Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 2228 I am a blood hunter

When they heard this blond-haired guy suddenly calling himself "Blood Hunter", the evil god, Dugu Xie and others in front of them were stunned.

But seeing the evil god with a cold face, he asked coldly: "What did you say you are?"

The blond-haired young man rushed over and said, "I am a blood hunter."

"He is a person who specializes in hunting vampires." The guy said.

When the brothers heard what this guy suddenly said, they looked at him in surprise.

But Tang Xiaolong glanced at the blond-haired guy with disdain and said, "You're the only one who still hunts blood? And you hunt vampires? Are you kidding me?"

When the blond-haired guy heard this, he immediately became unhappy and said, "I am really a blood hunter."

"I am a figure from the Sun Pope..." said the Tao in front of him.

After hearing what this guy said, the evil god, the ghost servant and others frowned and asked, "Sun Pope? We have never heard of it."

But when the blond-haired guy heard what the Evil God and the others said, he quickly explained: "Our Sun Pope is originated in Europe and has a history of several thousand years... Our existence is to kill the evil ones. Vampires, you haven’t heard of our Pope’s name, it’s actually normal.”

"You lied!" Tang Xiaolong said in disbelief,

"I don't think you are a good guy at first sight. You stay in this room sneakily... and you even attack our evil seniors... How dare you claim to be a member of the Sun Cult? Damn it, you are a bad guy. ." Tang Xiaolong cursed at the blond-haired guy.

When the blond-haired foreign guy heard what Tang Xiaolong said, he immediately seemed aggrieved and explained: "I'm really not a bad person."

"And the reason why I attacked you just now...is because I thought you were evil vampires."

"You have to know that this town has been completely trampled by the damn Heiyi vampires... I came here just to find those evil vampires and then eliminate them, but I didn't expect that you would come here, so I just took action rashly." The foreign guy explained.

Tang Xiaolong certainly didn't believe it when he heard it. He was about to continue talking, but saw the evil god suddenly stopped Tang Xiaolong.

After the evil god stopped Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaolong stopped talking and stared angrily at the foreigner.

But seeing the evil god, he slowly raised his eyes and looked at the guy in front of him who claimed to be "blood hunter".

Asked: "You just said that all the humans in this town were killed by vampires?"

But the foreign guy nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, yes, it was the evil vampire from the Heiyi tribe who did it."

"Heiyi Clan? Vampire?" Upon hearing this, the evil god in front of him frowned slightly.

When the brothers and the evil god were in Binjiang City, they only knew about the vampires of the Toledo family and the vampires of the Gangro family, but they had never heard of the vampires of the Heiyi family. Now I heard about this self-proclaimed "blood hunter". "The guy suddenly mentioned the name of a weird "vampire". Of course, the evil god in front of him found it extremely strange.

But seeing the blond-haired foreign guy there, he said, "Yes, it's the ugly thing from the Heiyi tribe."

"The Heiyi Clan are the ugliest and lowest vampires among the thirteen clans. Their faces are ugly and twisted, and they can be called extremely evil. They live in underground sewers... burrow into graves, and then attack humans... Do no evil."

Listening to what this blond-haired gringo said, the evil god and brothers in front of him were stunned.

I thought to myself, is what this guy said true or false?

Is it a liar? Still true.

The evil gods have indeed heard of the thirteen clans of the Vampire Clan, but is the story about the vampires of the Heiyi Clan true or false? They really don't know.

"Then tell me, why do the vampires from the Heiyi clan suddenly attack humans here?" The evil god continued to ask.

But when he saw the blond-haired foreigner, he said, "That's because the vampire war has broken out."

"The evil side is currently attacking the Justice League."

When Xie Shen and the others heard this, they felt more and more strange.

"The vampire war breaks out? Evil attacks the Justice League again?" None of the brothers understood what this guy was talking about.

But seeing that the gringo in front of him saw that his brothers didn't understand, he sighed and said, "Hey, it seems that you really don't know anything."

"Well, let me tell you this simply... In Western countries, there are many dark vampires. These dark vampires have existed from ancient times to the present... They each reproduce and survive. They are divided into ten Three clans. Some of these thirteen vampire clans are good, and some are evil. Among them, the Gangaro family is the most evil. They slaughter humans and always want to annex the world. ...let the darkness spread around the entire world, but what about the side of justice? The leaders of them are the Toledo family, the Bren family, etc... But it is a pity that the current Justice League has They were completely wiped out by the evil party... Among them, the major clans of the Justice League have all been massacred by the Gangro family and the Heiyi clan... Only the Toledo family is left to resist tenaciously... "

As the foreigner in front of them said this, the evil gods finally believed that this guy might really be the so-called "blood hunter".

After all, he can name the "Gangro Family" and the Toledo Family.

"Is everything you said true?" Evil God asked.

The blond-haired gringo said, "Of course it's true."

"The villagers in this small town were all killed by the ugly vampires of the Heiyi Clan." said the blond-haired man in front of him.

The evil god finally understood everything after hearing this.

No wonder the death of the villagers in this small town was so ugly, their internal organs seemed to have been chewed clean, and even their heads had changed shape.

It turns out that this place is really the work of dark vampires.

But after hearing what the blond-haired guy said, the Evil God suddenly sighed and said: "It seems that this place was indeed attacked by vampires... No wonder, when we were in Catania, there were buses at the train station. All stations have stopped sending trains to here.”

After the evil god said this, the brothers in front of him understood everything instantly.


All of this was done by vampires.

When the brothers heard the word vampire, they felt angry and hateful in their hearts.

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