Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3417 Something big happened (2)

Tide of corpses!

Coming from the center of Beitang, the zombies were rushing towards the Pagoda Mountain Temple like crazy. Most of the zombies had ragged clothes and dirty bodies, and some even had low-level zombies whose limbs were not very sound.

But this tide of corpses came over like a tide, and it was so majestic that the earth shook. Some short trees, flower beds, and even simple houses that stood in front of the corpse tide were all destroyed by the corpse tide.

At the forefront of the zombie tide, there were twelve strong and strong level 11 high-level zombies carrying a heavy cypress coffin as fast as flying.

The cypress coffin did not have a lid. There was actually a cypress seat installed in the heavy coffin. Sitting on that seat was the Zombie Guardian Zombie in Beitang City, the only level 12 zombie in Beitang City.

This guardian zombie is an old man who looks to be in his sixties. He has gray hair and a pale face. He wears a pair of stone glasses and a dark blue patterned shroud, giving people the illusion of an old scholar.

And in the arms of the guarding zombie, there was actually a small swaddling bag wrapped in a big red cloth. The baby in the swaddling bag was actually dead long ago, and now only the skeleton of the baby was left.

But among the withered bones of the baby, there lived the corpse insect.

The corpse worm was larger than what Li Tian had seen before. Two small tentacles had grown out of the top of the corpse worm's forehead, and a bunch of wings as thin as feathers had grown out of the corpse worm's body. There are dozens of small light blue corpse crystals in the abdomen of the corpse insect.

"Hmph!" The guardian zombie patted the baby gently and snorted softly.

The twelve high-level zombies carrying the coffin trembled all over, their faces full of fear, and they immediately quickened their pace and rushed forward.

This guardian zombie was a native of Beitang before the end of the world. After encountering a ghoul, he was lucky enough to be spotted by the ghoul and became a corpse insect in Beitang to protect this place.

After three years, this guardian zombie has grown from the original eighth-level zombie to the twelfth-level zombie. In Beitang, this guardian zombie has basically dominated the situation.

According to the ghoul master's plan, when all the high-level zombies in Beitang City are under his control, a zombie city can be established, and then corpse insects can be hatched, further improving the ghoul master's strength. .

But at this moment, the Guardian Zombie suddenly felt that the number of Crow Knights he controlled in Tashan Temple was constantly decreasing.

The zombie crow in the pagoda of Nata Son Temple is the mount of the guardian zombie.

This guardian zombie originally wanted to find a crane to ride on, so that he could ride the crane to the west. But there were no cranes at all in the Beitang, and in the end they could only use the mutated crow left by the corpse as a mount.

Moreover, the mutated crow is beginning to use secret techniques to advance. If the mutated crow is successfully promoted, the strength of the guardian zombies will also be greatly improved. Then the unification of Beitang City and the construction of a zombie city will be just around the corner.

Therefore, the Guardian Zombies stationed all the Crow Knights at Wat Phnom Temple.

But I didn't expect that an accident would happen.

Two hours ago, the guardian zombies felt that the number of crow knights in Tashan Temple was gradually decreasing. This unusual thing immediately made the guardian zombies restless.

Therefore, the guardian zombies immediately rushed to Tashan Temple.

The whole ground was shaking.

"What's wrong? Is it an earthquake?" Song Zijin, who had retreated to the square in front of Tashan Temple, said in horror.

Shen Yunyang's face was filled with a serious expression. He raised his head and looked into the distance to the north. A powerful aura was spreading from the north towards here. Soon, as far away as his sight could reach, there was already a wave of corpses. scale.

"This... so many zombies! Are they guardian zombies?" He Hua also saw this scene and said to himself in surprise.

"Does it mean that Li Tian has succeeded? Otherwise, the guardian zombie would not come here in person!" Song Zijin guessed.

"If Li Tian succeeds, it will be worth it even if we die here!" He Hua said with a sad smile on his face.

Shen Yunyang's serious expression did not change at all, and he said: "I didn't expect that the guardian zombie would react so quickly. No matter whether Li Tian succeeds or not, we can't sit still and wait for death. There are still people in the zombie garden waiting for us to go back!"

"Listen to me, let's escape separately. Only in this way will we have a greater chance of escaping."

Song Zijin and He Hua also understood this truth and immediately said: "Okay!"

After saying that, Song Zijin and He Hua ran straight to the west, while Shen Yunyang fled in the opposite direction to the east.

I saw the corpse wave snorting softly at the guardian zombies in the front section. The corpse wave immediately divided into two groups and chased in the direction of Song Zijin and Shen Yunyang respectively.

On the other side, Tang Xiaolong and Xue Ji had also seen the tide of corpses.

The tide of corpses came overwhelmingly, and the ground was shaking. Tang Xiaolong understood that in front of such a huge tide of corpses, they were no match at all!

"What should I do?" Tang Xiaolong asked Xue Ji with a calm look instead of fear on his face.

"Enter Tashan Temple and look for Li Tian. Even if I die, I will die with Li Tian!" Xue Ji said resolutely.

Tang Xiaolong burst out laughing and said, "That's right, I, Tang Xiaolong, am Li Tian's brother. We can't do that kind of thing, leaving our brother behind and running away!"

"Wow~!" Xiao Tianyi said while riding a mutated bat, as if to say that I will not abandon Li Tian's mother!

After getting ready to pay attention, Tang Xiaolong's exhausted body seemed to be filled with the flames of battle. He rushed to the front and kept attacking the zombies with his iron fist. At this time, Tang Xiaolong didn't ask for a single move. When killing enemies, they just want to break out of a bloody path as quickly as possible.

Xue Ji held the Wandering Dragon Sword and performed the "Ethereal Sword Technique". A dozen of them appeared at the same time, making it impossible for the zombies to tell which one was the real Xue Ji, and that one was an ethereal figure, while Xue Ji's true self passed through quickly. The zombies rushed towards Tashan.

After not seeking to kill the enemy, Tang Xiaolong was quite relaxed.

Xiao Tianyi rode a mutated bat and rampaged across the sky. After tearing apart a line of defense in the sky, those Crow Knights who finally mounted the Crows were killed by Xiao Tianyi as soon as they flew into the sky.

Without the Crow Knight entangled in the air, climbing the mountain is no longer difficult.

Xue Ji cut off a zombie's arm with a sword and said to Tang Xiaolong: "Stop fighting, go up the mountain and enter the tower!"

Tang Xiaolong immediately understood and used the strongest punch from the ten levels of physical training to directly blast away the seven or eight zombies in front of him, and followed Xue Ji to rush up the mountain.

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