God is too powerful, so he is unscrupulous.

But they are just powerful people, without godhood, and have not given up human greed.

Now God has created a new game, capturing the elderly from the Knight Village, using energy to enter their memories, finding the most vulnerable parts of their lives, torturing them, and thus gaining pleasure.

God is omnipotent, and ordinary evil cannot satisfy his pleasure.

The Heavenly Palace is magnificent, but in the corner of the palace, there is also the darkest cell.

Jia Sinian is 74 years old and still in good health. He was caught here a few days ago. After waking up, his limbs were tied up with chains and hung up.

There was no one around, so Jia Sinian naturally didn't know where this was, and he would never have thought that this would be the Heavenly Palace! It is the place where the god he believes in is.

Jia Sinian believes in the gods, and his biggest dream in life is to see the gods.

At this time, a person in the darkness was speaking.

Jia Sinian couldn't see the person in the darkness, nor did he know his identity.

Simply listening to him speak, you can feel the other party's majesty.

"A person's life is long, Jia Sinian, is your life long?"

"Who are you?"

Jia Sinian spoke to the darkness in an old and low voice.

The voice in the darkness said:

"You don't need to know who I am, I just want to explore your life. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎Hehe, on the surface, you are an honest man with a sense of responsibility. You have never made a mistake in your life. You are a good husband in the eyes of your wife, a good elder in the eyes of your children and grandchildren, a good neighbor in the eyes of your neighbors, and a trustworthy person in the eyes of your relatives and friends.

It's amazing. You are a rare good person. You have basically never done anything wrong. This is not easy. But is your heart really like this?

When you were twenty-one years old, you wandered in front of Widow Wang's door for a night. The evil thoughts in your heart made you look like a thug.

When you were twenty-four, you stole five hundred big bucks from your neighbor, causing his family to be broken up. Did you feel guilty afterwards?

When you were twenty-seven, you..."

The voice spoke carefully, from young to old, for a full hour, saying all the dark thoughts of Jia Sinian, making Jia Sinian tremble and terrified.

He couldn't understand why the other party knew all his thoughts and could spy on his memory. What kind of ability is this.

"You are... You are God?"

Jia Sinian felt that only God could do such a thing.

"God! Are you here to punish me? Are you punishing me on behalf of justice?"

"Hahaha, you think too much. Of course I'm not. What I want is a group of real werewolves. Since I'm a wolf, why should I be a dog? It's so boring. You are smarter than the others. You guessed my identity directly. It's boring."

After the god finished speaking, he took a step forward and revealed his true face.

Jia Sinian looked at him with admiration.

He was really handsome, like God!

Yes, God should be like this.

He wanted to kneel down to him, but he couldn't do it because his hands and feet were tied.

He could only speak:

"God, how do you want to punish me?"

"I said, it's not a punishment. I want you to be real wolves! Release the wildness that should be in your heart, so that it will be more interesting to return to the world, so this is not only not a punishment, but also a reward."

As he spoke, the god waved his hands, and everything around him lit up.

Jia Sinian saw that there were many cages nearby, and they were locked up with old people. They were all from the Knight Village. Jia Sinian knew some of them. They were all loyal believers of God.

However, they were different from usual. Their faces were a little hideous, their expressions looked very sinister, and there was an evil light in their invisibility.

Jia Sinian suddenly understood what God had just said.

They didn't want them to be sheep, but to be wolves.

That was to release the truest origin of the heart.

But will these wolves be released back to the village?

What will happen next?

A group of old people were originally respected, but after returning, they would frantically realize the dark side they had accumulated throughout their lives. Then the Dragon Rider Village would be in chaos, right?

Jia Sinian was a little dull. He had many dark sides in his life. It was because he believed in God that he hid all the darkness and lived a lifelong life.

But now God actually asked him to take off his coat and stop being a human.

It was too shocking, Jia Sinian couldn't accept it.

But he couldn't stop it.

In the following days, Wuji Tianshen will use various means to torture him, stimulate him, and guide him.

In the end, he will be released back to the village like all the old people.

Every day, old people disappear in the village. One day, these old people will be sent back by Wuji Tianshen.

At that time, Longqi Village will become very interesting. Wuji Tianshen will watch all this quietly in the Heavenly Palace.

This seems to be a bit troublesome.

But for Wuji Tianshen, who is very idle, it is actually quite interesting.

The seven true gods have been at the top of the human pyramid for a long time. They have done all kinds of bad things, and all bad things are boring, so now they are starting to be a little perverted, just like Wuji Zhenshen's tricks to catch the old man, which can add fun.

Wuji Zhenshen is like this, and other true gods are similar.

Meng Liang knows this very well, so his goal is to completely liberate the world from the seven gods and let people get rid of the shackles of the divine society.

Dongsheng District was basically taken by Meng Liang.

Meng Liang underestimated his own strength.

Originally, he thought it would take some time to take over such a huge city as Dongsheng District, but when he united with the Divine Alliance and gave Tang Huangzhi a lot of benefits, he relied on the deterrent power of the Divine Alliance in the city to quickly pave the way and finally gain the right to rule the whole city.

It's a bit regrettable that he still has to rely on the power of the Divine Alliance, which is a bit far from Meng Liang's goal.

And Meng Liang also understood that he completed such an operation in the name of God.

If these people were asked to follow him to fight against the true God, they would definitely not agree.

In a sense, it was not himself who subdued them, but the power of God's faith!

Meng Liang felt that his initial idea was wrong.

It's useless to want to build forces from other cities and eventually lead them to fight against the true God.

If you really want to become the leader of these believers, you can only replace God!

Dongsheng District City, Servis City, Sun City, Prosa City.

These four big cities are surrounded by Longqi Village. Above Longqi Village is the location of Wuji Tianshen, which is 2,000 kilometers away from here.

Meng Liang felt that he could first deal with the three big cities in the same way as he dealt with Dongsheng District, and then go to find Wuji Tianshen, kill him and replace him, so that he could truly gain the faith of the four big cities. With billions of people, he could truly become a hero in this world.

In seven days, Meng Liang recovered the God Alliance of Servis City and Prosa City just like he dealt with Dongsheng District, and also used the God Alliance to quickly complete the management of the two cities.

In the end, the only thing left was the sun setting.

On this day, Meng Liang brought Tang Baobei to Sun City and was going to show his skills again.

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