Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 2315 Blood


They finally reached the foot of the Immortal Mountains.

The surrounding rocks were ferocious, huge rocks fell to the ground piece by piece, and the raised mountains were each thousands of meters high.

Looking at the surrounding mountains, the evil god frowned slightly.

"This Immortal Mountain Range is surrounded by mountains... Where are the vampires hiding?" the evil god muttered.

Hearing what the evil god said, the brothers were also puzzled, because they couldn't see what could be hidden in such a mountain range.

"Yes, are those vampires hiding in this mountain?" Xue Wuhen on the other side asked.

"No!" Suddenly the blood hunter David over there said.

After Xue Wuhen heard what the foreigner David said, he asked, "Why?"

"Because what vampires fear most is the sun... so if they want to hide, they must hide in a dark place, or in a dark cave. They will never expose their bodies to the sun, because that way If they do, they will definitely die." David explained in front of him.

After hearing what David said, Xue Wuhen frowned and secretly said: "Then... those vampires are in the cave?"

As he spoke, his eyes looked at the surrounding mountains.

David nodded and said, "It should be."

"And during the day, when the vampires are at their weakest, they are usually resting." David added.

After hearing what David said, Tang Xiaolong over there smiled and said, "Don't you mean to say that daytime is the best time to deal with vampires?"

Then David said, "Yes."

"But it is extremely difficult to find traces of the vampire... You have also seen that the Immortal Mountains are so big, it will definitely be difficult to find them." David said in front of him.

Duguxie suddenly interjected at this moment: "Don't worry about this."

"We have one day, I don't believe we can't find any traces of those damn vampires..."

After they said this, the evil god spoke slightly.

Just listen to what he said: "It seems that our first task is to find traces of those vampires!"

In front of us, it is obvious that those vampires are hiding in the Immortal Mountains, but where exactly are they hiding? Neither the evil god nor the brothers knew very well.

So after thinking about it for a while, the Evil God directly ordered the brothers: "Everyone separate from now on and start searching... to see if there are any weird caves around."

After the evil god said this, the brothers nodded one by one, and then began to search everywhere.

Along the foothills of the Immortal Mountains, they began to search for traces of vampires bit by bit.

Surrounded by mountains and boulders, finding a cave is not easy.

But no matter what, this is the only hope for the evil god and his brothers to find Li Tian... They can only search at the moment.

In the barren Immortal Mountains, the evil god and his brothers were seen searching there bit by bit like ants.

After several days of traveling, Baihua Fairy, Situ Ningbing, Duanmu Ying and other beauties were exhausted.

However, no one of them said they were suffering or tired now. Even the previously delicate Duanmu Ying was gritting her teeth and carefully looking for the flashes around her.

Fragrant sweat fell from the pretty faces of several beauties. After wiping the sweat beads, they continued to search.

The sun was getting higher and higher, scorching the evil god and his brothers mercilessly.

Xiaohuan, the girl who was following Duanmuying, seemed to be exhausted and panting...

When Duanmuying saw Xiaohuan's hard work, she couldn't help but said to Xiaohuan, "Xiaohuan, you go and have a rest first."

When Xiaohuan heard what Duanmuying said, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her red cheeks and said, "Miss, I'm fine..."

Hearing what Xiaohuan said stubbornly, Duanmu Ying raised her eyebrows and said, "Damn girl... listen to me. Go and have a rest. Look, how tired are you?"

Hearing Duanmuying lose her temper, Xiaohuan muttered: "But...but...Miss, aren't you tired?"

Duanmuying said: "I'm not tired! Don't worry, you can go over there and rest by yourself first..."

As she spoke, Duanmuying pointed to a shady spot on a protruding rock not far ahead, facing the small ring road.

Xiaohuan is indeed very tired. The rush of traveling these past few days has completely overwhelmed the girl. Coupled with the scorching sun at this moment, Xiaohuan really can't support it any longer.

After thinking about it, Xiaohuan nodded and said, "Okay, miss, I will listen to you."

As she spoke, she walked with heavy steps towards the shady place at the foot of the mountain step by step.

Xiao Huan walked towards the highest mountain range here alone.

I don’t know why, but as Xiaohuan walked closer, he could smell a pungent smell of blood...

Such a smell made Na Xiaohuan find it unbearable. She covered her nose and blinked her round eyes at the place in front of her that smelled of blood.

Upon closer inspection, Xiaohuan discovered that the bloody smell seemed to be coming from inside the rock.

Thinking like this, Xiaohuan felt more and more weird, so he blinked his round eyes and looked carefully at the mountain that exuded the smell of blood.

Suddenly, in the rock gap in front, there was a large pool of extremely scarlet blood...

And the pungent smell of blood came out from the cracks in the rock.

After Xiaohuan saw this situation, he suddenly screamed in fear.


A cry came out of her mouth.

As Xiaohuan screamed, Duanmuying, Baihua Fairy and others who were looking for the cave were suddenly startled.


After Duanmuying heard her little girl's cry, she was startled, and then quickly ran towards the small ring.

The beautiful Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing, and the Baihua Fairy all ran over after seeing what happened over Xiaohuan.

"Xiaohuan, what's wrong? What happened to you?" Duanmuying, who was running over, panting, asked the girl Xiaohuan with concern.

But Xiaohuan's face turned pale, and he pointed to the crack in the stone in front of him and said, "Blood...blood..."

After hearing what Xiaohuan said, Duanmu Ying was stunned for a moment, then blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at that place.

But what I saw spilling out from the cracks in the stone was indeed scarlet blood...

And the smell of rotting bloody corpses emanates from here.

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