Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3982 The Power of Faith (1)

Hearing Liu Sen's words, Li Tian couldn't help but frown slightly, and reached out to take the blood-stained letter handed over by Liu Sen.

This letter was written by the fierce warrior after Li Tian killed Tian Cong in the abdomen.

The meaning of this letter is very simple. It probably means that the fierce warrior said that he was waiting for Li Tian in Jingdong City and asked Li Tian not to disappoint him or make him wait too long!

The content of this letter seems to be nothing, but the meaning between the lines is that the fierce warrior is full of provocation towards Li Tian, ​​giving people the feeling that Li Tian is the prey of his fierce warrior.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Tian's mouth, and a dozen purple electric snakes rushed out of his right arm in an instant. The electric snakes crackled on the letter paper, directly turning the letter paper into nothing.

"Lord Li Tian?"

Li Tian glanced at Liu Sen, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said: "It's okay, it's the Fierce Warrior who invited me to Jingdong City. Hum, I haven't gone to Zhongzhou Island yet, but the Fierce Warrior can't wait! Very good, very good !”

At this time, Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying and others also rushed over after receiving the news.

When these women saw that Li Tian was fine, they were naturally happy. After hearing Li Tian talk about the fierce warrior's letter, Situ Ningbing said: "Li, you just... came out of seclusion and practice. This There are still many things in West Jiuzhou Island that need you to solve and deal with..., why don't we discuss it in the long term!"

Duanmuying also echoed beside her, agreeing to Situ Ningbing's proposal!

Although these women have never lost Li Tian, ​​Li Tian's deep sleep this time made them suddenly understand that Li Tian is not a god and sometimes gets injured and tired, so in their hearts they hope that Li Tian will not go to Jingdong for the time being. The city is looking for fierce warriors.

Li Tian nodded and said: "Don't worry, his ferocious warrior asked me to go to Jingdong City to find him. If I go to him, I will lose face. I will handle the affairs of West Kyushu Island and Minami Shikoku Island in a unified manner for the time being. If there are no problems in these two places, I will go to Ben Zhongzhou Island."

Li Tian paused for a moment and then said: "Don't the Iga and Koga ninjas of Zhongzhou Island claim to be powerful beings who can divide the world with fierce warriors? I will wipe out all these two ninja organizations. When the time comes, I will let He, the fierce warrior, came to me in person!"

Li Tian's words showed his attitude.

Let alone a ferocious warrior, Li Tian is not afraid even if the ninjas from Iga and Koga come together.

Not only is he not afraid, Li Tian will also take the initiative to seek their bad luck.

Although Li Tian's words were simple, the many big bosses who had just witnessed Li Tian using a purple electric snake to completely destroy the fierce warrior's letter had more trust in Li Tian in their hearts.

In the hearts of these big guys, they actually hope that Li Tian can now pull them onto the warship, so that they can become minions who can wave the flag and shout behind Li Tian.

Of course, there is still a certain danger in this. After all, the reputation of a fierce warrior is not unfounded.

But they all understand that they will never be able to get on the line with the fierce warriors, but Li Tian is different. Now they are kneeling in front of Li Tian. If they can board Li Tian's warship now, even if they become a minions, but once this fierce warrior is defeated or even killed by Li Tian, ​​they will gain great benefits by then.

And by then, the entire Japanese island country may become the first country in the world to get rid of zombie control!

"Lord Li Tian, ​​we are willing to follow Lord Li Tian!"

"Yes, we are willing to follow Mr. Li Tian to fight against the fierce warriors!"

"Master Li Tian, ​​please take us with you. We will only be stronger than the organization and legion of Erquan Mountain!"

These kneeling bosses shouted loudly with excited expressions on their faces.

Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying looked at Li Tian with some confusion and said, "What's going on with these people? Didn't you just come to Ruhr Island? Why did you accept so many people?"

Li Tian said proudly: "I am Li Tian! If you show your domineering attitude, they will naturally kneel down and surrender!"

"Stop being so slutty! Tell me honestly what's going on?" Duanmuying reached out and hit Li Tian on the arm.

Li Tian then told Duanmuying and Situ Ningbing what happened.

Although Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying didn't say anything, they had an obvious sensory understanding of Li Tian after he fell asleep and woke up.

"Get up and go back and wait! I will inspect you one by one in the near future. If you really come to join Li Tian sincerely, then I welcome you. When the time comes, there will always be you in such a large Western Kyushu and Southern Shikoku A foothold. And if..." Li Tian no longer needed to finish his words, the big guys kneeling on the ground could already feel cold sweat pouring down their backs.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Tian supported Duanmu Ying, and Situ Ningbing took Li Tian's arm and turned to leave. When they were about to arrive at the Tianjie headquarters, Li suddenly said to Situ Ningbing: "Inform us that Tianjie is in the west. For all the cores of Kyushu Island, I want to hold a meeting to arrange the strategic deployment of West Kyushu Island and South Kyushu Island in the near future!"

"Ask Yang Guo and the others to come back as well. If nothing happens, we will leave here and go to Zhongzhou Island within a month at the latest and maybe two weeks at the earliest!"

"Li, are we too hasty as we haven't fully established ourselves in West Kyushu Island yet?" Situ Ningbing said.

"It's a bit hasty, but if we can completely sort out West Jiuzhou Island in this month, there should be no problem with Yang Guo, Liu Guoqiang and others here in West Jiuzhou Island!" Li Tian said.

"Li, are you worried about domestic affairs?" Situ Ningbing asked.

Li Tian nodded and said: "We underestimated the three corpses before, thinking that the strength of the three corpses was only slightly stronger than Huangfu Kunpeng. It seems impossible to completely destroy our human survival base. But as my strength improved, especially after discovering the small hotpot, I discovered that the strength of the three corpses far exceeded our guesses."

"Why do you have such an idea? I know that when you were in Kyoto City, you escaped alive from the ghoul. You are not a bit stronger now than you were then. Why do you have no confidence anymore? ?" Duanmuying also asked.

"Because of the Abdominal Celestial Cong, because of the Ferocious Warrior! You have personally experienced the power of the Abdominal Celestial Cong, but how did such a powerful person be surrendered by the three corpses? And what about the Ferocious Warrior?"

Li Tian's question left Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying unable to answer.

"Also, have you ever thought about why the three zombies left Japan after completely conquering Japan?" Seeing Duanmuying and others shaking their heads slightly, Li Tian continued: "You see this Xijiuzhou Island Those altars? These altars also appeared in Guixi Province, so I doubt...!"

"you mean……?"

"Faith! I'm afraid the three corpses can already use the power of faith!"


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