again proved that the Nine Sect Masters were really powerful.

After things in the city stabilized, the Nine Sect Leaders held a meeting and invited Meng Liang to the meeting.

The nine people looked at this child with surprised expressions. They couldn't imagine why he was a woman during the battle.

"What's your name anyway?"

Song Tianxin asked.

"Meng Liang."

"Are you a man or a woman?"

"Of course I'm a man, don't I look obvious?"

"But you turn into a woman when you fight?"

"That's my fighting form, is that important?"

Meng Liang looked impatient.

Qin Weiyang laughed and said:

"No matter what, I have to thank Brother Meng Liang. This battle tonight is too dangerous. There are giant kings of flowers all over the city. If Brother Meng Liang hadn't killed Hong and Fei and scared Ye away, we still wouldn't have known. How many people are going to die?โ€

"Master Qin, you're welcome."

"Ah? Do you know who I am?"

"Brother, of course I need to know who is on this mountain when I enter the city. The names of the nine are so familiar that I can't help but know them."

"Haha, it's so straightforward. I like it. Brother, can you tell us your origins?"

"It's nothing. I'm just a man who wants to deal with real humans and redeem myself. You should have heard what I said before. There is a real world outside this world. The purpose of the real world is to destroy us. To destroy it, the purpose of doing this is actually for the demon. The most important system parameter of the demon is the seventh system, and we are the first world of the seventh system and the most dangerous, so all I have to do is save myself."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, feeling that Meng Liang's words made sense, but they still didn't understand Meng Liang's origin.

Meng Liang did not let these people continue to speculate randomly.

Letโ€™s start directly from the doomsday outbreak.

Since you don't plan to take action with Jiumen, do you have to be honest? Let them know your past, so that you can increase their trust.

"My story begins with getting a doomsday safe house at the beginning."

He had the upper hand because he had a safe house, but then he was trapped in a sea of โ€‹โ€‹zombies and was leveling up like crazy.

Walking to Dingfeng Mountain, we organized a battle with zombies.

Afterwards, he returned to Suogong Mountain to kill his old tribe and seize power.

A zombie training ground was established in the safe house.

Go north to find relatives, kill and go to the gate of hell,

Cooperation with the giant sword race,

Tianhai Town surrendered to Zhong Zhenshan,

The spirit of the demon-killing weapon in Wuyou City seizes power,

Break through the world and kill copies,

Now we come to Lincheng Jiutianmen.

Meng Liang didn't tell this series of stories in too much detail. He only picked out the details that he was good at, and also conveyed his wishes and three views.

The Nine Sect Masters were completely shocked when they heard this.

They couldn't imagine that this little boy-like man in front of them had experienced such a turbulent situation. This was something they couldn't imagine.

Meng Liang looked at the nine people and summarized with a smile.

"So the nine of you should know that in the south, I have almost tens of millions of people who are hungry and have no food. I know that you have food in your hands, and you are here to cooperate. I hope you can take out the food and share it with us, so that we can overcome the difficulties together and find a more suitable place to build a gathering place. This place is actually not very good, and the natural barriers around are too good.

I don't know if you understand it, my request is two steps.

First, take out food to share.

Second, merge with me. I have already thought about it. I will be the leader of the alliance, and there will be nine gates under me. You will be in charge of the management of the entire city. For you, your power will not decrease, but will only increase. I like to be a hands-off boss. I only take care of fighting and increasing the number of soldiers. You will take care of everything else. OK?"

The nine people frowned when they heard it. This kid named Meng Liang was too straightforward, which made them at a loss.

Finally, after a while, Bai Suzhen asked.

"Did you get any reward for killing those two people?"

"Oh, don't mention it, nothing, just some experience."

"So what level are you now?"

After asking this question, everyone in the room looked at Meng Liang.

This question can be said to be what everyone is curious about. They have already guessed in their hearts, could it be that Meng Liang has reached the legendary realm of the Beginning God? It seems that he is better than Song Tianxin, who has reached the 10th level but has not yet broken through to the Beginning God.

"Level 2300."

Meng Liang spoke, his voice was not loud, so they may not have heard it clearly, and said together:

"What level?"

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