"Although all your arrangements are very complete and there seems to be no problem, in fact, anyone with some experience knows that it is absolutely impossible to take action at this time. It is so far away from you The previous courtyard is not very far away. It can be said that it is still within the territory of the Bai Yuling family. If we take action at this time, we will inevitably incur a fierce attack."

"What if they don't want to stop like this? Although there are no powerful monsters here in Cold Wind Valley, the environment here is very harsh. Even a convoy like ours will lose a large part of its combat effectiveness here. Okay The natural scenery here can help them defeat us better, right?" Bai Ling asked again. She felt that Li Tian was just talking nonsense.

"However, you must have arranged a lot of things here, right? In this case, they only need to take action, and your troops will take action at this time to stop them. Not only did they fail to kill me, If you take it away, you may have to bear infamy for it. Does this kind of thing count as a qualified business in their eyes?" Li Tian raised his head, looked at Bai Ling in front of him, and asked: "What if it is your highness the princess? If so, would you still be willing to do this?”


I can only describe it in this way, this person and that person are really awesome o

"How did you know there was an ambush here?"

"This is normal. The leader of the team this time is you. You are Bai Qi's precious daughter. If I just let you go like this without any protective measures, then you can't be considered a qualified father. Yes, you still remember when I asked you if you felt sad. From the look on your expression at that time, I knew there must be an ambush here. Bai Qi must have done it because you were about to come forward. Arrange some ambushes like this here!"

Observing the details, you can even judge such cautious questions from some subtle words.

This is something that Bai Ling here has never thought of. He knew that this man was a very difficult guy, but he never thought that this man would be so difficult to deal with. Even such a meticulous matter could not be solved. They all clearly found o

He originally thought that what Li Tian said before was just some nonsense, or he just wanted to deliberately make himself lose confidence.

But I didn't expect that that one was actually used to test myself.

The purpose is to investigate everything that happened here today. This man is too scheming. It seems that any matter can be investigated by this guy through some small means. If he is really so powerful. , the danger level of this guy is even higher o

"Don't look at me like this. As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. I know you are going to set off with me these days, so I am not idle all the time. I am always investigating to prevent me from being involved in this situation. If he died during the operation, you can rest assured that I am not doing it for you, just to protect myself. My work is not finished yet. It is not economical to die at this time." He said it very shamelessly, but It is also a reasonable thing o

This time the incident itself is very dangerous. Li Tian has not found his memory yet, so he naturally needs to be careful with himself to avoid encountering any problems here.

If there are any problems, we can find a suitable way to solve all these things when the time comes.

This is this man, a very dangerous guy indeed.

Every time I think about this, my view of this man always changes more and more. Why is such a dangerous guy a human being? If it's from their side, that's fine. They can lead the people from the entire outer domain and completely wipe out the human race.

"Ambushes will naturally be useless, at least in the next two or three places. They won't take the bait. Only when the combat effectiveness of some monsters in the back is higher will they really jump out to find us. Trouble, so before that I still hope that we should be prepared to deal with such trouble, but we cannot deal with it blindly." Li Tian said while touching his chin, I still need to think about these things carefully. o

Cold Wind Valleyo

It sounds like this is a very cold place. The biggest difficulty here is that the team is very slow when traveling here, and if you are not careful, you may fall into the abyss. This is considered It is a dangerous place, and there are not many dangerous creatures here. Most of them are creatures that pose no threat to the entire convoy.

It’s just that I can’t say whether some of the monsters that appear later look like this.

It seems easy at the moment, but many problems later will be much more complicated than they imagined.

Li Tian was sitting in the car and thinking about how their opponents would attack next, so as to ensure that their plan could run smoothly after that.

My opponent is not an idiot,

After all, the seven major families are united. The city where these people unite is naturally quite powerful. If they really want to take action, they must at least make sure that they are 100% sure, otherwise it is definitely impossible to take action like this. , after all, the things involved in these problems are much more complicated.

Li Tian here was thinking, but the team was still moving forward according to the previous plan. What kind of dangers there were on the road ahead, what kind of opponents they might encounter, such things were completely unimportant to them. They have only one purpose, to safely send the two people in the car to Yisheng Realm. As for what kind of enemies they encounter, it is not very important.

Anyone who blocks their way forward is their enemy and will be destroyed by them. There is no need to think or show mercy at all. If they really catch such a person The opportunity is naturally to show all one's strength and shine the most dazzling light at the last moment of one's life.

Only in this way can they truly prove the value and significance of their own existence!

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