Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3385 Captain’s Promotion (1)

The captain handed Xiao Tianyi to Situ Ningbing, and then quickly devoured the eighth-level corpse crystal of the female actor's zombie.

When the captain devoured Yang Qingyun's corpse crystal in the Tianshan Ice Cave, the captain had already broken through to the peak of the seventh level. Now that he had swallowed this eighth-level corpse crystal, the captain had barely experienced any changes before he had reached the peak. Level eight.

"Is this the eighth level? There seems to be no change!" Manzi said.

The captain could feel that her strength had improved, but she felt that the power of the corpse crystal in the corpse crystal she had swallowed had not yet been fully exerted. It was as if all the power of the corpse crystal was gathered around her head. , as if it could explode at any time.

This feeling made the captain quite uncomfortable.

"Are there any other high-level corpse crystals? Seventh level ones are fine too!" the captain said.

This time she broke through to level eight. The captain felt that her strength had been improved to a certain extent, but the captain understood that her breakthrough was far from achieving her expected effect.

When she was devouring the corpse crystal and breaking through, Tang Xiaolong, Xue Ji, Situ Ningbing and others were also practicing. Including the sick Manzi, they are all using their bodies to maintain their swords.

If everyone is still standing still, then the captain can be said to have made progress.

But now everyone is making progress. Although the captain is also making progress, in summary, the captain is lagging behind.

"The high-level corpse crystal is gone, but there is a fourth-level mutated zombie crystal here. The power of the corpse contained in this mutated zombie crystal is the purest. Be careful when taking it!" With that, Li Tian put the A level four mutant bat death crystal was handed over to the captain.

The captain nodded seriously and couldn't wait to swallow the death crystal.

As the captain devoured the fourth-level mutant death crystal, the captain felt as if a ball of flame appeared in her chest. Knowing that the captain was a zombie, she hadn't felt this hot for a long time.

The captain knew that this hot feeling was caused by the pure power of the corpse contained in the mutated zombie crystal.

The captain did not dare to neglect, and quickly pulled out strands of corpse power from the flame-like power of the corpse. The captain controlled these strands of corpse power and drilled into the head along the veins of the body. among.

"Boom!" a sound.

After this purest corpse power got into the captain's mind, it immediately reacted with the corpse crystal in her mind.

Wisps of pure corpse power kept drilling into the corpse crystal, and the originally calm corpse crystal started to boil immediately as if a few drops of water were put into an oil pan. The transparent corpse crystal shell is bearing the impact of the surging power of the corpse within the corpse crystal.

Every time the power of the zombie body impacts the shell, loud noises will be heard from the captain's head.

It's as if a big wishing bell has been placed in the captain's mind, and these wisps of corpse power are like believers who come to worship. Every believer who comes has to ring on this big bell. one time.

The captain did not hold back the pain, but let out a scream, letting her body mutate continuously with the impact of the power of these corpses.



A few thin scales first appeared on the skin of the captain's arms. These thin scales were light blue, and they were somewhat similar to the mutated bat death crystals that the captain had devoured.

"Brother Tian, ​​the captain won't turn into a monster, right?" Manzi looked at the green scales growing on the captain's body and said with some worry.

Li Tian shook his head. He didn't know what the captain would become.

But no matter what the captain becomes now, Li Tian understands that this is temporary. After all, the captain's ultimate goal is level nine, or above, and as long as the captain is promoted to level nine or above, the captain will be the same as human beings. Almost the same.

Situ Ningbing was holding Xiao Tianyi in his arms. Although Xiao Tianyi seemed to have felt the power of the corpse at this time, Xiao Tianyi seemed to feel attracted by the power of the corpse, and he was talking nonsense in his mouth. It kept on going, and Xiao Tianyi's two small arms were stretched out in the air, swinging towards the captain, as if he was reaching out to hug the captain.

"Ah!~" The captain suddenly roared, and his figure ran quickly on the street.

"Boom!" With a sound, the captain's body crashed directly into a wall. The huge impact knocked a big hole in the entire brick wall, and broken bricks flew everywhere, but the captain was not injured at all. The figure didn't even pause much before it hit another wall.




The captain's body kept hitting the wall, and those walls seemed to be made of paper in front of the powerful captain, unable to withstand the damage.

"Li Tian, ​​what on earth did you feed the captain? Why do I feel like it's a magic pill!" Xue Ji asked with some confusion.

Li Tian also couldn't understand. Logically speaking, the power of the corpse contained in these fourth-level zombie crystals couldn't be that much. Could it be?

Li Tian suddenly had a guess, that is, every time he swallowed a zombie, the captain's body could not completely absorb all the power of the corpse, and part of the power of the corpse was stored in the captain's body. .

Including the eighth-level peak zombie crystal that swallowed Yang Qingyun in the Tianshan Mountains, and the eighth-level peak zombie crystal that just swallowed the female actor's zombie, these are the results. The mutated zombie crystal of this mutated bat happens to be like a ferment, completely releasing the power of the corpse stored in the captain's body refining, so this is the result.

The captain had already knocked down more than a dozen walls in a row, and now the captain's body had slowed down a bit.



The captain slowly walked out of the wall and fell in the middle of the street. At this time, the whole street was filled with the sound of the captain breathing.


Suddenly the captain let out a scream, and he fell to the ground. White bones came out of the captain's body like hammers, and "Puff!" "Puff!" pierced into the concrete floor of the street. among.


A series of noises sounded, and a bone-white tail that was more than three feet long appeared behind the captain. The tail was swinging from side to side, constantly hitting the glass on the left and right streets.

And the captain's skin actually had countless densely packed small green scales. If you just look at this skin, it looks like a water snake, which makes people feel quite uncomfortable.

However, these small scales soon disappeared.

A smile suddenly appeared on Li Tian's tense face, and he said excitedly: "Don't worry, the captain has been promoted to level nine!"

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