Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 6237 Overseas


The night in Longcheng is quite beautiful. There are many shining stars in the dark sky. Even if there are no lighting tools in the yard, you can feel that everything in the whole yard is so clear.

In the center of the yard, a small fire was lit at some point.

Li Tian and Shui Guiguzi were sitting on the ground, holding a wine gourd in their hands. On top of the fire were several animal legs, which had been roasted to a golden color, and were sprinkled with various paints, making people feel Feeling extremely greedy.

Situ Ningbing was sitting on the other side of the two people, grilling meat, and listening to the chat between the two elders.

As for Nan Muye and several children, they have already started refining elixirs. It is said that this is their daily lifestyle. After getting up early, they start to leave the small courtyard and go to the primitive environment below to look for fairy grass. Using the way you fight monsters to make yourself stronger has been this state for so long and it has never changed.

Even Li Tian had to sigh that the efforts of these young people in this area far exceeded his own.

When he was so young, he didn't even know what cultivation was. Even if he was really given such an opportunity, he might not really seize this opportunity to make himself stronger.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have become so depressed when he became an adult.

But that was all in the past. Compared with Li Tian now, this little impact is really insignificant.

"Senior, your breakthrough this time is definitely not as simple as we imagined. What I am sure of is that your strength is many times stronger than in Luoyang City before. I don't believe that it is just a breakthrough. Passing a big level will allow you to achieve such strength." Li Tian looked at Shui Gui Guzi, and this senior had felt unfathomable before. ,

But now it seems that the aura of Shui Guiguzi is even more elusive.

This was enough for him to say with certainty that the strength of the water ghost Guzi in front of him had already surpassed the original by an unknown number of times.

"You seem to have always been very curious about such things. Do you really want to hear some clues from me?" Water Ghost Guzi smiled sarcastically, looking at Li Tian in front of him who looked so curious. , you know that what this kid is thinking about now is probably all about this content. If he didn't say it, this kid wouldn't be able to sleep well tonight.

While smiling, he took a sip of the strong drink.

"Haha, I really want to know. Although I have been to many places, I have always thought that I am an ant compared to the world. We always think that we seem to understand the world very well, but really think about it. , our understanding of the God Realm is actually very little. For such a huge world, no one has found where its end is so far. It is just the scope of human activities in the Central Plains. To us, it is It’s so vast, not to mention, there are many races in the God Realm that we don’t know about.”

"It seems that following these guys' intrigues has not made you lose your ability to think on your own. At least you can still face your current situation, but those guys have long been lost in power and have no idea what they are like. exists." Seeing the serious look on Li Tian's face, Shui Guiguzi said with a happy smile.

It is actually not easy to have such a mentality. Looking at the other strong people in the world, all they think about is how to control the little power in their hands and maximize their scope of power and influence. A little bigger.

There is no time to think about what kind of role he really is in this world of gods.

By the time they truly realize the vastness of this divine world and their own insignificance in this world, it will be too late for everything.

"Although I don't know if I really went to the periphery, after I broke through before, I really wanted to find a place to better improve my strength. I found out that after you came to the God Realm, you provoked such a After many enemies, I knew I had to become stronger, so I kept moving towards the east of the God Realm. It seemed that at that time, I came to a place outside the Central Plains of the God Realm."

"A place outside the Central Plains?"

"Well, let's call this kind of place outside the border for the time being, because I haven't seen any living creatures here for a long time. It seems that there is some kind of barrier that completely surrounds the environment we live in. Outside There is no way for those creatures to get close to this barrier, so there is such a vacuum zone. Before, I thought that except for humans, there were really no creatures outside the border." When talking about this, Shui Gui Guzi's There was a confused expression in his eyes, as if he was thinking of everything that had happened to him.

After taking a sip of strong wine, he continued: "Until I met those scary guys overseas. They were definitely the most terrifying creatures I have ever seen in all my years of living. I didn't even know they were He was almost killed by them."

"What kind of existence is there such a terrifying creature outside the country?"

"You should sigh, what kind of barrier can block such a powerful creature from the outside. You know, if I hadn't escaped to the inside of the barrier at the critical moment, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see it now. You, even if I think about it now, it still makes me feel a little scared."

When Situ Ningbing heard this, he subconsciously glanced at Water Ghost Guzi.

His hands were shaking.

That's right.

Although I don't know how strong Shuigui Guizi is, but he dares to confront the dragon clan so straightforwardly, he must be a very powerful master.

But for such a powerful master, his hands are trembling at this time.

No one knows what happened to this person, or what kind of creature Shui Guiguzi saw back then, which could make such a strong man be so cautious about this matter.

Of course, Li Tian also noticed this subtle detail.

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