Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 265: Baotong

Of course he knew in his heart that his daughter would never bother him at this time, because it was his lunch break. This time he came to see him. Obviously, something was looking for him.

After Ouyang Zhengtian asked, Ouyang Shiqing said: "Dad, someone wants to deal with our family."

After Ouyang Shiqing said this, Ouyang Zhengtian, who had thought it would be shocked, didn't even move his face. As if he had heard an extremely plain thing, he smiled slightly: "Oh? Did you find out who it was?"

"Not yet, but Li Tian has helped us find out a lot of clues." Ouyang Shiqing said.

Ouyang Zhengtian's eyes were placed on Li Tian, ​​and he let out a slightly curious voice.

Then Ouyang Poetry in front of him told all the things Li Tian had said to Ouyang Zhengtian.

After hearing this, Ouyang Zhengtian looked at Li Tian with great relief.

"So it is.

"Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd.?" Ouyang Zhengtian said with a slight frown.

"Dad, what is the origin of this company? Are we in touch?" Ouyang Shiqing asked.

Ouyang Zhengtian shook his head slightly.

"This company really hasn't gotten in touch."

"But I heard that this company is not very clean. There have been several vicious fights and murders that have been related to this company several times... It seems that this company is indeed suspect."

Hearing Ouyang Zhengtian saying this, Ouyang Shiqing said: "Dad, or I will take someone to see..."

Ouyang Zhengtian thought for a while.

"I think it is because his taxi company does not have the guts to move my Ouyang family... I am afraid that someone else really wants to move our family." Ouyang Zhengtian said slightly.

"I think so too." Ouyang Shiqing said.

After thinking about it, Ouyang Zhengtian said: "Well, you don't have to go. I will ask your second uncle to take a few people to that company... to find out the truth."

"Let me go together." Li Tian suddenly interrupted.

Ouyang Shiqing and that Ouyang Zhengtian was slightly startled.

Just listen to Li Tian continue to say: "Anyway, I also know the appearance of those people. If I follow along, it will be better. They can't deny them."

As Li Tian said so, Ouyang Zhengtian smiled.


"Then you can go with my no-home cock..."

"Shiqing, call your second uncle and ask him to come over immediately."

Following Ouyang Zhengtian's words, Ouyang Shiqing nodded quickly, and then made a call to Ouyang Lie, the fierce fellow of the Ouyang family.

In less than ten minutes, Ouyang Lie arrived here aggressively.

After hearing Ouyang Zhengtian talking to him about everything, he immediately roared.

A pair of big eyeballs like leopards stared fiercely and roared: "Baotong Company? Has the **** eaten the ambitious leopard? They dare to attack us... I think they are impatient."

"I'm going to clean up those **** now." Ouyang Lie roared and prepared to take people to Baotong Company.

But Ouyang Zhengtian stopped him a bit.

"Second, don't be so angry, this time you will go with him."

"Because he knew the way those people were..." Ouyang Zhengtian said while looking at Li Tiandao.

Ouyang Lie turned a fiery face and looked at Li Tian: "Then what if we find those bastards?"

Ouyang Zhengtian didn't answer but just smiled.

Of course Ouyang Lie understood the boss's intentions.

"Go!" The momentum was magnificent, and then he strode outside.

Li Tian followed Ouyang Lie and led people to the Baotong Company to settle accounts.

They drove 3 cars. Apart from Li Tian and Ouyang Lie in the front, they were sitting in the same car, followed by 8 agile bodyguards, and they were all sitting next to the two cars in turn. Inside, drove aggressively towards Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd.

After they left, Ouyang Shiqing also returned to the main hall.

Yaya who came to find her to play with.

When Yaya saw Ouyang Shiqing coming out alone, she couldn't help wondering slightly, and asked there, "Shiqing, where is that guy?"

Ouyang Shiqing smiled slightly: "He's out, go to do something with my second uncle."

"Um? Shiqing, why is that kid suddenly so familiar with your family? How could something happen?"

Yaya asked puzzledly.

Ouyang Shiqing smiled faintly: "Ya, there are some things you don't know well, you will understand in a few days."

With a yuck, a pair of big shining eyes blinked there.

"But I'm quite strange, after all, how could he suddenly come to your Ouyang's house as a poor boy? Is it because he helped you last time..." Yaya asked, tilting her head.

In the eyes of such wealthy ladies, most of them feel that the help of others is justified. People who come from their little clothes to reach out and open their mouths feel that everything is taken for granted.

But Ouyang Shiqing is different from Yaya.

They are just like a phoenix in the sky and a sparrow on the ground.


For the first time, Li Tian followed the Ouyang family to work.

Sitting next to Ouyang Lie fully understood why outsiders call the second child of the Ouyang family a blatant fire guy.

Along the way, Ouyang Lie stared at a pair of big copper bell-like eyes, his fists were tightly clenched, and his nose was muffled.

His fiery breath is like a bomb about to be ignited, and it may explode at any time.

Li Tian didn't speak but just sat quietly beside him.

Three aggressive cars drove quickly towards Baotong Taxi Company, and in a short while they arrived at the Baotong Company's square.

There are still many taxis parked there, hundreds of taels.

Some drivers were chatting and talking in the front place.

However, he said that Ouyang Lie took the car and drove directly towards the gate of Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd.

At the door, there was a hissing sound, and the sound of tires rubbing against the ground came over.

When the drivers of the Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd. standing there saw these three awesome vehicles suddenly stopping at the door, they couldn't help being taken aback for a while, turning their heads to look here.

As their eyes turned, the doors of all three cars opened simultaneously with a bang.

Then he saw several healthy men in suits and a blushing hunk with a beard and cheeks coming out of the car.

The momentum is bold.

The people from Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd. couldn't help but froze slightly, whispering and asking, "Who are these people?"

"do not know."

"Why are they here?"


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