Chen Mu had no more nonsense. The purpose of his coming was to kill Gong Jinhua. He brought with him all good players, so he must hit with one hit.

When Gong Jinhua finished speaking, Shen Mu and others all took out their weapons. The firearms of this era have extremely fast laser speeds and a locking effect. Martial arts masters can dodge bullets, but they may not be able to dodge this thing.

Meng Liang had already prepared, but Gong Jinhua still asked, what was there to ask? When she saw that these people were coming after her, they were the killers who wanted to kill her.

A metal robot passed by not far away. Meng Liang quickly pulled it over and used it as a weapon to block all attacks. The robot was surprisingly hard. The laser ammunition hitting it was blocked and did not penetrate. Destroy the robot.

Keeping avoidance was not an option. Meng Liang held Gong Jinhua's waist with one hand and held the metal robot in the other hand, rushing towards Shen Mu and others as quickly as possible.

If you get close to them, the other party's firepower will be ineffective for fear of hitting one of your own.

At this time, the metal robot in Meng Liang's hand became a weapon, spinning around and hitting an enemy.

This move was full of power, and it sent the man flying away, a full dozen meters away. After landing, he collapsed, as if he was an inflatable doll that had been deflated.

There was no pause after that, just fighting these people at close range and killing them quickly.

The onlookers, the enemies who attacked Meng Liang, and Gong Jinhua who was held in Meng Liang's arms were all unable to react. They could not understand Meng Liang's speed.

In fact, this speed is still much slower than in the virtual world.

But this is the real world, and everyone doesn’t understand why Meng Liang can be so fast.

This is the effect of consciousness waves controlling body particles.

The Jianfeng Base is a highly technologically advanced place.

If something happens, the information will be shared quickly.

The leader of Jianfeng, Gong Shunliang, is already sitting in the information room. The Sky Eye robot is surrounding the battle situation. The battle situation is perfectly displayed on the big screen here.

He frowned slightly and said softly:

"Who is this kid and why is he so fast?"

Beside him, stood two dignified and beautiful girls in ancient costumes, one in green and one in white. These were Jianfeng Intelligent System, Bai She and Xiao Qing.

Xiaoqing has already retrieved the data.

"His ultimate speed exceeds all human speeds we know, about twelve times. Theoretically, such a speed is impossible. I have detected the pulse energy between matter particles and soul waves, so I guess One conclusion is that his soul power must be super powerful, surpassing that of almost everyone. In short, there is no such person in our database records. "

White Snake said:

"I also investigated the cause of the incident. It seems that there was some kind of conflict between the princess and her clone Huahua. This incident should be caused by Huahua. I can basically confirm that the one in the video is the real princess. I don't know. What is clear is why it was the prince's people who took action in the end.

Gong Shunliang snorted and said:

"This is the selfishness of human beings. For the sake of rights, some people can trample all ethics and morals in the world. I understand Gong Anyi. He is such a person. He is waiting for me to die so that he can control the edge of the sword. This matter It seems that this is a plan arranged by Huahua. If she gets rid of Gong Jinhua, then she will be a princess, which is really vicious. "

"Chief, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, let's take a look first. I'm very interested in this person. Who is he?"

"It has been found that his registered name is Meng Liang."

"Ah Meng Liang, there is a person who is being watched in the virtual world. It seems to be Meng Liang. It seems that he has the same name. Haha, of course the virtual person will not run into the real world."


"Well, White Snake, Xiaoqing, record some of his conditions and find other information about him. Let's see what kind of scene this outsider can perform."

"Okay, but chief, will anything happen to the princess?"

"Looking at this situation, it shouldn't happen. Meng Liang is obviously much more powerful, but you need to send someone to find Huahua and control her, so that the matter is under our control."

All I can say is that Huahua is very smart and vicious.

However, in such a highly intelligent social environment, it is impossible for people to know everything.

So far, Huahua's conspiracy has failed.

The rest is Meng Liang's performance in Jianfeng.

A cold light shot out from Meng Liang.

That's not some high-end hidden weapon.

However, the robot's finger was shot off by the laser. Meng Liang quickly reached out and the broken finger fell into his hand. He shot it out and killed another person.

Meng Liang didn't know that this kind of killing was actually rare in the history of Jianfeng.

There are many ways to solve problems in highly civilized worlds. They usually do not kill each other. Murder is a serious crime here and is punishable by death.

Therefore, basically no Jianfeng people have ever seen such a thing as killing someone on the street.

This is completely different from killing people in their virtual world. What's more, the people on the sword have basically never been to the virtual world. Otherwise, a historian like Gong Jinhua would not know about historical events like the Three Kingdoms.

The main world where Meng Liang is located is the environment of the real world thousands of years ago. It is a perfect restoration of history, but these history courses have not been popularized.

People in power at any time in history have wanted to control the minds of ordinary people.

For example, Confucianism in ancient times, imperial power, slave society, entertainment life, comfort and enjoyment in the modern world, etc. In this advanced civilized world, the people in power do not know the history, so they do not know the history. There are struggles and rebellions among all civilizations.

In this way, you can better control the entire alliance.

Meng Liang's side is fighting at this time.

More and more people were watching, shocked by Meng Liang's murderous methods and shocked by Meng Liang's murderous behavior itself. Watching from a distance, fear appeared in their hearts, thinking that Meng Liang was a devil-like person.

And the battle didn't last long.

After a few minutes, the battle ended. Forty-seven killers sent to perform the mission were all killed by Meng Liang.

After so many years in the apocalypse, killing is too common for Meng Liang.

He has a murderous mentality and has the skills, methods and means to kill.

Meng Liang looked at the nearby corpse with a steady breath, and turned his head to look at the woman in his arms.

She was looking at Meng Liang with a complicated and confused look.

Meng Liang chuckled and said:

"Okay, the problem is solved. I think things have become such a mess. The people who should know the news should already know it. My dear, if I kill a few people, no one will come to trouble me, right?"

Gong Jinhua nodded, then shook her head.

She was mentally reviewing the past few days.

It felt like there was a crisis everywhere, but she solved it without doing anything. Is this the so-called sense of security? Suddenly it was there

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