Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 4776: Red Fire City (2)

All the spectators in the Colosseum couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Isn't this too fake? Could it be that Territory Lord Li Tian just used such a thing to fool everyone?

Could it be that the host didn't even report the cultivation level of this fighting beast? It turns out that this fighting beast is not popular at all.

The crowd was excited. The audience seemed to have been fooled and cursed angrily.

The half-orc Territory Lord sitting in the audience could not help but show a look of pride on his face.

He didn't have to go to the auditorium. Like Li Tian, ​​he could watch the game up close by standing in the tunnel.

But this guy just wanted to show off, just to hear other audience praise him, so he went to the audience.

As for how he got his seat?

Is it difficult for a domain lord level powerhouse to find a few seats?

"Congratulations, congratulations to the half-orc domain lord. Your fighting beast instantly killed Li Tian's fighting beast. This kind of strength really makes us admire you!" Several venerable-level spectators around the half-orc domain lord burst into laughter. Kai said to the Orc Territory Lord.

The Orc Territory Lord stretched out his hand to touch his beard, and the laughter at the corner of his mouth flowed faster. He smiled and said: "It's nothing, all this is as I expected. The goal of my Wuhaozhai Beast is this fight. The champion of the beast competition, that quasi-artifact is already in my possession!"

"Of course, I have read all the lists of fighting beasts in the peripheral competitions. There are very few fighting beasts that have reached the emperor level. However, adults also need to pay attention to Li Tian's other fighting beast, Xiaoyaksha. The fighting beasts are equally powerful!" said another viewer.

The half-orc glanced upward slightly from the corner of his mouth, and said with disdain: "I have heard of the name of that little fighting beast, but it is just a false name. If Xiaoyaksha really encounters my black beast, he will You know what it means to be absolutely crushed!"

The black smoke ball was stepped on, but Li Tian, ​​standing in the passage, did not feel the slightest nervousness.

Black Smoke Tuan'er, as early as a few years ago, already had the strength to resist the domain lord.

Especially when fighting the Blood Territory Lord, Heiyan Tuan'er absorbed Shaoxue's divine power. After so many months of refining, Hei Yan Tuan'er's current cultivation level has reached Territory Lord, the level that Li Tian figured out.

However, if Li Tian had to fight against a domain lord level powerhouse, then the last thing Li Tian wanted to encounter was a ball of black smoke.

"Hei Yan Tuan'er, you made a promise to me! I don't want to wait too long!" Li Tian said in a low voice.

At this time, Li Tian felt a sudden spiritual fluctuation under the feet of the black beast.

This meant that the fluctuations in spiritual power were very weak, but Li Tian suddenly opened his eyes wide and subconsciously shouted: "Finally, we took action!"

That's right, we finally took action.

As soon as Li Tian finished speaking, the black beast suddenly let out a scream.


This roar was a roar of pain, as if the fighting beast was suffering from huge pain.

Li Tian saw that the fighting beast's sharp claws turned red in just an instant, and then half of the fighting beast's claws disappeared in an instant.

Half melted by the hot magma.

"Dear viewers, dear viewers, what exactly did I see? That Black Smoke Tuan'er is not dead, he is not dead! Black Smoke Tuan'er is using this method to fight back against the Wu Zai Zhui beast, oh, my God, Wu Zai Zui The beast has been injured." The host shouted in a short and urgent voice.

It can be heard that the host is very excited and excited at this time.

In the audience, the Orc Territory Lord suddenly stood up, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and roared: "How is this possible? My Wuhaozhai Beast is a strong man in the Emperor Realm, how could it be possible that he just started fighting? Already injured?"

Several spectators around the Orc Territory Lord immediately shut up. They stared at the center of the Colosseum in stunned silence, with expressions on their faces as if they had seen a ghost!

"Impossible! Impossible! Even if an emperor-level powerhouse encounters a domain lord-level powerhouse, he still has the power to resist. How could the claws of this black beast be melted away in an instant?" A voice kept saying. rang in their minds.

"What kind of ghost beast is this black smoke ball? Why is it like this?"

More viewers were curious about Heiyan. Compared with the ugliness and arrogance of the half-orc territory lord, these audiences supported Li Tian and his Black Smoke.

However, Li Tian was in the passage and the Orc Territory Lord was in the audience, so even if the audience supported Li Tian, ​​they did not dare to show it too much. There were only a few people cheering for Black Smoke Tuan'er.

"Come on Black Smoke Tuan'er!"

"Come on, kill him!"

There is no need for the audience to shout "come on", Heiyan Tuan'er's belly is full of anger.

A stream of black smoke was released from the black smoke group's body and continued to spread to the surroundings.

The spiritual power fluctuations in this black smoke are very obvious, and this black smoke seems to contain extremely high temperature. Even if they are far away from the center of the Colosseum, the audience feels that the surrounding temperature has suddenly increased.

Black smoke filled the air, and all the other nine-headed fighting beasts were covered in the black smoke.

These fighting beasts wanted to resist, but they found black smoke wherever they went.


A fighting beast was screamed by the hot black smoke, and the fur on the fighting beast suddenly caught fire.

"Wow, what happened? This is just some black smoke, so why is the body of the fighting beast on fire like this?"

"It's those black smoke, black smoke balls, so the name is so vivid!"

"These fighting beasts are in danger. They are really of the same line. This black smoke ball is as shameless as yesterday's Xiao Yaksha. Now, the most powerful Wu Zhao beast has been injured and fell to the ground. It seems that the other fighting beasts are probably very good. Kill Black Smoke Tuan'er!"

"Behead? Stop being funny, okay? Now the black smoke has begun to spread everywhere. The first thing these fighting beasts have to think about is how to avoid the black smoke!"

"Fly, you idiot! Just fly high into the sky!"

The domain used by the domain master is like an upside-down bowl. In the eyes of everyone, only the top of the domain is free of black smoke. Only by escaping in this place can these fighting beasts have a chance to fight back. !

Sure enough, those fighting beasts seemed to have heard the shouts of the audience in the auditorium, and they all jumped up and flew up.

Even the fighting beast that was already on fire and the black beast that had one of its legs burned off were already flying.

The Orc Territory Lord looked angrily in the direction of Li Tian, ​​wishing to kill Li Tian.

You must know that this half-orc Territory Lord is only second-rate among the twenty Territory Lords, but he has an emperor-level mount. It is precisely because of this that his combat effectiveness can be ranked at the forefront. .

But now, one of his mount's claws has been burned off. Even if his mount's cultivation level is not affected, its combat ability will inevitably be weakened.

Even if the fighting ability is not weakened, the Wuhaozui beast without its claws looks so twisted and shabby.

It was obvious that the half-orc domain master was overthinking.

Now that Hei Yan Tuan'er has taken action, he can't let Wu Zhaizui beast leave here alive.

Gradually, the black smoke completely filled the Territory Lord, and the fighting beasts flying in mid-air were once again shrouded in black smoke.

The fighting beasts burned by the intense high temperature kept screaming in agony. This scene... ugh, this is too miserable.

Of course, these fighting beasts did not want to sit still and wait for death. The nine fighting beasts had formed an alliance at this time. These fighting beasts even helped the burning fighting beast put out the fire. The nine fighting beasts wanted to jointly deal with the black smoke ball.

However, they couldn't even see the shadow of the black smoke.

There is black smoke everywhere in the entire domain. It can be said that the entire domain is a domain of black smoke!

Black Smoke Tuan'er is the master of this area.

But at this moment, a red light suddenly appeared on the Colosseum ground shrouded in thick smoke!

No, this is not red light, but magma emerging from the ground!

This was no ordinary magma either. The strong spiritual energy fluctuations frightened the audience in the auditorium.

These viewers couldn't help but wonder, what would be the effect if the magma burned them?

And those timid spectators began to doubt whether the domain master's domain could withstand the destruction of this magma.

Sure enough, at this moment, the red light on the ground suddenly shot up and shot directly into the sky.

In an instant, all the black smoke in the entire domain turned into red magma, and the fighting beasts hiding in the black smoke were swallowed by the magma in the blink of an eye.

Screaming and struggling.

After all, fighting beasts at the level of fighting beasts will not be instantly refined by this magma.

But the pain was even more obvious, and the screams made the audience on the stage feel terrified.

All the spectators were staring intently at the Colosseum.

The host has forgotten to continue hosting.

The host was only at the mid-level ninth level of the Venerable. He used to always feel good about himself, but this black smoke caused him inexplicable pressure and made him feel like he was trash.

This is not over yet.

At this moment, a 'click', a crisp sound like glass breaking came out.

What's wrong? What is this sound?

"You...look...your domain...is about to break up..." an audience member said with a trembling voice.

Only then did the other spectators discover that the wheel cover was in the center of the Colosseum, and the domain exerted by the Domain Lord-level powerhouse was like glass that had been thrown to the ground, with dozens of cracks appearing.

"Dear spectators... Dear spectators, emergency, emergency, please all spectators to evacuate the Colosseum immediately... evacuate immediately..."

The host finally made a voice, but the voice had no beauty at all, and was dry, as if someone was strangling his neck to speak.


After a few seconds of pause, the spectators in the Colosseum auditorium all flew up in an instant, flying into the sky in panic.

It didn't matter this flight. The Lords who were flying in mid-air before were instantly knocked around, and some unlucky ones were knocked down directly.

In just a few seconds, the auditorium of Colosseum 6, which could accommodate 70,000 to 80,000 people, was instantly empty.

Only the half-orc domain lord's eyes were still staring at the Colosseum.

His Wu Xie Zhui fighting beast has become a magma statue. Although it has not been completely refined, its whole body is wrapped in hot magma.

"Li Tian...I must kill you! Revenge for my Wuhaozui beast!" The Orc Territory Lord stared at the passage where Li Tian was and roared angrily.


The magma still broke through the domain cast by the Domain Lord-level powerhouse, and the entire domain was blasted away.

The red magma shot straight into the sky, reaching a height of tens of meters in an instant.

The venerable-level spectators in the sky kept running away in all directions, either using teleport or flying.

At this time, these spectators no longer cared about the rules of the Colosseum.

Forget about your fucking rules. If I don't use Shun, will I be burned to death by this magma?

The moment the magma rushed into the sky, it turned into black smoke again and dissipated in an instant.

On the ground of the Colosseum, the magma has gradually turned into black rocks. The nine-headed fighting beasts stand in the center of the Colosseum in different postures, but they are no longer lively fighting beasts!

Like a statue!

The black smoke ball stood on the head of the Wuhaozui beast statue and said to Li Tian: "Master Li Tian, ​​are you satisfied?"

Li Tian said very pretentiously: "So-so!"

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