Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0084 Training the Mother-in-Law

The guard was slightly stunned and frowned: "Sir, the commander has not arranged today's combat mission. Have you been approved to go out?"

"Didn't the commander say that? I don't listen to her leadership and have complete autonomy.

Meng Liang's voice was very cold. To be honest, it was just a pretense of majesty.

The guard looked back at the other guards, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded:

"The commander did not say that, but told us that we should have due respect for you because you are the strongest person of the highest level. Okay, then I will open the door for you. Do you need to follow?"

"No, I will lead people behind me. I will not go far. I will clean up the zombies nearby."

"Okay! Open the door! "

The guard was very good at reading people's expressions, and Meng Liang was very satisfied with him.

The door opened, and it turned out that there were two people outside, patrolling with guns. These two people were obviously more powerful. Only high-level combatants could be equipped with guns. Of course, the so-called high-level was only level four or five, which was still a big gap compared to Meng Liang.

After the door opened, Meng Liang and his men went out, but the door was not closed. The gunmen immediately set up guns on the obstacles on both sides, ready to respond to the combatants who went out at any time.

Meng Liang noticed that these two guns had silencers.


Meng Liang once again gave them a high evaluation, and felt that he was really not good in this aspect compared to Bai Na. People who had served in the army were indeed not at the same level as him.

You can't belittle yourself, after all, he is still the strongest.

He led three people to climb up the obstacle of the pile of cars.

Lu Anke, this waste, couldn't even climb up, and Meng Liang grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"What else can you do!"

Meng Liang couldn't help but mock her.

"I don't know who piled these cars so high. "

Lu Anke, who was standing on the roof of the car on the other side of the obstacle, spoke in a low voice.

It was quite high, with four layers of cars piled up in the shape of a dam, and then tied and fixed with long ropes. It was probably an orc warrior like Baldi, who brought strong people to lift the cars up one by one.

Meng Liang now has ten times the strength, and he can probably move a car by himself.

At this time, there were almost no cars on the road outside, and there were many zombies.

Meng Liang frowned.

No car means no obstacle. It's not a big problem for me, but it's difficult for the other three, two of whom are rookies.

After observing for a while, I finally found a lot of GG signs on the street.

This is something that can be used.

"You wait. "

Meng Liang jumped down as soon as he finished speaking, and walked along the wall. A zombie was attracted and came over, so Meng Liang quickly killed it with a knife.

Finally, he arrived at the first store. Meng Liang bounced on the spot, and this time he jumped up to a height of nearly two meters.

The strength is ten times, and all aspects of the body's abilities are enhanced. Jumping two meters high is not the limit.

When the body is suspended in the air, he made a move, and the GG sign was directly taken off. Then he went to the next store and continued the same operation.

He killed more than a dozen zombies along the way, took off more than twenty GG signs, and then brought them back.

He found a building materials and hardware store on the way , the door was open, and no one was inside.

Meng Liang went to get wire and steel bars and various tools, and after returning, he began to build fortifications at the border of the car pile obstacle.

On one side was a car pile obstacle, on one side was a bulldozer, on the other side was a wire mesh in the tree space, and on the other side was a wall connected with GG cards.

The wall and the wire mesh were only about 1.5 meters high.

This makes it difficult for zombies to come in, but they can still show their heads.

"Okay, let's start with the simple ones, just stand inside and kill zombies. You have to get used to killing, so that you won't be afraid when you go outside. "

Lu Anke's weapon was a machete, and Zhang Tao held a long-handled axe.

Both of them were too nervous, their bodies were shaking, and their teeth were chattering.

Guan Li frowned and watched from the side. She felt that Meng Liang's arrangement was actually quite good, and he was really strong. He already had the ability to walk on the street. He could kill zombies with one knife. As long as the zombies did not walk towards him in groups, there was no danger. The key was that he moved fast enough.

The zombies smelled the blood and were already approaching the street, but Meng Liang had returned. If he moved a little slower, he would not be able to complete his work.

Meng Liang began to attract zombies, holding a small stone and throwing it at one more than ten meters away.

After being hit, the zombie lost his direction and actually walked away.

Meng Liang Speechless, he bent his legs and jumped up, and jumped out of the 1.5-meter wire mesh.

The three people inside were all shocked. This is a grasshopper, how can it jump so high.

Meng Liang quickly ran behind another zombie about ten meters away and knocked on its head.

Lu Anke breathed nervously, watching all this, and felt incredible.

She once thought Meng Liang was just a cowardly little man, but look at him now, he dared to touch the zombie's head, how could he be cowardly?

The zombie turned around and pounced on Meng Liang. Meng Liang quickly retreated and jumped two meters away from the wire mesh wall, flying over the wire mesh.

The zombie also arrived at this time and hit the wire mesh.

"Quick! Two people attack together. It's not easy to meet a level 1. Kill it! "

The two idiots were still leaning back. Guan Li finally couldn't stand it anymore and walked over to push Zhang Tao.

"What are you afraid of? I'm by your side, and Lord Meng Liang is here too. Go and kill them quickly. They can't get in. Remember, as long as you don't get bitten by them, you'll be safe."

Zhang Tao had no way to retreat, so he mustered up his courage and rushed forward with a ferocious look on his face.

Lu Anke had no choice but to follow.

The two of them attacked with their eyes closed. Zhang Tao chopped six times and Lu Anke chopped four times, and the zombie died.

The atmosphere changed.

"Look, cousin, I killed it! I killed it!"

Zhang Tao turned around and spoke excitedly to Guan Li, and Lu Anke could only turn back to Meng Liang for praise.

"I turned out to be so useful, haha, I can kill zombies, Meng Liang, did you see it?"

Meng Liang rolled his eyes

You are useless, if you can't kill zombies like this, you are stupider than a fool.

A zombie died like this, and blood flowed out of the wound.

The bloody smell slowly drifted out, and another zombie, which was only ten meters away, smelled this smell, its nose twitched quickly, its mouth opened, and it let out a low roar.

Fortunately, the zombies were not very smart and acted entirely on biological instinct, so they did not immediately determine the source of the bloody smell. After circling around twice, they found the right direction and walked towards this side. Finally, they approached the wire fence and smelled the smell of fresh human flesh, and became excited and hit the wire fence.

With the experience of the first time, the two took the initiative this time, without closing their eyes, and killed the second zombie.

Of course, they were excited again and felt that they were very useful.

More bloody smells spread out, and the third and fourth zombies were attracted.

This time, they were all level 4 zombies, and it was not so easy to kill them.

The two were quite excited at first, but they were a little impatient when they didn't die after more than 20 cuts.

The smell of blood became stronger and spread around. More than 20 zombies within 30 meters reacted. Looking over here, their eyes were pale and empty, but they looked so terrifying.

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