Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3216 Death Note

With this thought in Li Tian's mind, the "Red Slash" in his hand and the nine-color corpse crystal in his arms actually changed slightly following Li Tian's original intention.

Just figured out one thing, Li Tian didn't expect that he would resonate with "Red Slash" and Nine Color Corpse Crystal, and this small resonance actually made Li Tian's strength increase a little bit.

"Go directly to the Rising Sun Building and walk in a straight line. We won't avoid anyone or any zombie we meet!" Li Tian said to Bai Jing and Situ Ningbing.

"Brother Tian, ​​why have you suddenly figured it out? I've long said that we should do this! When we encounter zombies, we can just have a good fight. Are we still afraid of them?" Manzi is most satisfied with Li Tian's decision. , immediately showed a silly smile and said with a smile.

Situ Ningbing nodded without any hesitation and said, "It's up to you, but do you know the location of Rising Sun Building?"

Bai Jing put the sniper rifle on his shoulder and said with a heroic look: "We passed by a bookstore just now. I wonder if there is a city map in it. Maybe we can go to that bookstore and take a look!"

Li Tian and others returned and entered the bookstore.

The bookstore is open on the street. The door is locked from the inside and some wooden boards are put on the outside. It can be seen that before the end of the world, the owner of this store has also made some basic defenses.

After three years of exposure to wind and sun, the wooden planks were already somewhat rotten, and were damaged by a few barbarian kicks.

Regarding the door lock, Manzi was even more violent. He took out his pistol and fired three shots before breaking the lock.

With a "crash" sound, the security door was opened, and as soon as the light came in, some dust was flying in the room.

The bookstore is not too small, about fifty or sixty square meters.

Walking into the bookstore, there is a pile in the middle, which is filled with various magazines, including clothing magazines, literary magazines, etc. After passing through the pile, there are rows of neat bookshelves.

The labels on the bookshelves are still very clear. The outermost ones are naturally the most popular student review materials and student tools.

"Li, do you smell a rotten smell?" Situ Ningbing asked warily.

Situ Ningbing said this, and others also smelled this smell to a greater or lesser extent.

"Manzi, two-dimensional, take a look around! Bai Jing, Ning Bing, you two hurry up and find the map. I will be responsible for guarding the door." Li Tian said to several people.

"Okay!" The group of people immediately dispersed and began to carry out Li Tian's orders.

After a while, Li Tian heard the shouts of Manzi and Two-dimensional. "Brother Tian, ​​come here and take a look!"

Following the voices of Manzi and Qiwei, Li Tian and the other three came to the two rows of bookshelves at the back. One row of these two rows of bookshelves contained comics, and the other row contained online novels.

In the middle of the two rows of bookshelves, there lay a corpse, a skeleton to be precise. The skeleton was covered with several books, and there were several wine bottles and a medicine bottle poured beside it.

"She committed suicide by taking sleeping pills!" Situ Ningbing said calmly when she saw the medicine bottle.

"Why commit suicide?" Manzi asked puzzledly.

"There is another diary here!" Qiwei picked up a notebook that fell on the ground, dusted it off and handed it to Li Tian and said.

Opening the diary, Li Tian casually looked through the life of the deceased recorded in the diary.

The front of the diary was filled with records almost every day, describing the emotional entanglement of the deceased's crush on a girl. Li Tian did not read the diary carefully.

The last few pages of the diary record what happened after the apocalypse broke out.

"She is dead. She died like that in front of me, watching the walking zombies tear her into pieces and eat her in front of me, but I was powerless! I really am not a man..."

"Another day has passed! This day passed so slowly. Her smiles and smiles kept echoing in my mind. I thought she must be blaming me for my cowardice. I was about to collapse. I don't know how long I can hold on..."

"It's been almost a week. I've been hiding in this place for a whole week. All the food has been eaten, there is only wine. I feel like I am going to die. Maybe it is the best choice to go to that world to find her..."

"Last night, I had a very restless sleep. The walking dead seemed to have discovered it and kept banging on the security door. I couldn't hold on any longer. I decided that I was going to find her. In that world, we would definitely be able to live happily. Together..."

After reading the diary, Li Tian felt really unhappy. Following Manzi's question just now, he said: "Not everyone is as heartless as you. When life encounters sudden changes, many people's psychological endurance is limited. When encountering In the last days of this sudden change, there will be many people who choose to take this path.”

Bai Jing showed a sad expression on his face and said: "At least he was happy. He could die in his favorite place. Before he died, he could drink his favorite wine, read his favorite books, and then die without any pain. , this can be considered a relief!”

"What a pity! Have you found the map?" Li Tian asked.

Situ Ningbing and Bai Jing nodded at the same time. Situ Ningbing took out a map from his backpack and said, "It's the map of Fancheng. Although it's a little worn, it's still usable! We just took a look and found the Rising Sun Building. It’s located in the center of Fancheng City, almost twenty miles away from us.”

The distance of twenty miles could easily be reached by taking a taxi before the end of the world. But now is the end of the world, and if you want to get to the Rising Sun Building, you can only cross it on foot.

"Let's plan it out. The distance of twenty miles is not that close, especially when we have to pass through the center of the city where zombies can appear at any time. I plan to use two days to enter the city center step by step, and then use one day to complete these two steps. Personal mission. After the mission is completed and delayed, we will use one day to leave Fancheng as quickly as possible!" Li Tian said.

Manzi poked Li Tian's shoulder and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Tian, ​​can I take a few books from this bookstore?"

"You read a book? Studying is a good thing, take it if you want!" Li Tian nodded and said.

As soon as Li Tian finished speaking, he felt a little regretful. Manzi reached out and swept a row of physical books of online novels on the bookshelf directly into his backpack.

Manzi showed an honest smile on his face and said: "There is already so much unhappiness in this world. It is still important to read novels and entertain yourself and be happy!"

Seeing Manzi's innocent smile, Li Tianzhen wanted to call him an 'idiot', but he couldn't say this. Yes, there is already so much unhappiness in this world, so what if we make the barbarians happy?

"Da da da!" Suddenly a series of gunshots rang out, the glass door of the bookstore was shattered by bullets and fell to the floor, and the pages of the book were scattered all over the sky.

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