This is a pair of brothers, Zheng Yi and Zheng Tian. They don't look exactly the same. They are just the same handsome. They are twenty-five years old this year.

Their home is in Huorong Town, fifty kilometers away from here. This time they came out to fight monsters and upgrade, and they are now at level 2.

Those who are truly ambitious in the apocalypse know that it is not that easy to constantly improve themselves and live in hiding.

This Huorong Town is actually a mobile town with many horses and tents. They will look for relatively safe places to live on the grassland. Of course, they also need some food, so they raise livestock and breed. There are only 800 people in the town. There are more than 200 horses, more than 100 sheep, and no more than 100 chickens and ducks. They use eggs, ducks, and goat's milk, and of course occasionally eat chicken, duck, and mutton. They barely make a living on the doomsday prairie. for three years.

There is actually only one reason for their survival. Their base has never encountered a large group of zombies. At the beginning of the apocalypse, some of them successfully killed zombies and upgraded, which allowed them to protect their property and survive. developed to this day.

The two brothers upgraded and returned, just in time to see Meng Liang and Wen Qingge.

At this time, the two of them were dumbfounded and fascinated by Wen Qingge's appearance. Meng Liang looked like a child, so of course he was ignored and not considered a human being.

Meng Liang looked at their pig-like faces and wondered if Wen Qingge looked like this when he first saw him.

Looking at Wen Qingge again, he was smiling at the two of them.

From Wen Qingge's point of view, it might be a polite smile, a kind of courtesy when meeting strangers, but she is a beauty, and her smile is charming, and she has no awareness at all.

"Beauty, we are Zheng Tian and Zheng Yi. I am the elder brother and he is the younger brother. Where are you going? I really admire your courage. You dare to lead your younger brother to walk in the apocalypse alone. You seem to be a master. ”

"Hehe, I'm not a master, but I have some skills to survive in the apocalypse. I am also walking with my brother to find my family members who were separated in the apocalypse. My name is Wen Qingge, and my brother's name is Meng Liang."

"Oh, it seems to be my cousin. From what you said, there shouldn't be a fixed place to go. Why don't you come with us for a walk? You can pass a few places with people along the way. Then we can accompany you to have a look. Ah, are there any family members?"

Zheng Tianle said happily, and his brother nodded wildly.

Meng Liang looked at them and it was really an eyesore. It was not that he disliked their fawning over beauties, but he wondered if he had felt the same way when he first came into contact with this girl. It was really embarrassing.

Wen Qingge seemed to think for a moment before saying:

"Okay, okay, but it should be night now. Hey, it's always hard to tell the difference between day and night in this eternal night world, but people still have to sleep. I'm wondering where I can take a rest."

"We know! Haha, five kilometers away from here, there is an abandoned small village, which we call the Inn on Silk. It is a place for travelers to rest. It is very safe. You also know, There are no zombies around here, hehe.

The two boys obviously wanted to follow Wen Qingge.

Wen Qingge nodded and said:

"Well, I'm not familiar with this place. It should be much easier with you leading the way. You don't look like bad people. Remember, this girl is not easy to mess with. If you have good intentions, then We are friends. If you have bad intentions, huh, I will kill you!"

The last sentence was a threat, but it sounded affectionate, which made the two boys lose their souls and keep nodding.

Now two people became four people, three and a half to be exact.

The two boys ignored Meng Liang at all and just made good friends with Wen Qingge.

Wen Qingge chatted with them for a while, then took the initiative to tell her that she was a time traveler, and also mentioned her title of witch in the world, which was exactly the same as Meng Liang.

Meng Liang's mouth was twisted with anger.

When the young lady said these words, Meng Liang felt that she was being frank with him, and the reason why she was frank must be that she liked him and was right.

But he didn't want to say the same thing to these two boys.

This means that this statement is a little girl's basic statement. It is not a confidential matter. It is likely to be said to everyone.

And this is a less complicated mind.

For example, before the end of the world, some children were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

When parents meet people they know well, they will slowly bring the topic to their children's school entrance exams and tell everyone that their children have been admitted to a good university. When others hear this, they will naturally envy and praise them, and they will be satisfied. This is called Vanity.

Wen Qingge is just a simple girl.

She lived in seclusion with her master, her mother, since she was a child, and had no contact with worldly things.

After his mother died, he broke into the world and foolishly exposed the dirty deeds of the great masters of the sect.

If she was smart enough, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

The seven masters of the ten sects represent Jianghu Zhengyi. She goes against Zhengyi. People don't believe her words and she is targeted. If she hadn't relied on her true strength, she might not have been able to persist for a year.

Although he did persist for more than a year in the end, he was finally attacked by the enemy and almost died.

Fortunately, I entered this different world.

In other words, Wen Qingge looks normal and very smart, but in fact he has little experience in the world of martial arts and life.

So she didn't quite know how to contact others.

Then we need to find a plan.

She discovered that telling others that she was a time traveler would make them surprised, surprised, and curious.

And then she didn't need to find topics to talk about, because others would ask her about all kinds of things in the other world.

Therefore, she had her own way of talking to people, which worked every time, and gradually became something she would tell everyone she met.

Sure enough, the two boys were shocked. They didn't expect that she was actually a beauty from another world.

They were shocked and excited at the same time.

What a big secret.

Before the doomsday, they also read time travel novels.

No time traveler would tell their secrets to others.

But now, the beauty actually told them, and they solved the problem that they might have become important and trustworthy people in the beauty's heart.

It's just that the two brothers couldn't judge who the beauty liked more, but they would rather believe that the beauty liked them more.

So they began to work harder in front of Wen Qingge, and they simply obeyed Wen Qingge's words. No matter what she said, the two boys agreed unconditionally without any rebuttal.

Meng Liang was so shocked by what he saw. Is this the same person he was back then?

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