Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3859 Another breakthrough

In Li Tian's eyes, all the buildings in this underwater ancient city were white.

White houses, white towers, white streets.

And in the air of this ancient underwater city, there are still some white substances floating vaguely.

This substance is like smoke and fog, and it feels light and airy.

But Li Tian could feel the existence of an energy in this substance, and this energy reflected each other and completely integrated with the energy of the entire ancient underwater city.



As Li Tian breathed, Li Tian discovered that a very small amount of these substances would enter Li Tian's body, and then be spit out by Li Tian through his breath.

"Could these substances be the so-called essence of heaven and earth? If this is true, now that I can see this substance, will it be twice the result with half the effort if used for cultivation?" Li Tian thought in his mind.

"Excellent? Master Li Tian, ​​what did you see?" Void Yaksha and Dixing Yaksha interrupted Li Tian's thoughts and asked curiously at an inappropriate time.

What did you see?

Li Tian is really hard to say.

In addition to these white energy substances, Li Tian saw more.

...Li Tian raised his head and looked into the distance. At the end of the white street, Li Tian could see a dozen vague black shadows.

Those black shadows are like shadows formed by light shining on objects.

But these shadows are definitely not ordinary people, because these shadows are completely three-dimensional and have vitality.

"The Void Spirit Clan."

Li Tian saw the Void Spirits gathering together in twos and threes, whispering, and raising their arms to point in Li Tian's direction from time to time.

"And houses!"

"House?" These Liandao Lingdao felt strange.

There are buildings everywhere in this ancient underwater city. Even if you are not blind, you should be able to see them if you are not blind.

"They are not ordinary houses, these houses seem to be alive." Li Tian said.

The three little yakshas and Dao Ling were all shocked by this.

The house is alive, how is this possible?

They can accept that the flowers, plants and trees are alive, but to say that this house is alive is too farfetched.

But in Li Tian's eyes, Li Tian could see energy flowing slowly on the ground of those houses, towers, and streets, and with the flow of this energy, all the buildings were breathing according to a rhythm.

And those white energy substances floating in the air were actually spit out by these buildings.

This feeling is really strange, but Li Tian has no way to explain it to the three little yakshas and Dao Ling.

Seeing that those virtual spirits had no intention of walking towards Li Tian for the time being, Li Tian sat directly on the ground.

Li Tian wanted to start practicing "Qingyun" here, and wanted to test how these white energy substances would help improve his abilities if absorbed by him.

Seeing Li Tian sit down, the three little yakshas and Dao Ling stopped talking nonsense.

Li Tian slowly closed his eyes, and the surroundings immediately fell into darkness, but the white substances became more obvious.

This is the effect of the mind's eye.

Li Tian began to practice according to the techniques of "Qingyun".

The first is the first level of "Qingyun". Li Tian feels that when he practices the "Qingyun" technique, Li Tian can easily absorb those white energy substances. These white energy substances are like clouds and mist. Surrounding Li Tian's body.



Li Tian kept spitting out these white substances into his body through continuous breathing, but these white substances continued to spit out with Li Tian's breathing. It seemed as if these white substances were not absorbed by Li Tian at all. It's like being absorbed into the sky.

"How is it possible? Is it true that I have practiced so many breathing techniques? Or is it impossible for this energy substance to be absorbed by me? Am I just happy for nothing?" Li Tian's heart Thinking.

Although it had no effect, Li Tian continued to persist.

It felt like Li Tian was going further and further down the wrong path.

But Li Tian did not give up.

Li Tian was also constantly thinking in his mind: "Is my method wrong? Is it impossible for this white energy substance to be absorbed?"

Li Tian had already begun to doubt his own judgment.

But at this moment, Li Tian's mind suddenly shook, and then Li Tian seemed to be possessed, and his breathing suddenly began to become rapid.

But Li Tian himself didn't know all this.

"Master Li Tian!"

"Master Li Tian!"

The three little yakshas and the sword spirit were all calling Li Tian urgently, but Li Tian had no idea at all and couldn't even hear these little guys calling him.

Li Tian's complexion began to change slightly, and with this change, Li Tian's breathing became more rapid, as if he was suffering from asthma.

"What should I do? Master Li Tian seems to have gone crazy?" Hai Yaksha looked at Void Yaksha helplessly.

"Impossible! Master Li Tian has already practiced "Qingyun" to the level of perfection, so how could he become possessed? Don't talk nonsense!" Dixing Yaksha scolded Hai Yaksha.

Since they were not crazy, they shouted to Li Tian but there was no response at all.

Both Di Xing and Hai Yaksha looked at Young Master Void, hoping that Young Master Void could give a solution at this time.

But Void Yaksha didn't know what to do at this time, and was anxious.

"How about! How about you two use the steel forks in your hands to stab Master Li Tian so that Master Li Tian can be freed from this state?" Void Yaksha suggested.


The Dixing Yaksha and Hai Yaksha immediately stabbed Li Tian's calf with small weapons like knives and forks in their hands.



However, the steel prongs used by Di Xing Yaksha and Hai Yaksha to stab Li Tian broke into two halves the moment they touched Li Tian's body.

Little did they know that at this time, Li Tian's body was completely surrounded by those white energy substances. These energy substances continued to flow towards Li Tian, ​​forming an invisible protective layer on the surface of Li Tian's body.

At this time, Li Tian could be described as invulnerable.

Li Tian naturally knew everything about what the three little yakshas had done, but at this time Li Tian was completely lost in this practice and had no time to care about the worries of the three little yakshas.


Li Tian took a deep breath, and at least one-tenth of the energy substances around Li Tian's body were sucked into his body with Li Tian's deep breath.

Then Li Tian suddenly stopped breathing, as if he was holding his breath.

However, Li Tian accelerated his practice of the first level of "Qingyun" at this time!

One second, two seconds, three seconds... ten seconds... twenty seconds...

Time kept passing by, but Li Tian had no intention of continuing to breathe.

The three little yakshas were already running around anxiously, and even the sad and happy faces of Dao Ling showed worried expressions.

"What should I do? Do you want to pry Master Li Tian's mouth open?"

Haiyaksha had another bad idea.

But at this time, Dixing Yaksha discovered the clue. Although Li Tian stopped breathing, Li Tian continued to exhale from his nostrils. Although this puff of air was extremely weak, he was still discovered by Dixing Yaksha. .

"Idiot, did you see that you didn't take it seriously? Master Li Tian is practicing. If I guessed correctly, Master Li Tian has reached a critical juncture in his cultivation!" Dixing Yaksha said proudly.


But the time that Li Tian suddenly stopped breathing far exceeded the time that ordinary people could hold their breath.

One minute...three minutes...five minutes...

An ordinary person would probably be unable to hold his breath for more than one minute, and Li Tianlian had been holding his breath for more than five minutes.

At this moment, a sound like exploding beans came from Li Tian's body.

With this sound, Li Tian's body was trembling slightly.

At this time, all the hairs on Li Tian's skin stood up, and even his hair stood up completely.

And if you look carefully, you will find that the pores on Li Tian's body are like small mouths, constantly absorbing the white substances around Li Tian's body.

However, at this moment, Li Tian suddenly opened his eyes and shouted hard.

Immediately afterwards, a loud noise came from Li Tian's body.


A loud noise came from Li Tian's body, and the loud noise was like muffled thunder.

Looking at Li Tian again, Li Tian had an excited expression on his face.

"It's true! Haha, I accidentally found a way to absorb this energy!" Li Tian said excitedly.

It turned out that Li Tian could not absorb these white energy substances through breathing, breathing and fingering. Li Tian thought of taking a big breath to let the white energy substances inhale into his abdomen, and then forcibly closed the seven orifices.

In this way, these white energy substances could only be forcibly retained in Li Tian's body. However, when Li Tian continued to practice "Qingyun", those white energy substances actually remained in Li Tian's body and "Qingyun". The "Qingyun" technique resonated, and as a result, the white energy matter exploded in Li Tian's body, and then entered Li Tian's veins as Li Tian practiced.

Once those white substances entered Li Tian's body, Li Tian immediately felt that the skin all over his body was reborn and full of strength.

At this time, Li Tian clearly felt that his cultivation level had improved.

Li Tian believes that his soul-breaking palm must be more powerful now. If he can continue to absorb and practice it, Li Tian's strength will be greatly improved soon.

By then, even if there are level 18 zombies in front of Li Tian, ​​Li Tian is confident that he will kill these zombies with a few palms!

However, at this moment, Li Tian saw that the few black nights of the Void Spirit Clan were moving.


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