With a gloomy face, he said to Li Tian: "I hate the most timid villains and villains who sneak up on people. Unfortunately, you occupy two points. I decided to kill you!"

He wanted Li Tian's ability to make him stronger, but Li Tian made him angry, and he must kill Li Tian.

That ability can be asked from Li Tian's mouth when he kills Li Tian. He is confident that Li Tian will tell him!

"Haha, it's really funny. I can't beat you, and I won't let him sneak up on you. Isn't this a mental illness?"

Li Tian was very disdainful of the Bass Troll's words. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his sneak attack on the Bass Troll.

After all, he can't beat the Bass Troll, and the Bass Troll's body is as hard as steel. If he fights head-on, he will definitely suffer. If he wants to defeat the Bass Troll, he must look for opportunities from the side. , sneak attack is inevitably a good method.

Seeing that the Bass Troll's wings were still bleeding, Li Tian looked at the angry Bass Troll, raised his hand disdainfully, and said, "You are still quite strong, but compared with me, you are not as good as me. I I advise you to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy as soon as possible. Maybe if I am happy, I can spare your life!"

"You're looking for death!"

The Bass Troll's face turned cold in an instant. When did his lofty king of the troll clan, the Bass Troll, become something that a small human being could humiliate?

Demons can only be killed, not insulted!

Furious in his heart, the Bath Troll flapped its wings, its two sharp claws flashed with cold light, and grabbed Li Tian directly.

The speed was so fast that Li Tian felt that there was no way he could avoid this blow.

The ability of the magic step phantom has just been used, and it is impossible to use it again so quickly. There is a limit.

For this reason, facing this attack, he could only fight hard!

Gritting his teeth, Li Tian held the Shenquan Sword and rushed towards the Bath Troll with all his strength.


The Shenquan Sword can be said to be hard, and the Bath Troll's body can also be said to be hard.

These two extremely hard things collided together and made a sharp and crisp sound, but no other changes occurred.

The Divine Fountain Sword was not broken, and the Bath Troll's claws were not chopped off by the Divine Fountain Sword.

"This guy's claws are really hard. If it were made into a weapon, it would definitely be a good weapon."

Li Tian stared at the Bath Troll's claws and muttered to himself.

The Bass Troll didn't know what Li Tian was muttering. Seeing that Li Tian was able to block one of his attacks head-on, the anger in his eyes diminished a little, and his will to fight became stronger.

Li Tian was so resistant that he wanted to fight Li Tian.

Next, the Bass Troll directly attacked Li Tian again.

It wasn't any fancy attack, it was simply scratching Li Tian with his claws, slapping Li Tian, ​​or various ordinary moves.

But often after reaching a certain state, fighting is so simple and unpretentious.

Although they are some very common moves, after omitting the bells and whistles, they are all useful attacks and condensed attacks.

Li Tian struggled to parry, and his body was stronger than the average demon slayer. Otherwise, facing so many attacks from the Bass Troll, he would have been unable to withstand it and would have coughed. Blood.

Persevering with difficulty, Li Tian stared at every attack of the Bass Troll and secretly calculated in his heart. He wanted to find some patterns in the Bass Troll's attacks and see if he could grasp these patterns. Follow these rules and win from the hands of the Bass Troll!

However, Li Tian knew that the chance of this was approximately zero.

Even though he has now used the ability of magic explosion, all aspects of information have been strengthened, but this enhancement has a time limit. After this time, he will become extremely weak. By then, he will He will be slaughtered by the Bass Troll, so he has to find his own way of survival within an extreme amount of time.

After once again blocking the Bass Troll's attack, Li Tian began to feel pain in his body. Li Tian did not dare to save his spiritual power and once again released a new skill.

Heavenly Demon Armor!

After the ability of the Demon Armor was released, his whole body was suddenly wrapped in black material, and his defense increased several times.

"Huh? You have new abilities. You, a human monk, really gave me a lot of surprises!"

Seeing that Li Tian had made new changes, and after this new change came out, Li Tian's momentum increased a little, the Bass Troll immediately became happy and hit Li Tian again.

Soon, he fought with Li Tian for several rounds.

Through these rounds, he immediately realized what kind of abilities the black substance that appeared on Li Tian had.

"Is it to enhance defense? Just to enhance defense may not be enough."

The Bass Troll licked his lips, stared at Li Tian, ​​who had turned black all over, and shook his head disdainfully. When it came to defense, he only believed in the troll transformation of their troll family. That is truly indestructible!

"Isn't it enough?"

Li Tian frowned when he heard what Bas Troll said. He also knew that what Bas Troll said was not a lie, but it was not enough.

The next moment, he started to use a new ability, the immortal golden body!

Although his ability is incomplete, his defense power can be said to be very abnormal. Just after he was released, the black substance on his body underwent some changes, and some golden luster appeared in the black.

There's gold in the black, like a black gold.

Looks very powerful!

"Huh? It turns out to be a new ability. As a human, you really have a lot of ways to save your life!"

The Bass Troll originally thought that he had seen all Li Tian's abilities, but he did not expect that Li Tian actually used new abilities again, and he once again wanted to fight Li Tian.

With a slight vibration of his wings, he flew towards Li Tian quickly. Because of his excessive speed, the air created a cyclone, sucking in all the surrounding flowers and plants. In an instant, Completely destroyed and turned into ashes.

Here, Li Tian saw the Bass Troll rushing over, while releasing the Devil's Palm, holding the Shenquan Sword, and started fighting with the Bass Troll.

After several rounds, Li Tiandu was able to hold on despite the Bass Troll's attack.

However, maintaining such a form to fight was too taxing for him. The spiritual energy in his body was consumed almost every minute.

If he continues to fight the Bass Troll in this state, he won't be able to last ten minutes!

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