Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 7264 Patriarch

After seeing the camps of the 100,000-strong army, Li Tian and Du Teng returned to the Sky City.

This place is completely different from the last time I saw it. There are a lot of dragons here. In addition, the defense should be stronger than before. You can even see the Bone Fore Clan here. Their combat effectiveness is obviously It is more powerful than before.

It can be seen that it is definitely a good thing for them that the Holy Desert City is regained by them. It will help them better solve the problems they are facing now. As long as they work harder, they can easily overcome it. These problems that I have in front of me can be easily solved.

The first thing Li Tian saw was Suo, the elder of the Bone Fore Clan. ,

Different from the last time we met, Suo now looks really stronger and much younger than before. He looked at him and said: "Thanks to your help before, we, the Bone Fore Clan, are what we are today." , if you have any problems, you can now speak out, and we will do our best to help you solve these problems."

"The elder can say this, I am actually very touched in my heart. Nowadays, the pattern of the God Realm is changing a lot, and many things are all caused by me. I am also a little helpless. After all, I am only one person, and I am alone. There is no way to solve all these problems, so we came to the Sky City. I hope that this time we can use our relationship to unite and face our enemies in the Northern Cold Land together."

"The demons were defeated last time they came here, and it will be the same this time. The Sky City is the pride we have built for so long. Naturally, it is not that easy for people like them to break it." Suo smiled, obviously he had been prepared for Li Tian's statement before. The alliance between them should be able to 100% block the demons from outside the city wall.

The demons were defeated last time, and they are still like this this time.

The previous Sky City was not as powerful as the current Sky City. Facing the demons in the Sky City, they were helpless, let alone the current Sky City?

After three days of separation, you should look at each other with admiration.

Today's Sky City is not the original Wu Xia Amon.

"The elder seems to be very confident, so I feel relieved. Apart from this matter, there is another important thing that I need to do quickly, so I also want to know how long you can persist here. Can you resist the attack until I come back here? To be honest, it is not just the demons who have to deal with you this time, but also the Donggong Super God Family. He is one of the four major families in the Central Plains of our God Realm and has a very special Ancient heritage, I'm worried..."

"We can't really explain these issues to you, but I think there is someone who is suitable to tell you, and that is the leader of our Bone Fore Clan." Suo said seriously.

Li Tian's previous contact with the Bone Fore Clan was through the elders, but he still had never met the clan leader.

But neither Suo nor anyone else had ever talked about the clan leader before.

Even when they attacked Sky City, there was no news about the clan leader.

"The reason why we are so anxious to find the Holy Desert City again is because our clan leader is sleeping in the Holy Desert City. There are many things that only the clan leader of our clan can do. This is why we are eager to bring this city back. Everything has been settled. You helped us find our clan leader. Our Bone Fore clan owes you a favor. No matter how difficult what you have to do this time, I believe we can help you solve it. It fell." Suo said seriously.

"You don't need to say that. As long as I can do anything, I will naturally not refuse it. Besides, the last help was also closely related to my own selfishness. Of course I won't think it is anything." Problem." Li Tian smiled seriously and said, many things are like this, far from being as simple as they seem on the surface. What happened last time, even if the Bone Fore Clan didn't ask for help, Li Tian Still have to do it this way.

"Please follow me." Suo smiled and then began to lead the way.

"You can talk as long as you want. I also want to see my father. I have to discuss many things in the future, and I won't follow you." Du Teng said, knowing that he would definitely not be able to continue at this time. Following Li Tian, ​​the conversation between the people and the Bone Fore Clan was definitely not something that he, the Dragon Clan Crown Prince, could just listen to casually.

Li Tian nodded, said nothing, and left after Suo.

Du Teng then left.

"Although we are very confident in the Sky City, how long we can resist such an attack is not so easy to guarantee, and there is also a big difference between this and our clan leader. Contact, plus many things happened before, our clan leader really wants to meet you, the rumored young man."

"I know, this is also something I should do. I have long wanted to meet the leader of the Bone Fore Clan."

As Li Tian and Suo talked, they quickly passed through several streets and arrived at the center of the rebuilt Holy Desert City. Here you can see a towering tower, which is heavily guarded outside.

This should be the palace of the head of the Bone Fore Clan.

"The clan leader has been waiting inside for a long time. This negotiation is also a separate negotiation between the two of you. It is inconvenient for us to participate in it. Please come." Suo made a gesture to invite him in.

"I see."

Li Tian slowly walked up the steps, and then the guard opened the door and asked him to go in.

The moment he entered, he heard a heavy coughing sound coming from inside: "A distinguished guest is coming to the door, but it is difficult to welcome him from afar."

"Clan leader, you are so polite. Compared with you, I am just a junior. Besides, there are still many things that need your help these days. How dare I say such things to you?" Li Tian also looked very politely. Looking at the blurry figure in the distance, I was very curious about what the patriarch of the Bone Fore Clan looked like and his lines.

Of course, I can't find a suitable way to explain clearly at this time what kind of negotiation method I want to use when I come here.

But his intuition told him that the so-called patriarch of the Bone Fore Clan in front of him was really not that simple. The Bone Fore Clan had undergone such huge changes in such a short period of time. The strength of this patriarch was not simple.

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