Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 14608 Benefits

The Bull Demon Clan will also receive certain benefits. The clansmen born in the Bull Demon Clan may be more suitable for cultivation. Maybe the luck of the clansmen in the Bull Demon Clan will be much better. In short, everything that is conducive to cultivation will It's possible g. "

Li Tian was immediately surprised when he heard what the Bull Demon King said was so miraculous. After taking the clan ring from the Bull Demon King's hand, he put it on his hand and immediately discovered that this clan ring had a certain connection with him. Even at this moment, he had a feeling that this clan ring seemed to have a special ability.

"Is there anything else you haven't told me? I think I can use some of the abilities of this clan ring." Li Tian looked at the Bull Demon King curiously.

As the leader of the Bull Demon Clan, the Bull Demon King must know the secret of this clan ring.

Sure enough, when Li Tian asked such a question, the Bull Demon King immediately slapped his forehead, smiled at Li Tian, ​​and said: "Why have you forgotten this most important thing? In the clan ring, a certain amount of spiritual power will always be accumulated and stored. After reaching a certain limit, this spiritual power can be used by the owner of the clan ring. Using this spiritual power, a powerful offensive skill can be released, and a powerful defensive skill can also be released. How to choose between the two skills, it is decided to focus all efforts on the user of this clan ring."

Hearing this, Li Tian felt it for a while and found that it was indeed the same special feeling as he felt. Knowing that the Bull Demon King had not deceived him, Li Tian felt quite satisfied in his heart, just like the Bull Demon King. The Demon King said: "Okay, if that's the case, I will accept the clan ring. From this moment on, the Bull Demon Clan will be under my command!"

As soon as he said this sentence, there was a swastika symbol on the forehead of the Bull Demon King. Li Tian and King Huntian both saw this unique symbol. They looked at the Bull Demon King and said to him : "What does this symbol mean?"

"This is the unique symbol of the Belonger. It means that we, the Bull Demon Clan, completely surrender to you. You can look at the position of your wrist. There must be such a unique symbol."

Hearing what the Bull Demon King said, Li Tian subconsciously looked at his wrist. Sure enough, an unprecedented rich man appeared somewhere, exactly the same as the symbol on the Bull Demon King's forehead, except that the color of his symbol was golden. , and the symbol on the Bull Demon King's forehead is bright red, and there is a certain difference. It seems that Li Tian's symbol is more advanced.

"Then let's go. I asked the leader of the monkey clan to leave before, and when she left, I gave her a large number of elixirs. If these elixirs are completely used on the monkey clan, I am afraid that the clan leader will be in trouble. Many powerful monkey generals will be born. The appearance of these generals should increase the strength of the monkey clan a lot. By then, we may have to launch a war against you, the Bull Demon Clan. Since you have now become my subordinate race, This kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen.”

Li Tian considered the matter quite comprehensively and told the Bull Demon King his thoughts.

Now that the Bull Demon Clan completely belongs to Li Tian, ​​the Bull Demon King has no worries about the future of the Bull Demon Clan. After hearing Li Tian's instructions, he immediately agreed with it and said: "I agree with your statement. We Are you going to explain this matter to the monkey clan now?"

Li Tian nodded and said to Hun: "You try to contact the leader of the Spirit Monkey Clan and ask him to stay in the clan for the time being. We will go find him."

He was afraid that without notification in advance, the leader of the Spirit Monkey Clan might leave to mobilize troops. This was definitely not a situation he wanted to see.

King Huntian understood what Li Tian meant and immediately agreed: "I understand, Master, I will contact the clan leader right away."

As the holy son of the monkey clan, he had a unique way to contact the leader of the monkey clan, so he started contacting him immediately.

Not long after, King Huntian told Li: "Sir, I have already contacted you. We can go there at any time now."

"Well, let's go there."

Nodding, Li Tian and the Bull Demon King beside him yelled, and then left with the two of them.

Their speed was very fast, and when they appeared, they came directly to the territory of the monkey clan.

But when the Niu Demon King, the leader of the Niu Demon Clan, appeared, it still caused some unnecessary trouble. Several monkey generals surrounded the Niu Demon King, even though Li Tian and King Huntian had guaranteed that the Niu Demon King would not It's still useless to do anything extraordinary.

For the time being, it seems that although King Huntian has become the Holy Son of the Spirit Monkey Clan, it is still difficult to completely make the people of the Spirit Monkey Clan obey his command.

This is understandable. After all, King Huntian has only become the Holy Son of the Monkey Clan not long ago. Many people may not be able to remember the face of King Huntian and what he said about obeying the Holy Son.

"I'm really sorry, Holy Son. It's true that the leader of the Bull Demon Clan, the Bull Demon King, is a scheming person. We're afraid that you will be controlled by him, so please wait a moment, and we will go in and inform the clan leader. Let’s sort things out here.”

A monkey general said respectfully to Hun, clasped fists with Li Tian, ​​and left after getting their permission.

The rest of the monkey generals just gathered around the Bull Demon King for the time being, but they did not dare to be disrespectful to Li Tian and King Huntian.

"Where are the Holy Son and Lord Li Tian?"

While the two of them were waiting, the voice of the leader of the Spirit Monkey Clan rang out very anxiously, and then they saw the leader of the Spirit Monkey Clan looking like a dragon, moving quickly towards where Li Tian and King Huntian were. come over.

After arriving in front of the two of them, he glanced at the motionless Bull Demon King and apologized to Li Tian: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Li Tian, ​​our monkey clan members are so ignorant that we actually I didn’t listen to you and blocked you.”

As he spoke, he turned to teach the monkey generals behind him.

Li Tian knew that this was for his own benefit, so he didn't say anything. After the old patriarch taught him a lesson, he said, "It's okay. These monkey generals are also thinking about the comfort of your monkey clan. It's just that I have one thing to tell the clan leader. Regarding the war between your two clans, I think it’s time to end it.” .

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