Tang da'er's voice rang down, Bao Ning bolt and other people were stunned and immediately burst into laughter.

"The fifth smallest Bauhinia? What is he for? "

A lot of eyes were scornful.

Of course, there are more than 50 people on our side, and there are only two people on the other side. People with a little IQ know the outcome of this match. Therefore, Bao Ning bolt is full of confidence.

Luo Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and glanced at Zheng Wei's Willow eyebrows which stopped not far away. After all, Luo Feng was relieved by the fact that the second daughter did not leave. After all, his task was to protect Zheng Wei. If Zheng Wei left, the 50 odd people in front of him would not be able to stop Luo Feng.

To be fair to all, the fighting effectiveness of more than 50 students is not as good as that of more than 20 black fox Gang thugs.

Students, after all, are students, and there is a very different gap between them and the forces who mix up on the road.

"Luo Feng, if you are wise, come up and kowtow to brother Bao. Otherwise, God will not save you." Huang Tianye glanced at Luo Feng with a sneer. Although he had seen Luo Feng's power, he didn't think that Luo Feng could fight 50!

After all, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists.

Luo Feng mouth light Yang, lightly step forward, figure subconsciously pause.

Behind the crowd, a familiar figure flashed away in Luo Feng's eyes and entered the men's bathroom in the corridor.

Director Huang Da!

Luo Feng's sight flashed by.

Now it's time for class to end. Director Huang Da should appear here in such a timely manner.

There is no second reason, except that someone informs them first.

Luo Feng glanced at Bao Ning bolt in his eyes.

In the heart faintly guessed to each other's intrigue.

With so many people to challenge, once they do it by themselves, there is no doubt that director Huang Da will come down from the sky like a God, seize the evidence of his gathering and fighting, and then impose heavy punishment.

On the contrary, if you don't fight back, you will be beaten today.

No matter what Luo Feng chooses, he is destined to enter the trap of Bao Ning bolt.

"It's really worthy of being the eight spirits of Yangcheng. It's really as cunning as a fox spirit." Luo Feng sighed.

Bao Ning bolt's face was gloomy and waved his hand.

Immediately a few people stepped up, like a hungry tiger staring at Luo Feng.

"What are you doing here?"

Just as Luo Feng is thinking about how to deal with this scene, a clear and familiar voice has sounded.

Luo Feng is happy in his heart.

Cousin, you are too timely.

You pity the dream!

At the moment, Jun Lianmeng came over with a stiff face like ice, and her face was so cold that it was amazing. She took a look at Bao Ning Xie and other people, and then looked at Luo Feng. She said in a voice, "classmate Luo Feng, I asked you to come to my office after school. How can you play here?"

Luo Feng quickly nodded, "I'm sorry Mr. Jun, someone stopped me and didn't let me go."

Bao Ning Xie and others could not help but look down.

This guy doesn't talk about the rules of the river and river. It's really contemptuous of him to report to the teacher about such a thing.

Bao Ning bolt snorted, looking at Luo Feng's eyes full of disdain.

The play should be a complete set.

Jun Lian Meng, with a straight face, swept toward Bao Ning bolt and others, frowned, "what's going on? I will not leave after school. I tell you not to bully new students in front of me. Otherwise, I will take you all to the teaching office and let your family lead them! "

Protect the calf!

Luo Feng is protected behind her like a hen guarding her chicks.

Jun Lianmeng knows that these people are absolutely vulnerable to Luo Feng. But she didn't want to make a big deal. After all, this is a school!

She helped Luo Feng out in her own way.

That makes sense.

Luo Feng has just won the first grade in English, Jun Lianmeng's special care for him is also justifiable.

Bao Ning bolt's eyes flashed over for a while.

But now this situation, he can not in front of Jun Lian dream to deal with Luo Feng.

It's only the next time.

But now he did not succeed and taught him a lesson. I'm afraid it will be more difficult for him to prepare.

However, as long as others are still in Bauhinia middle school, we should give this little honest!

Bao Ning bolt's eyes flashed a fierce color.

"Why don't you go yet?" It's cool when someone supports him. Luo Feng looks at Bao Ning bolt with a groan, "brother Sao Bao, do you think Mr. Jun is here to help me? You are so wrong! If I were you, I should say thank you to Mr. Jun now. "

This time, even Jun Lianmeng's eyes are puzzled at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng walked forward with a smile on his face. At this time, a figure just walked out before Luo Feng spoke. He wanted to leave quietly, but he was hit by Luo Feng.

"Hello, director Huang." Luo Feng walked over, bowed deeply, raised his eyes immediately, and looked sad and angry, "director Huang, someone is going to hit me!"How pitiful.

We're making a little report.

In the full view of the public, Huang Da could not avoid it. She bravely stepped forward with a big belly and a solemn look, "what are you all doing here? Let's go. Let's go. "

Huang Da's heart at the moment seems to have eaten Huanglian in a dumb way, and he can't say what he has suffered.

Originally wanted to calculate Luo Feng once, but he was shot again.

"You're not going yet?" Luo Feng Zhen raised his head and said, "with director Huang supporting me, I'm not afraid of you. I have the ability to beat me! See how director Huang punishes you! Right, director Huang. " Luo Feng turns his face.

"Fighting is not allowed in schools. If there is a fight, you will be punished." You pity the dream in one side.

Huang Da's mouth was dark and he nodded. His voice came out slowly, like squeezing out of the stone. "We should punish! If you make a mistake, you will be punished. "

Huang Da felt more subdued than ever before.

I clearly stand on the side of Bao Ning bolt, but how the plot somehow reversed, I now help Luo Feng to discipline Bao Ning Xie and others.

"Director Huang is indeed selfless and insightful. He is really the elite in the leadership team of teachers in Bauhinia middle school." Luo Feng spared no effort to praise.

Bao Ning bolt's face turned black. He clenched his fist and stared at Luo Feng. "You wait."

Then he turned and left.

"Director Huang, he threatened me."

Luo Feng continued to report.

In the eyes of Baoning bolt, this guy has been shameless to the extreme.

Students between the gratitude and resentment, in the case of unnecessary circumstances, in case of school leaders that, it is no doubt that people look down on!

But Luo Feng seems to be proud of it now.

Even before director Huang Da left, he had the audacity to ask for his telephone number. He threatened that he would have to call director Huang Da next time.

Huang Da secretly vowed that after leaving school today, the first thing is to change the card!

On the corridor, a conflict that could erupt at any time was completely resolved.

Tang has not even had time to react.

"Luo Feng, how did you offend Bao Ning Xie?" Jun Lian Meng frowned and asked, "if it wasn't for someone to call me, today's matter could be big or small."

Indeed, if more than 50 students were beaten down by Luo Feng, Huang Dalian would wake up laughing in his dream - this is a strong enough reason to drive Luo Feng out of Bauhinia middle school!

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