Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 5517 The Terror of the Inner Demon

The earth is shaking. As this move slowly reaches its peak state, even the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes. The trees on the ground have begun to wither, and the originally moist soil has now turned into Completely burnt black.

It was windy and rainy in the sky, but I couldn't feel the slightest bit of coldness, just the heat that made it difficult to suppress my mood.

This is a huge change caused by the influence of energy, and they have no way to resist this huge change.

As Yunyi spoke, he slowly controlled the small emerald green sword in front of him. It was very easy to control it before, but now it is no longer so easy. Even if it is just a small movement, he can control it easily. It also seems very difficult.

I don't know how much time passed before the emerald-green sword lit up with a burst of red light and sprinted towards Li Tian quickly.

During this process, the sound of breaking through the sky is somewhat similar to that of the sky-piercing monkey, but this sound is obviously sharper and more harsh, and it can be easily seen that cracks are appearing in the surrounding space. In the dark surroundings, some white space cracks appeared. On the other side of the cracks, there was a strong suction force.

It is free space.

The powerful attack has directly torn apart the space, allowing free space to appear here.

Under this kind of attack, Li Tian's Tiandao Tribulation Formation would probably not have any effect.

Yunyi gulped loudly and said swornly: "There are basically no people who want to survive after being attacked by my attack. Even if the God Emperor is here in person, there is no way he can survive."

Of course, his words are somewhat bragging, but I have to say that the destructive power of this move is also quite huge, even compared to the destructive power of Li Tian's charged cannon, it is not far behind.

Sure enough, when the small emerald-green sword hit the Tiandao Tribulation Formation, it didn't just leave a faint white mark, but actually left some cracks on it. This small sword was like an electric drill. , turning crazily on the Tiandao Tribulation Formation, trying to slowly break away the protective film on the outside and expose Li Tian inside.

Of course, this process is definitely not that simple. Even if Yun Yi and Yun Ji attack with all their strength, it is not so easy to destroy the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Formation.

As time goes by, the cracks on the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Formation are getting bigger and bigger, just like spider web-like cracks, slowly spreading towards the surface of the entire Heavenly Dao Tribulation Formation. As the scope of this spread becomes larger and larger, The wider it is, the denser the spider cracks will become. If it becomes denser, the Heavenly Tribulation Formation will be completely shattered, and then it can directly swallow Li Tian.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Yunyi's mouth. At this time, he could finally feel more relieved. In this situation, he could guarantee that Li Tian would still want to live in the next time, which could only be said to be wishful thinking.

Seeing the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Formation shattering bit by bit, Li Tian still had no reaction.

After a while, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

Just like the sound of glass falling to the ground, it was extremely clear and loud, and what followed was that the surface of the Tiandao Tribulation Formation was cracking bit by bit.

Finally, after holding on for a few minutes, I couldn't hold on anymore.

With a soft sound, it shattered.

When these fragments slowly appeared in the air, Li Tian's eyes suddenly opened.

Yun Yi and Yun Ji still had happy expressions on their faces, but when they saw this scene, they suddenly felt that all the hairs on their bodies stood up. They were obviously exactly the same as the Li Tian before, but they didn't know why, they just felt that the Li Tian in front of them seemed like It's a little weird. As for what's weird, it's hard for them to describe it.

"What is going on? This... this boy seems to have changed in this short period of time?"

"It's impossible. In such a short period of time, what kind of changes can this boy make?" Yunyi shook his head and looked at Li Tian in front of him. Even if he broke through at this time, he would only be in the realm of gods. They are just loose immortals, so it is impossible to put such strong pressure on them.

"Then why does this look look so scary?" Yun Ji said helplessly on the side.

At this time, Li Tian's eyes completely turned red. Different from the previous red eyes, these red eyes were full of violent feelings, just like a demon suppressing his inner rage. As if he had been released, even his every move was filled with a very violent feeling, if Li Tian who stood in front of them before was still a normal person.

So Li Tian standing in front of them now is more like a complete devil,

Whether it's from his eyes or the current state of his body, he looks like a real devil.

The evil aura all over their bodies made them all feel a little uncomfortable.

"We still don't know what happened to this kid, but now it seems that even if he breaks through the realm, can he still withstand my attack?" Yunyi raised the corner of his mouth and snorted coldly. Li Tian's strength is really good, so what if he really breaks through at such a critical moment? Can he really withstand this wave of his offensive?

Obviously this is impossible to happen.

On the other side, Li Tian (Demon Li Tian), who was controlled by his inner demon at this time, moved his body as if he was about to break his joints: "Tie Tie, so this is how the body feels. It’s really comfortable to have such a real feeling for once.”

"Hmph, it looks like you've made a breakthrough."

"Tie Tie, you two immortals should be my opponents. Well, it's almost time to deal with you now." Mo Litian nodded and squinted at Yunyi and Yun Ji in front of him. , what followed was the destruction of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Formation in front of him, and then a powerful force directly impacted. Mo Litian had no time to react, and this force directly swallowed him.

The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the mountain range, as if it was destroying the sky and the earth. The dust on the ground was flying, and even the originally black clouds in the sky turned into a black vortex under the influence of the power.

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