Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0668 Giant Deer Collision

In fact, both Dragon God and God Slayer wanted to see how the souls merged.

However, the process was much simpler than they imagined.

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Or there was no process at all.

The giant god sincerely expressed his willingness to follow Meng Liang, and then disappeared without a trace, entering Meng Liang's soul world, thus completing a contract, and Meng Liang obtained the fourth soul.

Giant Deer Wolf Phoenix, with four wings.

It's very exaggerated, reaching level 3000 directly, and encountering a bottleneck.

The fusion beast god has begun to increase the level, and it is indeed getting stronger and stronger.

Meng Liang originally thought that the giant god's wing ability could turn him into a giant, but later he realized that it was not.

The giant god protects the body.

In ten seconds, he has an indestructible body, indestructible, and can break the enemy.

The cooling time is ten minutes.

This is equivalent to having a ten-second injury-free skill.

Is it strong?

Meng Liang didn't have much understanding.

And then, it was Meng Liang who had to cross the river to kill the corpse king.

The problem now was that no one knew where the corpse king was. There were too many zombies, densely packed.

Long Qingcheng and Bai Suzhen were both with Meng Liang.

Both women were of course very concerned.

Long Qingcheng really regarded Meng Liang as her husband, and Bai Suzhen came with Meng Liang, who was her only support here.

Not far away, Feng Lingyue seemed indifferent.

But in fact, she was also very concerned. After all, Meng Liang was the man she had married, and in the customs of the Phoenix Clan, Meng Liang was already her husband.

It was just that there was no contact between them, but Meng Liang's every move could not be ignored.

At this time, in front of Meng Liang was the position by the river, and the orcs were fighting.

Behind Meng Liang followed several beast gods, and then the elders of several major beast tribes, as well as various management figures.

Meng Liang did not tell them about the real world.

So when they received the notice that they were going to leave this world collectively and travel to another world, they were all at a loss, and were still thinking about Meng Liang. Who exactly is this little human boy? It is said that even the Deer God Giant God is willing to be his war pet.

This is how the news spread, and no one knows the details.

The battlefield in front was very hot, but Meng Liang was quiet.

Finally, the Dragon God broke the silence and said:

"Meng Liang, are you sure you want to rush into the zombie group to kill the zombies? The zombies here are too dense, can you do it?"

"It is dense, but the zombies here are still low-level zombies, about level 10, which is not difficult for me. In fact, if I can get the help of the Dragon God and the God of Slaughter, I may be more confident."

"Hmph, don't play tricks, I'm not a giant god!"

On the other side, the God of Slaughter also snorted coldly, and it was obvious that he was not going to pay attention to Meng Liang.

Meng Liang laughed, if that's the case, then it can only be like this.

To rush into the zombie group, he must transform here and start the strongest state.

First, the seven gods merged.

After many changes, Meng Liang became the seven gods.

He has strong strength, overweight, agility, diamond body protection, self-repair, wind and sand body, and long-range attack ability.

This is already very strong, and on top of these attributes, he unfolds four wings.

The four gods merged souls, making him look more sacred and beautiful.

He is 1.9 meters tall and flawless. No matter from which angle he looks, he has supreme beauty.

Everyone around was stunned. It was indescribable what it was like to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly when a child turned into such a beautiful thing.

Meng Liang looked back and glanced. Even his eyes were so perfect that they would make people's hearts beat when they fell on everyone.

Meng Liang looked at the Dragon God and the God Slayer again, and smiled slightly:

"How about it? Do you want to join in? If you join me, it will be six wings. Believe me, we will be very powerful by then."

The Dragon God also smiled, shook his head, and said nothing.

Tu Shen turned his face away, his face slightly red, unwilling to look at Meng Liang again.

Meng Liang was able to capture some information from them, and he should be moved, but he still resisted.

Well, there is no need to waste more time, let's kill the zombie king first.

Meng Liang's super hearing can explore farther, and he has locked the target.

Almost two kilometers away, a sound different from the zombies' roar was faintly heard, as if someone was talking, and there was a group of zombies over there, and there shouldn't be anyone, so the answer is very simple, there are zombies!

This is the answer Meng Liang got.

He jumped out with a flying body, a distance of 500 meters, across the front position, across the river, and fell into the pile of zombies.

Just this move was enough to shock people.

When he was about to fall, he saw many clones burst out from Meng Liang's body, spreading out in an instant, and these clones punched together, and each punch had a strong shock wave radiating out.

Within a full 2,000-meter diameter, clones and fist shock waves were instantly everywhere.

This was too terrifying. The people on the other side were silent, because all the zombies they could see were beaten into pieces. This scene was indescribable.

Meng Liang's clones had all been retracted. With him as the center, a huge and magnificent flower was formed. The blood and flesh were blurred, extremely enchanting, and the blood and qi filled the air like mist. The smell spread all around, invading the hearts of the orcs.

Isn't this too powerful?

Many people find it difficult to understand this kind of power.

Even the Dragon God Slayer is like this. Their gods are divine, not divine power.

So Meng Liang is definitely much more powerful than them.

In just a moment, Meng Liang's figure has disappeared and he is heading straight for the target.

In fact, it is mainly because the zombies are too low-level. If the level is high, just over level 50, Meng Liang's attack will not be able to kill them all in one second.

Now it seems that killing the Jedi Corpse King is not a difficult task. After all, Bai Suzhen's realm is not high. How can her task be difficult for me?

The zombies in front piled up again, and Meng Liang directly started the Beast God Reincarnation Slash!

3000*4 targets.

Rotate until the light blade flies out, a full 12,000.

Directly kill all the zombies in the fan in front of you.

This is even smoother.

Meng Liang got closer to the target and saw the Jedi Corpse King, a big zombie about 5 meters tall, with clear eyes and wisdom, but only 100 registered?

Meng Liang barely thought about it, and the wings of the giant deer shone brightly.

This move could be considered a savage collision, which activated the hardest and fastest state, and then surrounded by wind and sand.

Meng Liang himself was watching the fireworks, and only knew that he had hit the Jedi Corpse King, and then flashed by, and the strong impact made him hear the wind.

When he looked back, the huge Corpse King had been smashed to pieces.

It was like a flying meteor. Meng Liang himself had become a deadly weapon. The force of a collision at full speed could achieve this kind of attack effect. From then on, the giant deer collision would become a major skill for Meng Liang to fight in the north and south!

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