Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 4608: Little Business Expert (3)

Village Chief Niu is going crazy!

Not selling? Isn't it a free gift?

Money, do immortals have a grudge against money?

It doesn't seem right. The appearance of this immortal's food is also quite ugly. Our Niujia Village wants to make wine, and this guy wants royalties from Laoshizi.

Li Tian's words aroused even more dissatisfaction among the many other businessmen who were watching.

"Fuck you? Are you teasing us if you don't sell it?"

"That's right, are you here to entertain the gentlemen?"

These businessmen were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to repair Li Tian severely.

But if they knew Li Tian's cultivation, they wouldn't do this or think this way.

"Everyone has misunderstood! We in Niujia Village now have a large amount of this daughter's red wine that needs to be sold. We want to find a few sincere partners to jointly develop daughter's red wine and strive to sell daughter's red wine to everyone in Nanchu County. corner, walk out of Nanchu and head towards the entire Netherworld!" Li Tian said.

The faces of these businessmen looked a little better now, with expressions of approval on their faces.

Li Tian continued: "There is no business without treachery. This is the common understanding of businessmen among ordinary people. I believe that you will feel a little aggrieved to some extent!"

"According to my research based on historical records, a businessman should be described as a businessman who is neither sharp nor businesslike. Even a businessman needs to have good business ethics, and what we are looking for today is the best businessman with the most business ethics in Nanchu!"

"That's it!"

"But does this have anything to do with the wine in this carriage?" the businessmen asked.

"Of course it does matter! This car is for charity without me. I don't take any money from the wine sold in this car. All of it is used for the development of education in Nanchu. This is called taking from the people and giving back to the society."

"Our ultimate goal is to strive to ensure that everyone in Nanchu can read and practice martial arts, and make the greatest contribution to the prosperity of Nanchu!" Li Tian said.

“Okay, just for this sentence, we support you!

"Can you tell me how to sell this wine for charity?" asked the melon-skin hat merchant.

"That's right, tell us how to do the charity sale first?" The businessman in green shirt also asked in agreement.

Li Tian's eyes slowly swept across everyone's cheeks, and he smiled slightly and said: "It's simple. I will divide this cart of fine wine into three equal parts. The merchants can bid at will for these three equal parts of fine wine."

"Can I pay 1 yuan?"

"Yes, of course, but these wines are for the highest bidder! From high to low, the three merchants with the highest bids will get this wine, and they will also get the opportunity to cooperate with our Niujia Village!"

"And as I said just now, we won't take any of the money. You just need to quote the price, and then you will use the money to build the culture and cultivation of Nanchu County! I will never question it!" Li Tian said.

"Aren't you afraid that we will re-quote a higher price and then keep these fine wines in our hands and not fulfill our promise in the end?" asked a businessman.

Li Tian smiled and said: "There is no airtight wall in this world. What we want is a partner who is non-commercial and has business ethics. The kind of businessman you mentioned can cooperate with us once or twice, but as long as he doesn't Business ethics will be exposed sooner or later, and then he will lose not only the money, but also his reputation!"

"That's good! I'll pay 10,000!"

"Idiot, how many jars of wine can you buy with ten thousand dollars? The wine in this carriage is divided into three parts, and each portion contains at least a dozen jars! Too little, too little!"

"I'll pay 50,000!"

"I'll pay 100,000!"

All of a sudden, these businessmen started to make quotations one after another.

The merchants making these quotes are not short-sighted. The profit from this wine is absolutely huge. For example, if a jar of wine is purchased for 1888 yuan, they can at least sell it twice as much.

What they fancy is the opportunity to cooperate with Li Tian and Niujiacun in the future!

Village Chief Niu was excited and distressed at the same time.

He was excited that Li Tian could sell the wine at such a high price, but sad that so much money was about to leak out from the gaps between his fingers!

Is this what is called common prosperity?

"Don't be sad, go find Niu Dan and transport the other carts of fine wine! Once the business is concluded, you will definitely be able to sleep until you wake up naturally and count money until your hands cramp!" Li Tian said !

Only then did the head of Niu Village happily go looking for Niu Dan.

What surprised Li Tian was that the merchants in front of him were bidding crazy prices. Now the highest price has reached 180,000 yuan. After conversion, the price of each jar of fine wine is equivalent to nearly 10,000 yuan. .

In the end, the highest bidder was the Guapi Xiaomao businessman, whose bid reached 200,000 yuan.

The price offered by the merchant in green shirt was slightly less than that of the merchant in melon skin and small hat, and it had already reached 190,000 yuan.

After the meeting, there was a businessman with gold teeth, and his price reached 180,000 yuan.

"Brother, the financial resources of our chambers of commerce are not as strong as those of the Nanchu Chamber of Commerce and others, but we also have a sincere heart. See if this can be done. We chambers of commerce don't want these fine wines, but we also let them Are we cooperating with you like the other three major chambers of commerce?" asked a bald businessman.

The price offered by this businessman was not low, reaching 100,000 yuan.

Li Tian thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible! The wine production capacity of our Niujia Village can currently meet the needs of Nanchu County. When our Niujia Village increases production capacity, we will also need to explore markets outside Nanchu County. By then, these three chambers of commerce alone will definitely not be able to meet our needs!”

"But show that you can act as distributors for these three companies, specifically responsible for areas that are not covered by their three chambers of commerce. If you can make money, I believe they will not refuse!"

The other three chambers of commerce actually wanted to refuse, but they still nodded in agreement.

"We paid for this 100,000 yuan! For Nanchu!"

"And me! Our Chamber of Commerce also contributed 100,000 yuan for Nanchu!"

"How could this matter be without our Chamber of Commerce? Our Chamber of Commerce also contributed 100,000 yuan!"

Li Tian signed a cooperation contract with these businessmen respectively. As long as he waits for Village Chief Niu to come back and sign the contract, the contract will officially take effect.

Next, it is only necessary for the village chief Niu to go back and seize the time to expand the production, so that the villages that have moved to the inner city can also join in the promising brewing industry.

The only problem is that these villages don’t have a lot of food reserves now, but that’s not a problem. With so much money, are we still worried about not having enough to buy food?

At this moment, Village Chief Niu stumbled back, sweating profusely, and said to Li Tian anxiously: "Sir, sir, something bad has happened! Niu Dan... Niu Dan has been arrested. Gone! Even the wine was taken away by those people!"

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