Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 3997 Magical Journey (3)

Following Tsuruta-kun's shouts, several children immediately rolled out of the closet in the living room, and several others squeezed down the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Look, look! This proves that I am Tsuruta!" Tsuruta stretched out his hand and pulled the children to his side, saying with an excited expression on his face.

"This can only prove that you are not living alone, but it does not prove that you are Tsuruta-kun!" Li Tian said.

Tsuruta was a little dumbfounded.

At this time, the children around Tsuruta had completely lost their guard against Li Tian and were chattering to Li Tian non-stop to prove that Tsuruta was Tsuruta.

Li Tian shook his head slightly and said: "It is very simple to prove that you are Tsuruta. You first tell me some information about you and Otsuka, and let me judge whether what you said is consistent with what Otsuka said. Consistent. If consistent, I will believe you!"

Although Tsuruta is a little more mature in his heart, he is just a child after all, and care at this time is confusing. He has no doubts about Li Tian at all.

Tsuruta thought for a moment and said to Li Tian: "Okay, then I will tell you some information about Otsuka. Otsuka's full name is Otsuka Shogun. He is eighteen years old this year. His father Otsuka Masato is a member of the Japanese Empire. A professor at the School of Life 9▼ Research has appeared in Time many times and is one of the few Japanese people to win the Nobel Prize in Biology before the end of the world."

The expression on Li Tian's face suddenly became serious. The Otsuka Masato whom Tsuruta mentioned turned out to be such an awesome guy. If this person can be brought to Minami Shikoku Island to study the antidote for the zombie virus, maybe it will help The current zombie research institute on Minami Shikoku Island is of great help.

Although Li Tian was excited, his face was quite calm, and he just said lightly: "It seems that what you said is not exactly consistent with what I heard. Can you give a more detailed introduction? "

Tsuruta nodded and said: "After the end of the world, the backbone of the Japanese Empire's Institute of Life Sciences was transferred to the secret scientific research base in Xingju Mountain and began to research zombie technology..."

Having said this, Tsuruta seemed to realize something. He mentioned the important things in one sentence and continued: "As family members of the Research Institute, we are arranged here, and General Otsuka is our head! Originally, the end of the world was just In the first two years, although we lived a difficult life, because of the care of the Scientific Research Institute, our life was pretty good. But a year ago, there was suddenly no news from the Scientific Research Institute."

"At any time, we all speculated whether the Research Institute had encountered some problems. As the oldest among us children, Otsuka went to the secret research base alone to check it out, and then brought it back. The Research Base of the Research Institute had already Destroyed news. In the next year, we lived in hiding in the mountains under the leadership of Otsuka. Only occasionally, Otsuka would leave the mountains to inquire about news or collect some information about life outside the mountains. necessity!"

At this point, Li Tian interrupted and asked: "Do you think that Otsuka Masato and other scientific researchers are dead... dead?"

Tsuruta shook his head and said, "I don't know, but we haven't seen them since then!"

"Okay, go on, tell me, how was Otsuka taken away? By whom? If what you said is correct, then I will trust you!" Li Tian said.

Tsuruta continued: "Three days ago, Otsuka went out to collect daily necessities again, but on the way Otsuka met an injured ninja and brought the injured ninja back."

After saying this, the faces of Tsuruta and the children showed expressions of indignation. Even the tone of Tsuruta's words became heavier and his breathing became a little heavier.

"That damn Iga ninja, if we hadn't saved him, he would have died long ago. But after this guy got out of danger and learned Otsuka's identity, he actually threatened Otsuka with our lives and asked Otsuka to take him there. That secret research institute, otherwise we will all be killed.”

Li Tian could already conclude that there must be something important in the secret research institute, and most of these things were related to the antidote to the zombie virus.

This boy named Tsuruta may have been threatened by the ninja before, but now he has some reservations when telling Li Tian and does not tell everything.

"Damn it, the guy who repays kindness with revenge, I curse him to die miserably!"

Tsuruta cursed and continued: "Otsuka didn't want to take that guy to the secret research institute, but that ninja actually took out a ninja sword and put the knife on our necks to threaten Otsuka. In order to save us, Otsuka I had no choice but to take that ninja with me!"

At this point, Tsuruta paused, looked at Li Tian doubtfully and said, "How did you know Otsuka? How is Otsuka doing now?"

Li Tian slowly squatted up, stretched out his hand to hold Tsuruta's shoulders and said, "Don't worry about how I met Otsuka, I just want to ask you one thing, do you want to save Otsuka!"

Li Tian directly shifted the focus of these children's concerns.

Tsuruta and the children nodded solemnly.

One of the children said: "But that guy is a ninja from Iga. Even if he is injured, he is still a ninja from Iga. He is very powerful! And when he took Otsuka away, he was already facing the ninja headquarters of Iga. After sending the carrier pigeon, many, many Iga ninjas will join him by then! We...we are afraid..."

"Don't be afraid! We are more familiar with the terrain in this mountain range, as long as we can rescue Otsuka first!" Tsuruta stretched out his hand to stop the child from continuing to talk nonsense, and said with a firm expression on his face.

But at this time, Tsuruta was full of doubts about Li Tian and said, "I wonder what are the conditions for you to help us save Otsuka? Or maybe you have the same idea as those ninjas?"

Li Tian immediately took charge and said with a very hurt look: "How can you doubt me so much? If I had such thoughts, why would I come here to tell you about Otsuka? Why didn't I go directly to blackmail Otsuka? ? Now let me ask you, do you want to save Otsuka? If you do, then take me to that secret research institute, where we can definitely rescue Otsuka! If not, then I will leave now! "

As soon as he heard that Li Tian was leaving, Tsuruta immediately stretched out his hand to grab Li Tian's sleeve and said, "Yes! As long as you can rescue Otsuka, no matter what your requirements are, we will satisfy you!"

Several other children also nodded seriously.

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