Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0710: Tunnel Warfare Defense First

The first wave of zombies fell into the trench.

Gradually filling up the trench, the subsequent zombies rushed over and trampled on the zombies that fell into the trench, making the zombies below more and more solid.

And they couldn't climb up to the position immediately.

This position was a 5-meter-high embankment building.

The human side was a pile of earth, while the zombie side was smoothed with cement.

After smoothing, people took stones and rubbed the cement surface, making the cement surface very smooth. The zombies would slide down when they climbed up, and then began to pile up.

After piling up, the zombies in the trench below were trampled more solid, and it was impossible to climb out.

When there were too many zombies under the embankment, people began to retreat.

About 200 meters away was another trench.

There were 16 wooden bridges built on the trench.

People with high abilities directly crossed the 5-meter trench.

People with poor abilities went to the sliding trench side through the wooden bridge.

The mage race retreated first, followed by the orc race, and then the war god race. Then mixed with the war god race were the war beasts of the orcs.

The zombies had already crossed the first dam and came into contact with the war god race and the war beasts of the orcs.

They fought and retreated at the same time.

When everyone retreated to the second dam, they immediately destroyed all 16 wooden bridges and started the second wave of blocking.

The battle lasted for four hours.

No one stayed to defend the last dam, as everyone was too tired.

Meng Liang immediately ordered everyone to enter the underground facilities and bunkers to prepare for positional warfare.

Let the zombies enter the city first, and then everyone will eat and rest underground.

This battle is not going to end in a short time, so when designing the war process, there is a battle content about this positional battle.

Finally, 16 groups of people were decided, and 16 cities were used to form a positional battle pattern. Then these cities already have underground facilities, so everyone can hide in them.

Now the underground escape tunnels of the 16 cities have not been dug yet, and they are working hard.

That is to say, we need to use these 16 cities to fight the zombies in the city.

The expected goal is to persist for 10 days, and in 10 days, eliminate most of the zombies that enter the city until the rations on the body are eaten up.

The escape tunnels are now almost 5 kilometers long, and this is the case in every city.

This number of kilometers is still not enough, so the work is still continuing, and many tunnels are expected to be completed within 10 days. The people digging the tunnels are logistics personnel, who can ensure that everyone can evacuate from this base city when it is filled with zombies.

Finally getting a rest, Meng Liang sat on the ground and breathed softly.

Following him was Mu Siyu.

Other managers were also nearby, but they all brought their own people.

Mu Siyu did not take on the command task, so she followed Meng Liang and helped Meng Liang kill more high-level zombies.

Meng Xiaoniang is actually of the same nature, but she did not follow Meng Liang, she was always flying.

After entering the underground from the sky, the entrance was not the same as Meng Liang's, so although they were both underground, they were more than 2 kilometers apart.

The underground space was full of people in the underground passage, and some people were hiding in the bunkers on the ground. All the bunkers were some buildings, with all the windows blocked, and then some defensive props and solid props were used to prevent the buildings from being easily broken by zombies.

Now that zombies have not entered the city in large numbers, this is a time for people to rest.

Mu Siyu reached out and took off the water bag on the backpack and handed it to Meng Liang.

Meng Liang took a sip, took out food from the backpack, and shared it with Mu Siyu. The two ate and drank at the same time, and they finished eating in a minute or two.

Meng Liang wiped his mouth and then spoke to Mu Siyu.

"You get along well with Qu Jiaolan?"

"Yes, we have the same tempers, and we have a common enemy."

"Who is the common enemy?"

"My dear, Qu Jiaolan's rival in love is also my enemy. She killed my senior brother."

"Haven't I explained this? Your senior brother is not a good person at all. He just pretends to be a good person. In fact, he is full of bad water and has done many bad things. My dear is just getting rid of harm for the people. Don't you believe it?"

"I believe it. If I didn't believe it, how could I be here with you guys honestly? But she still killed my senior brother after all. No matter how bad my senior brother was, he was very good to me back then. So Miss Meng is still my enemy. And you, you are also my enemy. Qu Jiaolan thinks you are a playboy, so she hates you. Then Qu Jiaolan and I have two common enemies, you and my dear. Of course, we can be good friends."

"Oh, your logic is really amazing, haha."

Meng Liang smiled slightly. At this time, someone finally found Meng Liang. It was a soldier from the General Affairs Office.

"The losses of each unit have been reported. We have about 200 casualties."

"Oh my god, so few, it seems that we have won a big victory in the first battle!"

"Yes, but the scouts reported that more high-level zombies have appeared, just 10 kilometers outside the city. In front of them, the 10 kilometers are all ordinary zombies. After the ordinary zombies enter the city, these high-level zombies will soon arrive. It seems that our city defense battle should be a tough battle!"

"Well, how many zombies have been killed since the start of the battle? Can you count it?"

"We have killed two to three million, right? Anyway, I reported this data to the headquarters, and the headquarters gave me a receipt. The 16 zombies killed together should have exceeded 10 million. "

"Hahaha, I say this fighting method works. We can kill 10 million people in one day, and our losses should not be much. In this way, such a huge zombie wave will be solved quickly."

Meng Liang laughed optimistically, and the general service soldier also laughed for a while, and then said with a sad face:

"Boss, please stop making us happy. Aren't these peripheral characters all small characters? Now the real big characters are here. We are going underground now. We don't know if the zombies on the opposite side have wisdom. If they have wisdom, I'm afraid they will use it. A way of attack."

The smile on Meng Liang's face disappeared.

That kind of attack is indeed terrifying.

"You go and convey my order. From now on, there are only 64 entrances and exits left in the entire underground passage. Pay attention to guarding these entrances and exits. Except when going out during combat, they will be closed at other times to prevent the attack of zombie rats! "

Meng Liang no longer smiled when he issued the order.

The general affairs soldier nodded, turned around to find the messenger, and then reported Meng Liang's proposal to the general affairs office of the headquarters.

The people from the General Affairs Office immediately relayed the information to Qu Jiaolan.

Qu Jiaolan curled her lips.

She has already issued an order. Sixteen war zones will use cities as positions to fight zombies in tunnel battles. The most important thing is to defend against zombie rats. Does this need to be said?

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