Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 9834 Suddenly

In addition, when he left, it was very sudden. If there was a battle here, the person who was tracking Li Tian would be as fast as Li Tian, ​​and his realm should be the same as Li Tian. Reached the realm of the Nine Heavens. "

He also conducted an analysis based on the situations on both sides, but he didn't know whether the analysis was correct or not.

Someone else frowned and said after seeing the situation on both sides: "I don't think it's the same. Look at it, the traces of the battle on both sides are very obvious, but such obvious traces of the battle give people a very fake feeling." It feels like it was specially carved, what do you think?"

He was not very sure of his opinion, a little uncertain. After stating his opinion, he looked at the rest of the people and asked for their opinions.

Everyone felt a little strange about his opinion, and then they all said they wanted to take a look again and went to explore the situation at the site.

After a few minutes, people from both sides gathered together to report on the exploration.

"After observation, I found that there was indeed a deliberate suspicion of creating the place. The traces of fighting were very regular. You hit me with a sword, how can it be so regular? And the method of Li Tian's attack, The tactics used by the people he encountered were very similar. If Brother Li hadn't reminded me, I would have overlooked this point, and I would have been deceived by that Li Tian."

The man named Li Tian immediately smiled implicitly and said, "It's nothing. If I hadn't reminded you, you all are sharp-eyed people, and you would definitely be able to see it. It's just a matter of time." .hey-hey."

He looked humble, but he raised his head high, as if this was all my fault, which made the other people speechless.

However, everyone gathered to deal with Li Tian, ​​so there was no conflict on this matter.

Next, people on the other road who had investigated the situation also began to report what they had discovered.

"That place is similar to the one on this road. They are all specially arranged for fighting. As long as you pay close attention, you can see it. However, after we discovered these traces of fighting, we also found some traces. These traces , not so deliberately, the way was natural, as if Li Tian suddenly encountered something and then ran away in a hurry."

"Yeah, what?"

Some people immediately became curious about the reported information and planned to go over and take a look.

The others nodded curiously, echoing this man's words and wanting to know what it was.

After all, Li Tian has a lot of points. If he kills Li Tian, ​​they can save a lot of time hunting the demons.

Moreover, Li Tian is a big threat to them. Only by sending Li Tian out of the world can they seize their opportunity with peace of mind. This is recognized by everyone, so the first priority is to find Li Tian and get rid of Li Tian.

Nothing is more important than this.

Seeing that everyone was curious about their discovery, one of the leaders said: "In that case, let's all go over and take a look and see if you can see anything new."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement, and then rushed towards the other way.

It didn't take long for everyone to reach their destination, and then, under the guidance of one person, they arrived at a place.

This place has traces of a unique attack. It is a very big pothole. It is impossible for ordinary people to launch such an attack. According to their understanding of Li Tian, ​​Li Tian does not have such an attack method. Therefore, this The pothole was most likely caused by a second person, one of whom started fighting with Li Tian.

But, who will fight with Li Tian? Everyone is very curious.

"Could it be that someone really intercepted Li Tian? But why was that person so fast that he was able to intercept Li Tian here?"

Some people already believed that Li Tian was blocking the way.

"Could it be that that person was not blocking Li Tian's road at all, but just happened to meet Li Tian here and then started fighting with Li Tian?"

In addition, someone made a guess. This guess is still very reasonable. If you understand it this way, it is understandable.

After hearing their words, everyone fell into thinking. Soon, one person raised his head and said in surprise: "Do you think this means someone didn't attack Li Tian at all?!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Are our eyes wrong? Are you doubting us?"

Immediately, some people became dissatisfied, feeling that these words were questioning their vision.

Hearing this, the person who spoke shook his head and said, "I'm not questioning you, I'm just wondering if the guy Li Tian encountered was not a demon slayer at all, but a demon. Where are the people? You know, the test of the world we entered is to kill the demons and then gain points. Therefore, there are very many demons in this world. After all of us have killed them during this period, we want to come We also know how many demons there are in this world."

"If this is the case, then the possibility of Li Tian encountering a demon is still very high, what do you think?"

"Well...this is really possible."

After his reminder, everyone nodded in agreement, feeling that it was very possible.

Hearing that there was a possibility of fighting a demon, everyone immediately became alert, and then started discussing: "There are not many demons who can fight with Li Tian. After all, Li Tian's fighting ability is obvious to all. , they are the people with the strongest fighting ability among us, so they should have no objections, right?"

Everyone nodded. The people who could come here to intercept Li Tian were all people who had no confidence in their own strength, so they recognized Li Tian's strength as the number one among them without any hesitation.

Those truly powerful people, who have no intention of intercepting others at this moment, are all hunting the demons.

"Then tell me, what level of strength will the demons here have?"

After nodding, a demon slayer asked aloud. Since this was said, he must have something to say later, so he asked directly.

The rest of the people also guessed that the person who said this must have something to say, and immediately asked: "So, you said that the demons here are not ordinary demons?"

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