What appeared in front of Xiao Ran's eyes were two boxes of Maotai.

For Chinese, this baby is all too familiar, everyone is familiar with it.

This is two boxes of six-bottle Maotai, so quietly placed on the shelves.

It can be seen that both boxes have been opened before, and the traces are very obvious.

As for whether it was opened by the original owner or opened by customs officers to check the situation, it is unknown.

In addition, the surface of these two boxes is somewhat damaged, and the boxes are very old, which looks very historical.

To be precise, it is different from the current Moutai wine box, more like the Moutai wine box of the eighties and nineties of the last century.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran's eyes immediately flashed with surprise.

When he entered this warehouse before, he didn't expect that there would be two boxes of Maotai here, which was an unexpected surprise!

Those guys in the live broadcast room also saw that these two boxes of Maotai had a bit of history.

Especially the few guys who are good at drinking are even more pleasantly surprised.

"Xiao Ran, judging from the appearance of these two Moutai wine boxes, it should be Moutai produced in the eighties

" "If the box is really Moutai, and the year of the wine is the same as the box, it is also a small leak"

Addicted to Deep Blue said excitedly.

"Isn't it a little leak! Moutai in the eighties of the last century, why can't it be tens of thousands of bottles now? "

If it's a few special vintage wines, or specially brewed Moutai, it's not unusual to be worth hundreds of thousands," the gluttonous

man continued.

Just when everyone was talking, Xiao Ran had already walked to the two boxes of Maotai and began to check the situation.

The two boxes of Maotai originally had seals on them, but they were torn off, leaving less than a quarter of the seals still attached to the boxes.

On that seal, it was written Chinese.

Now only two words of Shanghai can be seen, and the rest of the words have been torn off.

Apparently, the seal was torn off by the person who examined the two cases of wine.

Instead, yellow tape with the words Los Angeles Airport Customs sealed the box securely.

What is the situation in the box, whether it is Maotai, what year, how many bottles are there in total, and so on.

All these circumstances are unknown for the time being.

Of course, this is not a problem for Xiao Ran at all.

Through perspective, he sees very clearly.

The two boxes each contained six bottles of Maotai, neatly stacked.

Curiously, these six bottles of Maotai are not common white porcelain bottles, but sauce yellow wine bottles.

Such a Moutai bottle, Xiao Ran has never seen it.

In addition, both the label and the back label are intact.

In the upper left corner of the wine label, a red five-star is printed.

And under the back label where the profile of Moutai is written, the year of production is unmistakably written, 1982.

All bottles are well sealed and show no opening marks.

There are also no pinholes or anything like a pinhole on the bottle, so the possibility of being a fake liquor is extremely small.

The Maotai wine in the bottle seems to have volatilized a little, not very full, but not too much.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran instantly understood.

This is the five-star brand Kweichow Moutai, the jade liquid in the eyes of countless drinking friends.

As for the 1982 vintage, and what is special about the sauce yellow porcelain bottle, he does not quite understand.

He doesn't drink baijiu often, and he has not studied this aspect, so naturally he does not know this knowledge.

But it doesn't matter, there are people who have good wine in the live broadcast room, and they helped him solve these questions in a blink of an eye.

Just as he was checking these two boxes of Maotai, Elder Qin of Shaanbo suddenly sent out several barrages.

Seeing the barrage, Fang Yufei immediately read it out.

"Xiao Ran, Elder Qin said that this is a five-star brand Kweichow Moutai produced in the early eighties, and it may be a special yellow sauce

" "If the wine in the box is right, matching these two boxes, then the price of each bottle of wine is more than 100,000 yuan" Whether the wine in the box

is right, no one knows better than Xiao Ran.

Hearing the appraisal conclusion given by Elder Qin, his eyes immediately flashed with joy.

"Thank you Elder Qin for your guidance, I am ready to take these two boxes of Maotai and collect them myself

" "If Elder Qin comes to Los Angeles in the future, I invite you to drink the special yellow sauce Moutai"

The words did not fall, and Elder Qin had sent a series of good.

Obviously, this old man is also a good drinker, which is gluttonous.

At this time, the live broadcast room was already lively like a pot.

"I'll go! It turned out to be two boxes of special yellow sauce Moutai produced in the 80s, which is too precious!

"Xiao Ran, give buddy a box, how about 120,000 per bottle?"

"Buddy is ready to befriend the old man, so that he can inherit the unification as soon as possible!"

Brother Da Fei said expectantly.

Immediately afterwards, Jingcheng Hua Shao joked and said:

"The Maotai produced in the eighties has long expired, right? I'm afraid that I will die of poison if I drink

it" "Xiao Ran, or you send these two boxes of Maotai back, the buddy reluctantly helped you deal with

it" "Hahaha"

There was a loud laugh in the live broadcast room, and everyone laughed.

Xiao Ran smiled and shook his head.

"These two boxes of special yellow sauce buddies are ready to collect themselves, don't plan to shoot, this thing is a consumer product, drink it and it's gone

" "Besides, if I send these two boxes of Maotai back to China, I will probably be detained by customs again, and then auctioned for the second time, it will be too wrong"

The words did not fall, and there was laughter in the live broadcast room.

Those guys who coveted these two boxes of special yellow sauce Moutai were also completely dead.

At this moment, a professional treasure hunter who knew him suddenly came over.

The guy first looked at the two boxes of Maotai, and then asked curiously:

"Sean, what are in these two boxes?" It looks like a box for wine,"

Xiao Ran turned to look at this guy, smiled and nodded.

"That's right, this is the box containing the wine, which contains a kind of liquor produced in China

" "I like to drink baijiu, it's rare to see wine produced in my hometown, so I want to take it and take it back to taste"

When I heard that it was baijiu, this guy immediately lost interest.

"It turned out to be liquor! I have drunk Chinese baijiu, it is too strong and too spicy, drinking it is like catching fire

" "It is estimated that only you Chinese to drink baijiu" "Hahaha

" Xiao Ran laughed, and said mockingly:

"That's you won't enjoy it, baijiu is much better than agave"

The professional treasure hunter shook his head, then turned and left.

The rest of the guys who were staring at Xiao Ran heard that these were two cases of liquor, and suddenly lost interest.

Only two Chinese buyers took a few more glances at these two boxes of Maotai.

On this shelf, there are also quite a few alcohol items.

They are mostly famous Western liquors such as red wine, brandy, tequila, rum, etc.

Two of them are from Romani Conti in the early nineties, and one bottle of Mouton from the eighties, which is also of some value.

At the instigation of Elaine, Xiao Ran decided to take these bottles of dry red.

If you have a celebration party or spend romantic time with a beautiful person, you may be able to use it.

After a while, Xiao Ran and they finished looking at the shelf like a flower.

Then they walked to the second shelf and began to examine what was on this shelf.

On this shelf, most of them are handicrafts, each with its own characteristics.

Some of these things are still very characteristic and worth playing with.

Unfortunately, time is limited, and Xiao Ran does not have time to appreciate these handicrafts from all over the world.

As if shopping, they strolled past the shelves and scanned the lots on the shelves.

Only when they see something more distinctive and of certain value will they pause for a moment and take a few more looks.

As they spoke, the two of them had reached the middle of the shelf.

Walking here, Xiao Ran and Elaine stopped at the same time and looked at an item on the shelf.

This is a wood carving about one meter high, using African rosewood, reddish-brown with a slight purple, which has a quaint beauty.

It depicts an African man clenched with his fists clenched and roaring up to the sky, as if venting his anger to God.

Although this is a portrait sculpture, this African man does not have a normal human form, and the figure shape is exaggerated, even a little grotesque.

He does not have too complicated movements, but the whole sculpture looks full of tension, very vivid, and full of rhythm and imagination.

The moment they saw this wooden carving, Xiao Ran and Elaine were stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, they whispered in unison:

"West African wood carving!"

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