Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3693 Leaving the East China Sea

Can Huo looked at the dozen or so towering granaries, his heart immediately felt at ease, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily. He had been worrying about the problem for a whole day, but he didn't expect it to be solved so easily.

Can Huo still has a pretty good idea of ​​how much food there is in the Donghai City Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Association's granary.

Although this food is not enough for everyone to go to Beitang City, it is enough for more than ten days.

"This is your food for half a month. Can Huo, I have given you the food. I will give you as much as you want, but you must agree to one of my requirements. At least half of these 100,000 people must be given to you. I took it back to Beitang City."

"We in Tianjie never force others to do anything, but we also have to make it clear in advance that they can choose to go to Beitang City or not. This is their freedom."

"If you choose to go, what we in Heaven can guarantee is that we will be escorted by our core cadres throughout the entire process. I will also invite members of the Sakura Legion and the Bounty Hunter Association to escort them to ensure their safety. As for food, you don't have to worry about this, I promise We won’t let them go hungry. But if they choose to go, then I, Li Tian, ​​will never allow anyone to quit halfway. If you want to quit, then leave your head behind."

"Of course, if they choose not to go, that's okay, just want to●+ As I said before, our heaven will not force others, but if they choose not to go, then their life and death will not matter much to our heaven. It’s impossible to give even a grain of this food to them. Because we have other people to take care of!”

Li Tian's words were very direct, but this was also a matter of necessity.

The problem of feeding 100,000 people is no joke, and it is not a matter of a day or two. If these people walk fast, they can reach Beitang City in about a month, but if these people walk slowly, That might take more than two months.

For the past two months, Li Tian has already secured food for the first half of the month, but the rest of the food still needs to be coordinated with the Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Association.

Li Tian will not do anything to benefit himself at the expense of others, but he will not do anything that is beyond his own ability to sacrifice himself for others.

Just like if Li Tian was a child and saw an adult man falling into the water, then Li Tian would never go into the water to save him, because not only would he not be able to save the adult man, he would even get in there himself.

Can Huo nodded and said, "I understand!"

"Just understand. Although Donghai City has been destroyed, there are still many things in it that we can use, such as cars, etc. You can first find out the cars that can still be used in Donghai City. It is best to Those heavy-duty trucks, these trucks can be used as transport vehicles for transporting food. Of course, there are also those buses, so that the old, weak, sick and pregnant can move faster. I believe that as the commander of the army, you can handle these things I still understand, so I won’t ask any more questions." Li Tian said again.

Can Huo nodded again.

Then Li Tian communicated with Zhang Dayong.

Li Tian's idea was to tie up the big tiger skin of the Sakura Legion. With the names of the ten legions of the Sakura Legion, at least when Can Huo takes people to Beitang City, there will be less trouble.

After hearing this, Zhang Dayong agreed wholeheartedly.

"Not to mention going to Beitang, even if it's going to heaven, I have to go if I'm told. When I left Kyoto City, this was the order given to me by the regiment commander!" Zhang Dayong said with a hearty smile.

Although it was a joke, Li Tian was quite happy.

Mo Jianyuan had already heard the conversation between Li Tian and Zhang Dayong.

Li Tian came to Mo Jianyuan and others. Before he could speak, Mo Jianyuan said: "Master Li Tian, ​​we are willing to protect these people from going to Beitang City, but the premise is that we must contact the bounty in Donghai City as soon as possible. As the leader of the Hunter Association, as long as the matter in Donghai City is resolved, I, Mo Jianyuan, will not have any problems personally."

Then Xiao Qiuman, Zhang Ming, and Gu Liang Hongtu all expressed their opinions that they were willing to wait until the problem in Donghai City was resolved and follow these people to Beitang City.

With Mo Jianyuan's words, Li Tian felt relieved.

Sakura Legion, Heavenly Realm, and Bounty Hunters Association are three big brands. Let’s see who dares to mess with them if they don’t have the foresight.

Afterwards, Li Tian communicated with Situ Ningbing and others, and finally decided that Li Tian would take Situ Ningbing to Kyoto City first, and Xue Ji would take Manzi, Captain and Goubi to follow the Remnant Fire Army to protect these people. people.

That night, under the lobbying of the Remnant Fire Legion, none of the 100,000 people were unwilling to follow Li Tian to Beitang City. There were even many other refugees who had returned to Donghai City among these people.

However, the Remnant Fire Legion has already divided their refugees into groups, and it is not easy for anyone to sneak in.

Looking at the refugees who were crying and shouting to follow Can Huo, Can Huo felt soft and accepted these people, but Can Huo divided these people into several groups separately, and then told them what Li Tian had said. manner.

These refugees had been hungry all day, and they all expressed their willingness to follow Can Huo to Beitang.

In this way, it was originally promised that there would be 100,000 refugees. By the time the warehouses were opened overnight to release food, the Remnant Fire Legion had already led nearly 120,000 refugees. By the time the Remnant Fire Legion led these refugees and left in a mighty manner, In Donghai City, this number once again became 150,000.

When the number reached 150,000, Can Huo also realized that the problem was very serious and decided not to take in anyone else.

At this time, Li Tian had already flown back to Kyoto City with Situ Ningbing in a helicopter.

After returning to Kyoto City, Li Tian first went to the Bounty Hunters Association and reported the situation in Donghai City to the Five Elders Association.

In fact, as early as last night, except for the Bounty Hunter Association and the Pilgrimage Legion, everyone else had returned to Kyoto City.

The Bounty Hunter Association has already obtained some relevant information, so when Li Tian reported, the members of the Five Elders Association were more concerned about another issue, which was the whereabouts of the Holy Legion Commander and his cadres.

However, Li Tian didn't mention a word. Even if Wu Laohui asked, Li Tian denied it.

However, although they don't know what happened in Donghai City, the members of the Five Elders Association of the Bounty Hunter Association are quite happy.

This time, the news that Li Tian killed the 18th-level giant beast has come back, which makes the Bounty Hunter Association more proud. Now more and more bounty hunters are applying for the Bounty Hunter Association.

The Bounty Hunters Association is already on the rise.

After leaving the Bounty Hunter Association, Mr. Wu (Old Man Wuji) chased him out. Seeing that there was no one around him, he said to Li Tian: "Boy Li Tian, ​​you can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. I really didn't expect that. , you have grown enough to kill a legion commander!"

Li Tiangang wanted to deny it, but the old man Wuji interrupted Li Tian and said, "But you have to be careful. According to reliable information, the Chaohe Holy Legion is already preparing to attack you!"


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