Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 4668: Spiritual Pool and Sea of ​​Blood (1) (6th update)

In the bloody light, Dong Gong Buchan looked at the Blood Territory Lord suddenly, but he didn't know when there was a rib covered with flesh and blood under the Territory Lord's feet. This rib was inserted into the ground, forming a large formation with the ribs pierced into the ground by the hands of the other four Blood Infant Territory Lords! These five ribs all came from the Blood Territory Lord. At this time, blood light spiritual power was constantly flashing back and forth on these five ribs, and there was a five-pointed blood light array on the ground. "I didn't expect that the blood domain master's real trump card would be this formation. Tsk tsk, the spiritual power released from this formation can make me, a strong man who has surpassed the domain lord level, feel frightened!" "Blood domain master What he was planning was not just for the domain lord realm, maybe his formation was originally prepared for the super domain lord level strong men, but this poor kid Li Tian happened to run into it!" Donggong Buchan thought in his mind. In the distance, the onlookers were completely shocked by the various dazzling skills displayed by the Blood Territory Lord. "What is the Blood Territory Lord planning to do?" "Idiot, aren't you using a grand formation?" "Array? What's the use of this? I've never heard of an formation that can trap a strong person at the Territory Lord level!" First of all, Li Tian's cultivation has not yet reached the realm of a domain lord, so it is entirely possible that he will be trapped by a large formation! Second, don't be too cautious, some large formations have very strong attack power!" "Dragon King Domain Master , are you kidding me? In these thousands of years, I have never heard of a large attack formation!" The Dragon King Territory Lord couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "I have to do something simple for your ignorance. Popular science! Let you know what kind of world the Netherworld was like tens of thousands of years ago!" "Tens of thousands of years ago, in the world of cultivators in the Netherworld, a hundred schools of thought contended, a hundred flowers bloomed, and all kinds of cultivators emerged one after another. Group. You should know that there are still people practicing Confucianism in Netherworld Academy. They can also improve their own cultivation by cultivating literary spirit." The strong men onlookers nodded slightly. This practice method of some elders of Netherworld Academy is not unfamiliar to them. . The Dragon King Territory Master continued: "In the Nether World tens of thousands of years ago, there were formation cultivators! These formation cultivators improved their own cultivation through various large formations, and used large formations to trap and kill their opponents. ! So, there are many great formations to attack!" "Now the four major supergod families in the Netherworld..." The Dragon King Territory Lord stopped immediately here, then changed the subject and continued: "Except for the four major supergod families... In addition, there are also some mysterious families. These mysterious families may not be as powerful as the super god family, but every mysterious family has a strong inheritance!" "In the past tens of thousands of years, the inheritance of formation cultivation has not been broken, every time In hundreds of years, several powerful formation cultivators will be born to challenge the cultivation level of the Emperor. However, for some reasons, these formation cultivators have not reached the height of their ancestors. Therefore, for ordinary cultivators, the formation cultivators cannot reach the level of cultivation. Cultivators just don't show off!" As mentioned before, the Dragon King Territory Lord himself comes from a very ancient family, and he knows these ancient things better than the ordinary powerful emperor, or even the Territory Lord. "Now let me analyze the formation of the Blood Territory Lord. This is a great formation that is made up of five Blood Territory Lord's ribs as formation materials. The blood light just shot into the sky. It can be seen that this formation is the main killing array. Formation..." The Dragon King Territory Master was spreading basic knowledge to the powerful men, and the god-level uncle frowned. His vision is higher than that of the Dragon King Territory Lord, and the formation he can create is more dangerous than what the Dragon King Territory Lord said! This formation is extremely dangerous for Li Tian, ​​and even for any Domain Lord level expert, but for the god-level uncle, he has seen many more dangerous formations than this one! If the god-level uncle wants to break this formation, he only needs to move his fingers, but he has already helped Li Tian too much, and he cannot continue to sell to help Li Tian, ​​otherwise... the god-level uncle couldn't help but look up into the distance. Standing in the sky, I thought in my heart: "Qilin is not a thing in the pond. Li Tian, ​​boy, can you survive this level now? If you survive, you will soar into the sky. In the Netherworld, under the super domain lord, will you be able to survive again?" No one can be your opponent, but if..."...In the great formation, the sky was filled with crimson blood, stretching as far as the eye could see! And Li Tian was suspended in a sea of ​​viscous blood. Although Li Tian did not sink, Li Tian's body seemed like a lonely boat in this vast sea, and he might be hit by the surging waves of viscous blood at any time. The sea is overturned! Li Tian wanted to calm him down, but he always felt that there were eyes staring at him in the thick sea of ​​blood. It seemed that as long as he showed a hint of fatigue, the owner of the eyes would swallow Li Tian up like an evil monster. . Li Tian wants to fly! Strong men above the second level of Venerable can fly, but Li Tian cannot fly at all. The viscous sea surface seems to have endless suction, as if it wants to suck Li Tian into the sea of ​​blood. calm! Be sure to calm down! This is an illusion! This is just an illusion! Li Tian kept warning himself in his heart. At this moment, swoosh! Uh-huh! Four figures descended from the bloody sky and landed lightly on the sea of ​​​​blood, and these four figures were the four Blood Infant Territory Lords.

Woohoo! Wow wow! Li Tian didn't know what the four Blood Infant Territory Lords were saying in this language that was difficult for humans to understand, but after these four guys appeared, the surface of the blood sea shook even more violently, as if the entire blood sea It's like it's all boiling! Immediately, three Blood Infant Territory Lords rushed towards Li Tian in a triangular manner! The spirit bone blades in the hands of these three blood baby domain masters disappeared, but there was a mini version of the blood blade in their hands! The blood blade cut through the sea of ​​​​blood and quickly slashed towards Li Tian's head! My day! At this time, Li Tian seemed to be trapped in a swamp, with only two arms exposed. There was no way to float on the sea like these blood babies. Li Tian could only keep waving the Heavenly Spear to resist the attacks of these Blood Infant Territory Lords! However, in this sea of ​​blood, Li Tian felt that these Blood Infant Territory Lords were faster and reacted faster! Moreover, these Blood Infant Territory Lords seem to be in sync with each other and always maintain a triangular attack pattern. The Heavenly Spear in Li Tian's hand can at most resist the attacks of two Blood Infant Territory Lords at the same time, and will inevitably be attacked by another one. The Blood Infant Territory Lord’s attack. Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Li Tian's back was instantly slashed by the mini blood blade! A wound more than half a foot long and half an inch deep appeared on Li Tian's back, and Li Tian let out a scream! Blood flowed out from the wound and fell into the sea of ​​blood, which became more and more surging. Uh-huh! The Blood Territory Lord appeared on the sea of ​​​​blood in front of Li Tian. His whole body was blood red, as if he had been fished out of the blood water. Oh my God, there was a wild smile on the Blood Territory Lord's face, holding up the giant blood blade and facing it. Li Tian's head was chopped off hard! "Li Tian, ​​let's get on the road!"

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