[Level 11 Elite. Undead. Emperor! It has entered combat mode. Please be aware of the virtual survivors. The appearance of the Emperor Zombie will be a nightmare. It has super combat power.

Attributes: Good at jumping, fast, can stimulate the vitality of ordinary zombies, and is a leader type of zombie hunter

Skills: Multiple Splits, Venom Spray, Mist Storm, Giant Transformation

The world’s first four-skill elite zombie, low-level bronze level]

The beep sounded in the ears of everyone in the station area, making people shudder.

The emperor's zombie is the type that Meng Liang saw, with long legs, thick upper limbs, a huge mouth, white teeth, and a height of two meters.

Baina's people were cleaning up zombies on the street corner when they found an emperor. They didn't take it seriously, and a long-range attack type fighter launched an attack, thus activating it.

This one was activated by the machine, and all nearby emperors were immediately activated. Ordinary zombies that had been relatively quiet immediately became violent and pounced on humans.

Human beings could only retreat in the face of the zombies that surged and occupied the whole street. Baina, others and Meng Liang quickly stepped forward and saw such a scene.

"Don't panic! Assemble and prepare to retreat! The front team will change to the rear team. Zhang Huanyu will lead people to open the way behind. Baldi will lead the team to form a shield formation to block the enemy. Prepare for long-range attacks to support!"

Baina's people were about forty people traveling this time. She took command from the center and everyone acted quickly according to the order.

Meng Liang noticed that the two men named Zhang Huanyu and Baldi should be the other level 10 masters of the team.

Now that they have reached level ten, there should be racial divisions. I don’t know what level they are.

The orcs, the magic, and the gods of war.

How did you choose the three species?

"Fight Minotaur!"

Baldi, who was leading the people to form a shield array, roared and released a beast.

This thing is shaped like a lion, but has a bull's head, which is probably why it got its name.

After appearing, rush into the zombie group. The horns can directly lift the zombies away. It is not an ordinary flight. Basically, one or two will be lifted up at once, and the distance is tens of meters. It is estimated that they will never come back, and there is still something in their mouth. It has sharp teeth that can cause 5 points of real damage to zombies, which means it can kill a level 1 zombie in two bites.

What's more powerful is that its health value reaches 3000. Each time a zombie bites it, it will lose up to 5 points of blood, which is basically 1 point of blood. This shows that it has strong defense and will not become a victim due to being bitten. Zombie species.

I go?

What the hell is this? Is it also a fighting beast? Isn't this many times more powerful than my level 2 corpse-eating rat? How can you do this?

Meng Liang looked confused.

Everyone was fighting and retreating at the same time, and everyone with long-range attack capabilities took action. Bi Lei, Zhao Qiqi all participated in the battle, and everyone mingled together. At this time, they no longer cared so much, and unanimously attacked the zombies.

Fortunately, the HP of Emperor Zombie is not too much, only 300.

However, its attack power is too strong and you can't let it get close at all.

"Quick! Focus on the approaching Emperor!"

Baina took the blue sword and gave orders, and immediately all long-range attack output was directed at the level 11 emperor.

Fortunately, it was killed before it reached the shield array.

This calmed people's mood a little. Although the emperor's zombies are scary, they are not unkillable.

Of course, this is also because it is not output. It has so many skills, and no one knows how powerful it will be once it is output.

The team was still retreating, and the minotaur almost attracted the energy of all the zombies.

The 3,000 blood points are almost gone.

Then Baina put away her blue sword and took out a green magic wand.

After muttering a few words in his mouth, green light bloomed in all directions.

Everyone was immediately in a state of recovery.

Meng Liang was stunned, this is "milk"!

Magic clan?

Baina happened to see Meng Liang's expression and seemed a little proud, so she said:

"Level 10 magic clan. Blood recovery master! It seems that you are also a high-level one. What profession are you in?"

This was said to Meng Liang, who frowned and said:

"The orcs have no profession."

"Well, races don't appear until level 10, but professions require completing tasks to get them. It seems you haven't encountered any tasks."

"Have you never met him before? Has he met that Baldi?"

"Of course, we are doing this mission together. He is a beast tamer from the orc tribe. Our other master, Zhang Huanyu, is a great swordsman from the God of War tribe."

Perhaps because of the surprise shown by Meng Liang, Baina thought that he was also a minor player and finally put away her cloak of humility.

This is normal. How could a person be so unselfish? The kind of grandeur she showed was nothing more than a piece of skin.

But Meng Liang is not worried about me exposing her, and wants to know more about other professions.

"What is your ability to restore blood?"

"The full health state, for us humans, is to restore the blood volume to full. For the orc fighting beasts, not only can the blood volume be restored to full, but it can also be in an invincible state when the blood volume is restored."

"This is awesome. How long does it take to CD?"

CD time is what is called interval time in the game world.

Asked this question, Baina sighed and frowned:

"Once every 24 hours."

Meng Liang curled his lips when he heard this.

One operation was as fierce as a tiger, and it turned out to be two hundred and five.

It can be used once a day, so it won't be of much use no matter how powerful it is, especially when encountering a group of zombies.

Of course, the real situation cannot be said to be useless. After all, it can buy a few more minutes. The Minotaur attracts firepower in front, so fewer zombies come over.

The team left the alley. The main road could not be taken. Soon they entered a walled community. The great swordsman Zhang Huanyu had already cleared some zombies in the community. The plan was to first enter the apartment building and use the apartment building as a position to fight the zombies.

With so many fighters, they should be able to fight.

However, the plan did not change as fast as it did.

Two figures jumped up from the south wall, stood steadily on the front wall, and made a series of strange roars.

It was the Emperor zombie!

"Be careful over there! Focus fire!"

Bai Na gave the order, and many people ran over to attack, including the long-range shooters.

But at this moment, more than a dozen figures suddenly rushed out of the front zombie group, all of them were Emperor zombies.

The concentrated fire method could barely kill one quickly, and now there were more than a dozen, and Bai Na had no plan for a while.

"Retreat quickly!"

She could only let the people in front retreat to reduce losses.

However, it was too late. All the Emperor zombies quickly jumped and approached, surrounding the guys holding shields in the front.

There was a fart sound, and a large amount of black gas came out from behind these Emperor zombies, which quickly spread. No one could be seen within a few dozen meters.

"Leader, let's go save them?"

Someone shouted behind Bai Na.

"No! This should be the fog storm skill of the Emperor zombies. They can use skills when they get close. We will be in danger if we move forward rashly. We will retreat immediately and enter the building to fight using the terrain!"

As Bai Na spoke, she waved her hand back. Everyone was very unwilling, but they had no choice but to obey the order.

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