Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 188 That touch of charm

Suddenly hearing Duanmu Lei in front of her say this, her eyes turned cold for an instant.

"What did you say?" The soft voice just now turned into a cold current in an instant.

Duanmu Lei stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his head, and said quickly: "I saw him attack with my own eyes two days ago. The moves he used were very similar to our Duanmu family's Rashomon Kung Fu..."

"Impossible! How could outsiders know our Duanmu family's kung fu?" Duanmu Ying said firmly.

Duanmu Lei hurriedly said: "I didn't believe it at first, but after I looked carefully, I found out that he was using our family's own martial arts. When the move was executed, it gave off a terrifying and violent energy. He is absolutely the same as the top master in our family.”

When Duanmu Lei said this, her beautiful eyes turned.

I thought to myself: "Is what he said true? How can someone with a foreign surname know the martial arts of the Duanmu family?"

"Who is he?" Duanmuying asked in shock.

"That boy's name is Li Tian! He is in Kyoto City now. And I know where he lives."

As Duanmu Lei said this, Sakura smiled.

"good very good."

"Tell me his address. I want to meet this person. I want to see how a person with a foreign surname can know the Kung Fu of our family." Duanmuying said in a cold voice.

"If he really knows how to do it, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"It is absolutely impossible for an outsider to learn our family's martial arts, not anyone."

When the cold words came out of Sakura's mouth, they were filled with murderous intent.

She was like a poisonous poppy flower, exuding an evil murderous aura.

So Duanmu Lei told Duanmu Ying everything about Li Tian.

"Miss Ying, can you not kill me now? Go back and beg for mercy from your father, the head of the family..." Duanmu Lei was lying on the ground like a dog begging.


The head of the family? dad?

who is she?

She turned out to be the daughter of the head of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Ying.

No wonder even Ao Kui became her bodyguard. No wonder Duanmu Lei was as frightened as he saw a life-threatening ghost when he saw her.

Duanmuying suddenly laughed when she heard what he said.

Her smile was more beautiful than the most beautiful flower in the world, and then under her smile, her delicate hand tied with a red string moved strangely.

The cold blade held in the palm of his hand stabbed into Duan Mu Lei's heart.

Duanmu Lei's eyes suddenly widened, and the black pupils in his eyes were particularly dilated due to excessive shock... Then his body suddenly convulsed like a lamb going crazy, fell to the ground, tilted his head, and died.

When he died, there was still a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

A strange woman with a smile as bright as a cherry blossom and murder as vicious as a poppy is so terrifying.

After killing Duanmu Lei in front of him, Ao Kui, who had been standing quietly at the back, began to clean up the corpses in the room.

Fang Hai, who was lying on the ground and watching this terrifying woman kill Duanmu Lei with all her movements, was so frightened that he didn't even dare to express his anger. He was trembling all over as if he had seen a ghost.

But even if he held his breath, he couldn't escape her eyes.

Glancing at Fang Hai, who was extremely frightened, Ao Kui suddenly turned around and said, "Miss Ying, what should I do with him?" He pointed at Fang Hai with one hand.


An understatement came out from her scarlet lips.

Then she walked out of the door in front of her without even looking.

As soon as he walked out, he heard Fang Hai screaming from inside the room.

Standing on the corridor outside, she brushed her light hair, and then played with the transparent jade pendant tied with a red string on her right wrist.

Singing softly in his mouth: Who knows how long the cherry blossoms will be blooming, and the rouge will be like blood...

The voice is sad but not sad, and it sounds so beautiful.

Who can imagine what kind of woman is this woman who killed three people with just a few moves and is still here singing a song... No one knows.

Ao Kui was like a master at disposing of corpses. Soon the corpses of the two men outside the door, as well as the corpses of Fang Hai and Duan Mu Lei were all disposed of.

All fingerprints, clues, etc. that should have been left in the room were removed.

And it was made to look like a home invasion and robbery...

After tidying up everything in the house, Ao Kui followed Duanmu Ying and walked towards the Haocheng Hotel.

Her figure disappeared...and the rouge disappeared with it.

Maybe the next person she is looking for is Li Tian.

After all, she had already learned from the dead Duanmu Lei that besides the members of the Duanmu family, there were other people with other surnames who knew Rashomon's martial arts. This was absolutely unacceptable to the dark Duanmu family, which was always known to be mysterious in the outside world. Allowed.


After Li Tian decided to go to the south, he was determined to find Duanmu Lei.

Because he wanted to learn about the Duanmu family from Duanmu Lei's mouth.

It is said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be undefeated in a hundred battles. Although Li Tian doesn't know what will happen if he goes to the south next? But at least he had to be fully prepared for everything.

Now in his mind, besides Situ Ningbing, there was still Situ Ningbing.

He couldn't forget her pale face and the black blood spitting out of her mouth. Every time he thought about it, he felt inexplicably distressed.

He suddenly realized that he really cared about Situ Ningbing.

Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that Duanmu Lei seemed to have evaporated from the world. In the past two days, he and Shen Feng had not found anyone to find clues about Duanmu Lei, but the results were all in vain, which made him very depressed.

Sitting in Xia Xue's small restaurant.

Just listen to Shen Fengdao say: "Is that bastard hiding? We have been looking for him for so long and still can't find him."

Li Tian on one side frowned solemnly and said nothing.

It took a while before he said, "It's very possible."

"After the two members of the Seven Evils Organization and Xue Pan who were with him are defeated, they will probably not stay in Kyoto City anymore. Maybe Duan Mu Lei's family has really left."


"If he leaves, I won't be angry yet." Shen Feng said angrily.

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard today's legal news being played on the TV in the Xia Xue Hotel.

In addition to Li Tian and Shen Feng, there were two tables of people eating there.

At this moment, only one person was heard pointing at the TV and saying: "Look, another person died... Hey, this Kyoto city is quite chaotic."

The sound was so loud that both Li Tian and Shen Feng heard it.

At this moment, the two of them not only turned their heads and turned their attention to the TV in front of them.

I saw a female host on the TV channel reporting the situation live: Dear viewers in front of the TV, good afternoon, I am reporting live for you at the Haocheng Hotel. This morning, we received a call from the hotel staff The police discovered that a vicious serial murder case had occurred in the Haocheng Hotel. There were four people dead in total, and their bodies were too horrific to look at. According to relevant sources, the victims were suspected of being robbed in their rooms. According to police sources, they may have been killed by robbery... The name of the deceased was written on the hotel door login: Duanmu. Lei, and the other person is a fugitive suspect: Fang Hai... Regarding the next step, the police have not revealed too much yet...

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