Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 9609 Awkward atmosphere

Now Li Tian has begun to take great interest in this assessment.

Then he took a look at the sky and realized that the sky at this moment had actually dimmed and entered the night. The surrounding area became much quieter because of this, but he could still vaguely hear the sounds of some fighting. It could be seen that, Entering this assessment, many people are facing different dangers.

Li Tian returned to Chen Huan and Tian Yu and said, "This assessment lasts for three days. It's only the first day here and it's already like this. We must be more careful next time."

Chen Huan also knew Li Tian's character. Although she was a little curious about Li Tian's previous affairs, she still didn't ask too much about Li Tian. She just glanced around and said, "Well, this island seems peaceful. , In fact, there are dangers lurking everywhere. It’s already dark today, and the so-called Demon King probably won’t come. Let’s rest here first and wait until dawn!”

Although several people have a certain level of cultivation and can move in the dark, they will still have a certain influence after all. In addition, no one knows what is on this island, so find a place now. Staying is the wisest choice.

Just when the three of them were about to find a place to hide.


Suddenly, a deafening roar came from the sky.


Hearing such a voice, Li Tian's whole body and mind immediately tensed up, and a strong sense of crisis arose spontaneously. It seemed that the surrounding space instantly turned into a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire, which made him very uncomfortable!

Almost at the same time, the two girls Chen Huan and Tian Yu who were beside him also frowned. They both felt the same aura at this moment. The two girls also immediately released the spiritual power of cultivation in their bodies, and then moved towards the void. Look.

Li Tian also looked up, and saw a bright moon in the sky. The bright moon shed a silver light, illuminating the earth. There was no wave in the dry well, just like before, but Li Tian and the other two people had already very clearly felt it. The threats therein.

Li Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, released the cultivation power in his body, and looked at the void ahead with concentration. Although there was not much change in the void now, Li Tian had a feeling. This feeling It's very familiar to him.

"It's demonic energy!" Suddenly, Li Tian remembered something, and then he became more certain. There was a demonic energy floating in the distance. The reason why the atmosphere around him was tense was precisely because of the spread of these demonic energy. .

"Hoo ho ho!"

After a while, bursts of strong wind with demonic energy blew over. The strong wind roared past here, rustling the surrounding leaves and weeds. But in this quiet environment, this sound was simply too loud. It was as if someone was dying, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable and made their mood become tense.

It was also after such a strong wind hit that there was no sound on the entire island. No matter it was the ferocious beasts or the other contestants, there was no movement at this moment because everyone felt the evil energy.

"What a powerful demonic energy, what a terrifying demonic energy. This is countless times more terrifying than the demonic generals we encountered before. Is this a demon at the level of a demon king? Isn't this too terrifying?" At this moment, even Chen Huan felt a sense of fear, and her originally calm heart was constantly fluctuating.

Li Tian said: "I didn't expect this demon king to have arrived so early. It was much faster than we imagined. Now we are quickly looking for a place to hide. Although Master Lingdao said before that this demon king will only come from here." I was passing by, but he didn’t say whether the devil would come down!”

Li Tian no longer believed in the words of Master Lingdao. This guy always only spoke half of his words. Just like before, he said that there was nothing on the island, but suddenly countless ferocious beasts ran out, so this No one can guarantee whether the Demon King really passed by.

For things that cannot be determined, it is natural to avoid them first.

Therefore, Li Tian had almost no extra examination. He directly took out the Shenquan Sword and stirred it wildly at the ground, causing a pit to appear on the ground. The pit was more than ten meters deep. In addition to this kind of darkness, if he could avoid it, Inside, it's hard to spot.

"Let's go in, don't let the demon king find us!" Li Tian looked serious. This was the first time he saw the demon king. He didn't know what kind of strength such a demon king had, so he didn't dare to relax.

Chen Huan and Tian Yu also knew the urgency and seriousness of the gaffe, so they didn't think too much about it and jumped into the pit with Li Tian.

In order not to be discovered, Li Tian did not make the pit too big. The distance itself could only accommodate two people. Now that three people entered it, it suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

Just standing in the pit, Li Tian suddenly felt a soft feeling in front and behind him. They were Chen Huan and Tian Yu. The two women didn't seem to pay attention to this before, so they didn't adjust their positions. Now one after another, Li Tian is sandwiched in the center.

With such a small distance, the two women's bodies were almost tightly pressed against Li Tian's, leaving no room to move.

Chen Huan and Tian Yu were members of the Shenyin Sect. They rarely had contact with men, and they had never touched any man. Now that they were so close to Li Tian's body, the two women suddenly felt uncomfortable, and their cheeks were directly embarrassed. It turned red, but in this case, the two women couldn't say anything, so they could only stand stiffly and not move.

And Li Tian's feeling was even more different. As soon as he entered the pit, Li Tian felt an oncoming fragrance. This fragrance was so unique that it was not an ordinary fragrant powder, but a real fragrance. Body fragrance, under this fragrance, the delicate bodies of the two girls are also extremely soft. Now they are completely stuck with him, and the feeling is really comfortable.

Especially Chen Huan who was in front of him. Now they were facing each other, and their chests were just touching each other. Chen Huan was already well developed, so even Li Tian could feel the touch on his skin. An extremely refreshing feeling.

At the same time, the two of them were facing each other, just looking at each other, even their lips were touching, they could feel each other's breathing, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Chen Huan already felt a little ashamed, but now that she saw this, she became even more shy. She quickly turned her face away, not daring to look at Li Tian.

Such a scene is attractive to any man, but Li Tian did not dare to think too much about it.

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