Things became a little complicated. When Meng Liang took Qu Jiaolan and others to the 350th world, they were stunned when they saw Qu Xiaolan and others.

Chen Meier and Luo Yuhuan saw their parents, and they were so excited that they all burst into tears. They rushed over and called them dad and mom.

The situations of the two were different.

Luo Yuhuan had not seen her family since the end of the world.

Chen Meier's parents had been found, but they died in the previous battle with the black devil. Chen Meier had been in pain because of this. Now that she saw her parents reborn, how could she not cry with excitement.

Chen Xiaomei and Luo Xiaohuan were dumbfounded. They were obviously her parents. What was this woman who looked exactly like her doing? Stealing her parents?

Luo Xiaohuan thought more deeply and wanted to steal her man!

Lu Anke met another Lu Anke, and the situation was also complicated.

Lu Anke in the first world had become younger.

And Lu Anke in the 350th world was still an old man.

Meng Liang's parents and the whole family were also stunned. Haha, this is great, it's quite lively.

Meng Liang's little cousin was talking on the side.

"Wow, my brother Liangzi is really capable. He finds wives in pairs!"

"I heard that they seem to be fan fiction, not twins!"

"Fan fiction, fan fiction from different worlds? That's amazing!"

Meng Liang's father's face turned black and red, and he looked a bit ugly overall. He didn't know whether to scold his son or envy him. Maybe he envied him more?

Who wouldn't envy such a normal man?

The focus of the Meng family's discussion began to become Meng Liang again.

Many people who are familiar with Meng Liang still can't imagine how Liangzi, who used to run around with a big snot, has become so successful?

Meng Liang's mother couldn't help but find an opportunity to pull Meng Liang to a corner, frowning and asking:

"What can we do? The wives are all in pairs."

"Hehe, just marry them all."

"How can they be happy?"

"Why not? Isn't your son excellent?"

"Humph, in my opinion, if I really love you, I won't accept other women around you."

Meng Liang was surprised. He didn't expect his mother to be such a pure person.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The key is that his mother didn't go through the doomsday, so of course she wouldn't have the mentality of accepting her fate.

Meng Liang smiled calmly, then said:

"Anyway, that's it, Mom, I'm telling you.

Qu Jiaolan, Qu Xiaolan is the first wife, and is your eldest daughter-in-law.

Luo Yuhuan, Luo Xiaohuan and I have had sex.

Chen Mei'er is my first woman, but Chen Xiaomei and I don't have that kind of relationship.

Long Qingcheng and Feng Lingyue were married to me, the former is a real husband and wife, but the latter Feng Lingyue is not.

In addition, there is Meng Xiaoniang, who I like very much.

Anyway, these are the nine women, and I don't want to be perfect.

From now on, I will no longer continue to mess around, my emotional life ends here, and I will devote myself to Doomsday.

Then you should get along well with these nine daughters-in-law, and it's best not to favor anyone. After all, women are jealous, right, mom?"

Mother Meng Liang couldn't help but kick Meng Liang because he said bad things about women.

After that, she felt complicated. Oh my god, she became the mother-in-law of so many women and had several in-laws. This situation was quite chaotic.

As for Chen Xiaomei, Qu Xiaolan, and Meng Xiaoniang.

None of the three women had said anything to Meng Liang yet.

But Meng Liang was determined to take them in.

Now that they were all together, Meng Liang was not in a hurry to take action against them. After all, they still had to adapt to each other.

Meng Liang took the smartest approach, ruling by inaction.

He returned directly to the first world to find the black demon. She was the culprit.

Meng Liang killed the demon of life and obtained the seal of the demon of life, which could control the number and quality of children.


Meng Liang was dumbfounded at the time. What kind of ability was this?

The system gave an explanation.

[For example, if you want Qu Jiaolan to get pregnant, you can directly choose the number of children to be born. You can choose from 1 to 10 pregnancy protections. You can also choose how many boys and girls to have. You can also set the perfect genes for the children, and the children born can get super attributes.]

Meng Liang was almost petrified when he heard it.

This is really abnormal, but this ability is also too useless.

I can only say that the virtual data world is really omnipotent.

In the end, Meng Liang thought that this might be a good thing.

The current 350 world is also stable. Going back to clean up the first world, build a stable base there, let everyone live there, and it is time to have a few children to play with, so that parents can hold grandchildren, that is also a mission.

And you can choose to have a boy or a girl, I guess women will like it too?

Thinking of this, Meng Liang became much happier. He no longer cared about how women felt now. He decided to go out and hide for a while. As for Qu Jiaolan Qu Xiaolan, Chen Mei'er Chen Xiaomei, Luo Yuhuan Luo Xiaohuan, and other people, how to get along, that is their business. I believe that time can solve all problems.

After Meng Liang returned to the first world, he first arranged the battle deployment and held a two-day meeting with all the commanders. The soldiers had not been fully mobilized, and there was no news about the black magic.

After arranging everything, Meng Liang left. He couldn't waste time and had to collect more worlds.

The 13th world, a world where humans are stronger than zombies even though the apocalypse broke out two years ago.

The human parameters here are very strong, there are more than 40 first-level gods, and it is said that there is also a middle-level god.

After the system told Meng Liang about this, Meng Liang was excited and ran over immediately.

Thinking that if he could get these gods, it would be like adding wings to a tiger.

At that time, the combat power will be even stronger, and it will be like playing to clear the zombies in the first world!

It can also be seen from the living demons that the so-called twelve fantasy demons, whether they are strong or not, is determined by the data.

The living demons of the first-level gods will die if they are besieged by five first-level gods!

So if there are dozens of first-level gods around him, it must not be difficult to kill the black demon.

After thinking this, Meng Liang immediately set off and went to the 13th world, the Ors God Mountain. This is where the ruler of this world lives, known as the mountain of gods!

Meng Liang stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. He could see all kinds of buildings in the middle of the mountain. It was really a high-rise building, Hao Hongwei!

It turned out that this was originally a mythical world.

The God King Eddie had lived for 500 years before the outbreak of the doomsday.

The God King's wife Gulana lived for 200 years.

The God King has twelve children, known as the twelve golden body guardians, guarding a road up the mountain, forming the twelve golden palaces. If you want to go up the mountain, the only way is to defeat the twelve palace masters.

This is the dead setting of this world, and the parameters cannot be changed. Even Meng Liang wants to see the God King.

Meng Liang was speechless when he heard casually saying this. He couldn't help but think of the cartoons he watched when he was a child. Saint Seiya, this is too shit, right?

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