"Yes, what is in front of you is a pretty good road. As long as you can pass such a road, of course you will be able to become stronger, but you can also think of the final result. It's different from what we imagined. Obviously some of the problems we encountered are even greater than what we thought, so in this state, no one knows what the final result will be like." Lei Zhu said sincerely: "Although it doesn't look like it, you were recommended by Lei You after all. I still hope that you can withstand such a test."

"It's a good temptation."

"Of course, there is no doubt that you will gain stronger strength through this test. Your coming here this time proves that you want to make yourself stronger. I also believe that you are very powerful now." You may have reached the point of desperation, but I still want to make it clear to you here that the decision-making power is yours. You can do whatever you like. Once you enter such a test, you yourself may even If you die here like this, I still hope you can clearly realize this. The problem here is not as easy as you think. Once you are really trapped here, there is only one way to die!"

Sure enough, dangers and opportunities all coexist like this.

You want to let yourself grasp more wonderful opportunities, which is of course very easy. But while mastering such things, you also need to bear a lot of responsibility and trouble. Now it seems that it is not true. Being able to handle this matter so easily has become a problem. Although Li Tian says he is full of confidence in himself, does he really want to gamble like this?

Thinking about it, the difference between themselves and the King of the Void is really huge. At this moment, they don't know whether they can really handle the problem like this when facing such a problem.

This is indeed the case for Li Tian now. The problem is before them. If they want to deal with such a problem, they must seize the time and focus the entire matter on the situation in front of them. Is the final result true? If it can be the same as what they imagined, that is one thing that they cannot be sure of now. "

"Okay, now let you make your own choice. What will the final result be like? Let's see if the final result can still satisfy us. But I believe you are also very clear about what the final result will be. Look, sometimes you can handle the problem easily, but maybe the final result will become more complicated." Looking at Li Tian in front of him with a smile, Lei Zhu said; "How about it? ?”

"I seem to have no choice now. It's reached the point where I don't know what to do if I want to deal with such a thing. The only thing left in front of me is this one. It's over, I don't care what the final result will be. No matter what this Yin Lei is like, I won't change the final result at all." Looking at Lei Zhu in front of him calmly, Li Tian said.

Situ Ningbing is still in the hands of the King of the Void. There are still many things he has to do. Can he really give up like this when faced with such a problem? This is impossible. Based on my current situation, of course I don't want to see the final result turn out like this. Of course, I hope I can find a way to get the best of both worlds and handle this matter well.

"What is before us is such a choice. Very good. If you make such a choice, then no matter what happens in the future, it will be your own business. I can only wish you the best here. You're lucky, this level is not so easy to pass." After Lei Zhu finished speaking, he turned around and slowly left Yin Lei.

Li Tian here also took a long breath. Looking at the thunder around him, he didn't know if he could really withstand such pressure, right?

Since this is such a challenge, there must be many, many people who have come here to participate in this challenge before, but I don’t know whether I can withstand such pressure. There is also another difference in my body. If the two types of lightning merge and come into contact with the attributes of lightning, what kind of changes will occur in the end? He himself has no idea about this situation at all. He thinks that since it has become like this, maybe he can really find something good. Changed direction.

Looking at the dark thunders slowly approaching him, Li Tian began to murmur in his heart at this time. Although he was full of confidence in himself before, after all, he has reached this point, and now he is also very curious. Whether the whole thing can really make me relax as before, or whether the matter in front of me will become more troublesome, these are all possible.

After all, the situation has already transformed into this, and no one can guarantee what the final result will be.

"There seems to be no retreat now. Since you have chosen such a path, all that is waiting for you is to move forward bravely. I also believe that you can really handle this matter. "Looking at Li Tian in front of him very seriously, Canglong said.

"It depends on me, no matter what we are going to face this time, no matter what the abilities of these guys are, but since it has reached this point this time, I will not let the whole thing end so easily. In the end, I need to teach these guys a lesson and let them know how powerful I am." Li Tian snorted coldly, then clenched his fists and began to focus all his attention on the thunder in front of him. As long as he can withstand such power, , it is very important that he can master the power to save Situ Ningbing.

He has to try it. Even if it seems very dangerous, he still has to do it at this time. After all, there is only one way and one choice left in front of him. Is it possible to make this very critical decision? Do you choose to give up?

It is impossible for Li Tian to do such a thing. Situ Ningbing is still waiting for support. Everything he did before was very Sun Li. He succeeded in causing the entire Taixu clan to be severely damaged. Is he going to give up like this at this time? ? After thinking about it, I can understand that such a thing is simply impossible to happen.

Li Tian hates the Taixu clan very much in his heart, and now he wants to uproot them. This time he will go all out to accomplish this goal as much as possible!

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