Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 4666: Territory Lord Level Blood Infant (4th update)

Have you ever seen the abdominal cavity of an old hen?

Sometimes, when an old hen is killed, many fertilized eggs that have not yet completely turned into eggs will be found in the abdominal cavity of the old hen. These fertilized eggs are large and small, and they are densely hung somewhere inside the abdominal cavity of the old hen.

And now, there is the same scene in the abdomen of the Blood Territory Lord's body.

But the blood domain master is not an old hen, but an old monster!

There are several humanoid embryos of different sizes in this guy's abdominal cavity!

These embryos were wrapped in plasma, and their whole bodies were red. What was even more terrifying was that when the blood domain lord tore open his abdominal cavity, these blood embryos actually opened their eyes and stared directly at Li Tian.

I go!

Fortunately, there are still many strong people in Yecheng Square, otherwise this scene alone would be enough to make Li Tian tremble all over!

But even with Dong Gong Buchan, a god-level uncle, and other strong men present, Li Tian still felt his hair and bones were damaged, and felt a chill on his back, as if something was blowing cold wind on his back. .

Oh shit!

Do you want it to be so scary?

Do you want it to be so scary?

This Blood Territory Lord usually looks like a human being and a dog, but I didn't expect this guy to be so perverted.

What race is this guy?

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of the Blood Territory Lord's mouth, he lowered his head slightly, his eyes showed a fierce look, and a ferocious smile flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Boy, are you scared to death?"

In addition to feeling terrified, Li Tian also felt nauseated!

"Hehe, boy, let me introduce to you the origin of these treasures first, so that you can be mentally prepared! The biggest treasure in this body comes from the Lord of the Concentration Territory. As for the body of the Lord of the Concentration Territory, That part, hey, you can use your imagination!"

"This one with a slightly smaller body is from Shangjing Old Demon. He is also a strong man at the Domain Lord level! This one is the Nine Heavens Domain Lord, and this one is the Fengshuang Domain Lord..."

The Blood Territory Lord introduced these blood babies to Li Tian one by one as if they were precious treasures. Every time he introduced one, the Blood Territory Lord showed a proud expression on his face.

When the god-level uncle heard the words of the Blood Territory Lord, his face turned gloomy. He turned to look at Donggong Buchan and asked: "Donggong Buchan, do you remember the Lord of the Concentration Territory, the Old Demon of Shangjing, the Lord of the Nine Heavens Territory, and the Wind and Frost Territory Lord? Lord these strong men?"

When Dong Gong Buchan heard these names, he showed unconcealable excitement.

Almost no one knows the names of these powerful domain lords now. However, thousands of years ago, or even tens of thousands of years ago, when these powerful people were still alive, their names were at the top of the world. Compared with today, The names of the twenty domain lords are much louder.

You must know that in that era, there were a lot of Territory Lords. As long as the Territory Lord could be named, his strength was not weak.

"Lord of the Concentrated Territory, the peak realm of the Territory Lord is almost the same as the realm of the Super Territory Lord. The Lord of the Concentrated Territory is dedicated to seeking the truth and does not care about worldly matters. Our Donggong Super God Family tried to recruit him into the family, but he refused!"

"Old Demon Shangjing, who is in the middle realm of Territory Lord! Before the battle at the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, Old Demon Shangjing killed and devoured five powerful men who were in the middle realm of Territory Lord. He became famous for a while."

"Nine Heavens Territory Lord, after the Battle of Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, he was definitely one of the most powerful Territory Lords in the Netherworld at that time. This guy is famous for his strong defense ability, but he can withstand the full blow of the strong man from the earth world head-on. !”

"The reputation of the Wind and Frost Territory Lord seems to be much smaller. That's because the Wind and Frost Territory Lord was a disciple of the Sanlu Super God Family at the time. It is difficult to become famous. However, among the disciples of the Sanlu Super God Family, the Wind and Frost Territory Lord His cultivation level can also be ranked among the top three!"

Every time Donggong Buchan explained a Territory Lord, the powerful people watching would let out an exclamation of surprise.

In their opinion, since the Blood Territory Lord can kill these legendary Territory Lords and turn them into blood babies for the Blood Territory Lord's use, then the Blood Territory Lord's strength may have exceeded their imagination. !

The god-level uncle nodded slightly and said: "Everyone thought that these strong men died in the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, or died in the hands of the strong man in the earth world, but they did not expect that they would become the secret weapons of the Blood Territory Lord! I As expected, I still underestimated the Blood Territory Lord!"

The Blood Territory Lord enjoys this feeling!

Although he looked terribly miserable, there was a smile on his face!

As if speaking to his own child, the Blood Territory Lord looked down at the blood baby in his abdomen and said: "Hey, although you are not mature yet and have not reached the most complete form, your strength should also be able to reach it. It’s the domain lord realm!”

"It's because of the gun-wielding boy in front of you that you returned to this evil world prematurely. So, if you have any anger, just take it out on this boy!"

The Lord of the Blood Territory pulled the four blood babies out of his abdomen one by one, placed them smoothly on the ground, and then said: "You strong men, please resurrect them all now! Use my flesh and blood and my spiritual power to make you They are all resurrected, and all you have to do is kill the kid in front of you!"

The Blood Territory Lord's left and right hands intertwined, each grabbed the two ribs on his chest, and yanked them outwards!

laugh! laugh!

As the four ribs were pulled off, jet-black blood kept spraying out, and the Blood Territory Lord handed the four ribs to the four blood babies that had already landed, as if they were fighting dogs.

Those blood babies were really like dogs, tearing the flesh and blood off the ribs quickly and then swallowing them into their stomachs. The remaining ribs in their hands had become weapons!

Don't underestimate the ribs on this blood domain lord's body. The ribs of this blood domain lord contain strong spiritual power. At this time, these ribs are like magic weapons and sharp blades in the hands of these blood babies!


Wow wow

The four blood babies made inarticulate sounds, holding sharp bone blades, piercing the blood sacs under their feet, allowing the black blood to slowly flow out, and then rushed towards Li Tian with teeth and claws.



These four blood babies are as quiet as a virgin and as active as a stripped rabbit.

As soon as his little feet left the ground, his body shot towards Li Tian like a cannonball.

"Oh no! What the hell kind of ability is this?"

Li Tian could feel powerful spiritual power fluctuations from these blood infants. Even the weakest blood infants' abilities may have reached the peak of the Emperor, or even the territory lord realm.

Facing the attacks of four domain lord-level blood infants at the same time, Li Tian did not dare to show any slightest hesitation.


Li Tian roared angrily, and seven or forty-nine purple electric dragons poured out from Li Tian's right arm, coiled around Li Tian's body, and coiled around the Heavenly Spear.

But black flames were faintly shining in the gaps between the scales of these purple electric dragons.

"Come on, little bastards!"

A note to readers:

The 4th update has arrived, and there are -4 more updates! Haha, please subscribe to 3g Bookstore!

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