Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 1359 The smell of rancidity

Although Tianluo and Disha both felt that there was something strange about Luan Mountain at this moment, they had no idea what to do.

The road must continue to be walked, and the journey ahead must continue.

So they just talked about it now. Although they were shocked in their hearts, they still had to move forward.

The two of them crossed the lake in front of them, then pushed through the dense jungle in front of them. By this time, they had reached the foot of Luan Mountain.

In front of them are towering mountains with an altitude of several thousand meters, and under the foot of the mountains are thousands of densely packed caves.

Looking at the natural caves in front of them, the demons in front of them stood there in complete shock.

No one knows how deep those caves are, and no one knows what is inside. The only thing that can be seen is that the dark entrances of the caves exude a sinister atmosphere, as if they carry an ominous atmosphere. It feels like it.

When seeing these many caves, the evil spirit in front of me suddenly asked: "Which one is the devil's cave?"

"It is said that among the thousands of caves, there is one largest cave... which is the so-called Demon Cave." Tianluo said while blinking.

The Disha frowned slightly: "Really?"

"Well, it should be."

"Come on, let's go up and have a look." The two of them said as they walked forward.

Some of the caves in front are naturally formed. The rocks at the cave entrances are so hideous that it is impossible to enter. Some are caves burned by lava during volcanic eruptions... The edges of the cave entrances are all burnt black. Stone.

Just when Tianluo and Disha were looking for this "Devil's Cave", Tianluo suddenly raised his eyes and saw at a glance that there was a huge cave on the far left, with many miscellaneous things clinging to the entrance. Grass, if you look casually, you can't see it at all.

But if you stand in front of it and look at it, you will find that this cave is so huge.

"Desha, come here." Tian Luo suddenly exclaimed in front of him.

After hearing Tianluo's voice, the Disha walked over quickly.

But I saw Luo standing alone in front of the cave that day... looking at the cave carefully with a pair of cold eyes.

"What's wrong?" Disha who ran over quickly looked at Tianluo and asked.

But Jian Tianluo pointed at the cave in front of him and said, "I guess... I guess, this is the devil's cave where that monster is imprisoned."

When the beast heard this, he was immediately horrified.

"How do you know?" Disha asked quickly.

Tianluo pointed at the granite stone next to the entrance of the cave in front and said, "Look here..."

The demon blinked and looked, only to see a palm print printed on the white granite stone.

Who would have thought that such a hard granite stone could be used to make such a deep handprint with the palm of one's hand? horrible.

The evil spirit opened his eyes wide when he saw the situation in front of him and said, "My dear, is this the devil's cave?"

"should be."

"It seems that we two brothers have found it." Tianluo, who was wearing a coat of paint, said slightly.

The Disha in front of him didn't speak, he just stared at the hole in front of him with his eyes wide open.

The two of them stood at the entrance of this "Devil's Cave". Unknowingly, they both felt a sinister feeling all over their bodies, as if the deep sinister feeling came from the entrance of this "Devil's Cave". .

I saw that the Disha couldn't help but shiver at this moment, and murmured in his mouth: "Damn, why do I feel so cold on my body..."

Tian Luo ignored him and remained silent for a while.

Then he glanced at the overgrown "Devil's Cave" entrance and said, "Let's go in."

The Disha didn't say anything and nodded silently from behind, so the two of them began to plan to enter the "Devil's Cave" in front of them.

Tian Luo was seen walking in the front, his eyes were sharp and vicious, and the weird tattoos covering his face gave people a feeling of terror, while Disha was following him.

As Tian Luo slowly opened the dense grass, he entered the devil's cave step by step.

At this moment, the Disha also followed closely.

The moment they entered the devil's cave, a deep chill rushed over the two of them, making their hair stand on end.

And after walking into the devil's cave in front of them, they discovered that there was a whole other world inside this devil's cave.

The light came in from nowhere, it was extremely bright, and the space inside was huge, like a huge abandoned cave.

Many large bluestones appeared around like ferocious monsters.

And this "Devil's Cave" is also very deep. Tianluo and Disha in front of them are walking forward step by step along the stone road in front.

Both of them seemed extremely cautious.

After passing through a bunch of ferocious rocks, they had reached the place ahead, but as the two of them walked forward, they could smell a putrid smell that hit their nostrils.

The putrid smell was extremely unpleasant, just like the smell of a rotting corpse.

When he smelled the stench that hit his nostrils, the Disha suddenly covered his nose tightly and said, "Damn it, what a smell...it stinks to death."

Tian Luo, who was in front, was also covering his nose tightly with his hands at this moment, frowning secretly, and thinking to himself: Why does it smell so bad?

As the two of them covered their noses and walked step by step along the stone road full of putrid smell, Tianluo suddenly saw the source of the smell of corpses.


Suddenly Tianluo screamed! Just when he screamed, the Disha was also completely stunned. He opened his unbelievable eyes and looked at the source of the smell of corpses in front of him.

But what is the place in front of me?

There were actually animal carcasses all over the ground... including wild deer, dead pigs, pheasants and the like.

Those animals were piled up in rows in front...but these animals were all dead. All the meat and blood in their bodies were gone, and some were just skeletons piled all over the floor.

Flies were buzzing around the corpses, and the stench was extremely unpleasant. At this moment, Tianluo and Disha were horrified after seeing the corpses of animals all over the ground.

"How could these animals...die here? It stinks to death." I heard Disha ask in a shocked voice. He covered his nose tightly as he spoke, but despite this, the pungent stench was still suppressed by the smell. He smelled it.

That day Luo was also filled with shock. He looked at the corpses of the animals in front of him and shook his head slightly.

"Maybe he was killed by something." Tianluo said suddenly.

The evil spirit in front of him covered his nose and asked, "Killing so many animals...? Who?"

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