Matthew took the pulsed metal detector, carefully extended the probe disk into the tunnel, and began to probe.

In the next instant, a dense chirping sound immediately sounded in the Yongdao.

No need to ask, there are obviously many metal objects buried under this section of the road in front of you.

These metal items are naturally not gold and silver treasures, and nine times out of ten they are deadly traps.

Such a situation makes many people gasp.

Sure enough, this tunnel is indeed full of dangers and traps.

Xiao Ran turned his head to look at the signal on the metal detector monitor, and then said:

"Probe the walls on both sides and the vaults above to see how things are going in these places"

Without saying a word, Matthew had extended the probe disk of the metal detector to the left wall.

As soon as the probe approached the wall, the sound of the metal detector immediately sounded again.

The situation is similar for the right wall, as well as the vault above.

In these places, there are many metal objects hidden, which should be rusty javelins and sharp arrows.

Subsequently, Xiao Ran asked Matthew and them to temporarily withdraw from Yongdao for safety.

Immediately afterwards, he carried the heavy police shield in front of him in his left hand, and then crouched down.

On the steps inside the Yong Road, a layer of dust and moss fell on the surface of the steps, making it impossible to see clearly.

Xiao Ran looked at the first step, thought for a while, and then picked up the heavy police shield in his hand and smashed it directly towards the center of the step.


With a muffled sound, the heavy police shield had landed in the middle of the first step.

The next moment, the abnormality suddenly appeared.

In the walls on both sides of the tunnel, there was a sudden clicking sound of the machine, which sounded quite harsh and jaw-dropping.

Immediately afterwards, from the two round holes in the walls on both sides facing the first step, several sharp arrows suddenly whizzed out.

These sharp arrows whistled through the air, and then shot fiercely at the opposite wall.

Due to their age, these sharp arrows have long been rusty and have become quite fragile.

The moment they smashed on the wall, these sharp arrows all shattered instantly, turning into pieces and scattering.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt terrified, and their backs were cold.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran, who triggered this mechanism, had quickly taken a few steps back and firmly protected his body with a heavy police shield, so he did not suffer any damage.

When the fragments of those sharp arrows fell to the ground, silence returned to Yongdao.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ran's voice suddenly came out.

"This experiment is a bit risky, but it is enough to prove that the traps in this underground world are still very deadly and must be extremely careful"

"Although the deadly javelins and arrows in the tunnel are rusty, the mechanism that controls them is intact, but the reaction is slower."

"As expected, those control and trigger mechanisms should have been treated with anti-rust processing, so they can still play a role today two hundred years later."

"Since all the javelins and arrows are rusty, these traps are more deadly, superimposed on the physical attack with chemical and biological attacks"

"In this underground space, maybe only those traps that use gunpowder have failed, and even those guns can fire."

With his introduction, everyone was shocked.

At the same time, people are becoming more excited and more excited.

The more dangerous this underground space is, the more amazing the secrets or treasures hidden inside.

The legendary Napoleon treasure seems likely to be hidden in this underground space.

Just when everyone was shocked, Xiao Ran carried a heavy police shield and came to the position just now.

At this point, he first checked the situation on the steps.

Then he picked up a heavy police shield in front of him, took out a towel, crouched down and began to wipe the first steps.

His movements were very light, carefully wiping away the top layer of moss and dust.

Then wipe back and forth a few more times before completely wiping the dust and moss off the step.

Only then did everyone see the situation of this step clearly.

There are three sections on this staircase, paved with three granite slabs of equal length.

On each granite slab, an Arabic numeral is engraved, but it is not known what the meaning is.

And on the stone slab engraved with 10 in the middle, there was a brand new mark, which Xiao Ran had just smashed out with a heavy police shield.

Needless to ask, beneath this slate hides a mechanism that triggers a deadly attack.

Two other stone slabs on either side are each carved with two Arabic numerals.

The floor on the left against the wall is engraved with 6, and the floor on the right against the wall is engraved with 25.

As for what these two Arabic numerals mean, what secrets are hidden behind them, and whether they are safe, no one knows for the time being.

Looking at the three mysterious numbers on the three granite slabs, Xiao Ran couldn't help but frown.

Many archaeologists and Henry on the ground were also full of doubts.

As for the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, they are even more in the clouds, and they don't know why.

While watching this scene, people also talked about it.

"What exactly do these three Arabic numerals mean? They don't seem to have anything to do with each other, it's so weird."

"There is no doubt that the password to safely pass through this dangerous underground tunnel is hidden in these mysterious numbers, I just don't know, can this guy Sean find out?"

"If he experimented like that, I think he would soon be shot dead in this underground tunnel and shot into a hornet's nest."

While there is a lot of discussion, people are racking their brains to try to solve this deadly riddle.

Of course, many guys who hate Xiao Ran and immortal wish he was killed by random arrows!

At this moment, Xiao Ran had finished observing, and the voice came out.

"Obviously, the passage code of this underground tunnel is hidden in these Arabic numerals, and I need to crack it."

"Just these three Arabic numerals in front of you, 10 is obviously the wrong password, then there are only 6 and 25 left, and one must be correct"

"Although I can't find a correlation between them, judging by the traces on the floor tiles, I tend to think that 6 is the correct password"

"You can take a screenshot to zoom in and take a closer look, the floor tile with 6 is engraved, and the surface wear marks are a little more obvious than the other two"

With his words, everyone began to take screenshots, and then zoomed in to observe the situation of the three stone slabs.

Needless to say, the result is exactly the same as Xiao Ran said.

The stone slab with 6 engraved on it does have a heavier surface wear marks.

The next moment, Xiao Ran's voice suddenly came again.

"In order to test my conjecture, I decided to do another experiment to see if my conjecture was correct"

Saying that, he had picked up the heavy police shield again and slammed it on the stone slab engraved with 6.

Then exit backwards at lightning speed to be safe.

As a result, nothing happened, everything was business as usual, only the sound of smashing kept echoing in the tunnel.

Clearly, his guess was correct.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Elaine and Caroline, the hearts hanging high in their throats and eyes were slightly lowered.

"Experiments have proved that the stone slab with 6 is safe, but what the meaning of this number is still unknown"

"Next, we will probe the second step to see what we can find this time and whether we can unlock the secrets behind these mysterious numbers."

Saying that, Xiao Ran had returned to the position just now.

Then go down and step straight on the stone slab with 6 engraved.

Nothing abnormalities occurred, and the Yongdao was calm.

After making sure it was safe, Xiao Ran squatted down and began to wipe the second step.

In a moment, he had wiped the dust and moss off the second step.

Then in front of everyone's eyes were three unknown Arabic numerals.

The three Arabic numerals are, 19, 12, 21.

Seeing these three mysterious Arabic numerals, everyone suddenly felt a headache.

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