With the report of several subordinates, there was a commotion in the underground palace and everywhere on the ground.

Although this was expected for a long time, people were amazed by this series of discoveries.

The next moment, Henry suddenly said:

"It is right to find these boxes engraved with the royal coat of arms of various countries in Napoleon's treasures, and the things contained in these boxes are obviously the trophies of Napoleon's conquest in those years

" "For example, those boxes of the Romanov dynasty of the Russian Empire are most likely the trophies taken from the imperial palace of the Russian Empire after Napoleon conquered Moscow" "

After Napoleon withdrew from Russia, Just hid these things, these things from the imperial palace of the Russian Empire, never appeared again, it turned out to be hidden here"

Hearing this, several French archaeologists and historians at the scene nodded, and their eyes lit up with excitement.

Xiao Ran just smiled, and then walked towards those boxes with these guys.


In the Russian Embassy in France, as well as in the Moscow Kremlin, and in countless places in Russia, there was an annoying curse.

"These damn Frenchmen, what a fucking whitewash, these treasures from the imperial palace of the Russian Empire were snatched by

Napoleon from Moscow" "It was a naked robbery, not a trophy, the war never took place in the palace of the Russian Empire" "

Another point, Napoleon was defeated by us and fled, not a retreat, when he left Moscow, Napoleon still had an army of 100,000, and when he returned to Paris, only 20,000 remained"

After some denunciation, the Russians immediately took action.

They publicly demanded the return of all the antique works of art and gold and silver treasures that had been stolen by Napoleon and belonged to the Russian Romanov dynasty.

Following suit, Austria, Germany, Spain and other countries have also taken the same move.

In the underground palace.

Xiao Ran had already arrived at those boxes and looked at the various badges engraved on those boxes.

In fact, on these boxes, not only are various different emblems engraved, but also some patterns and some words are engraved.

Due to its age, many of the texts are blurred.

Coupled with the oxidation reaction that occurs when the air is just rapidly displaced, these texts from more than two hundred years ago are even more difficult to read.

This is something that is inevitable, but fortunately the losses are not very large.

Of course, what is hidden here is another matter if it is a large number of top Chinese antique art.

In that case, Xiao Ran would definitely be extremely cautious and would explore this treasure with the attitude of archaeological research.

It is precisely because the things hidden here are Western antique works of art and gold and silver treasures that he is too lazy to spend too much energy on protecting these things, and getting rich is the first thing.

Xiao Ran checked the situation of these boxes, and then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, these boxes are the trophies of Napoleon's conquest of Europe, from the royal families of European countries at that time

" "Unfortunately, the words on these boxes are blurred, there is no way to know what these words are written, maybe it is a record of what is contained in

the boxes" "Fortunately, you can judge from these badges where these boxes come from, And there are no traps on these boxes, you can safely open them and check them,"

Pierre and Henry nodded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Cornell said expectantly:

"Sean, or let's open a few boxes here to see

what is in the boxes" "After the inspection is completed, we will move these boxes to the ground, and then open them one by one to carefully clean and check"

Before the words fell, the other guys nodded in agreement.

Apparently, they couldn't wait to get back on the ground and check the contents of the boxes.

Xiao Ran looked at them and glanced at these boxes engraved with various badges.

After a little thought, he nodded and said:

"Okay, gentlemen, in order to satisfy everyone's curiosity, let's open a few boxes here and check the contents of these

boxes" "I just looked at it, there are many boxes from the Russian Romanovs, the Austrian Habsburgs, the Polish royal family, and the Napoleon family

" "Let's pick one of them and open it to check the situation, The rest of the boxes will be talked about after they are moved to the ground, there is time, everyone does not need to worry

" "Okay, Sean, this arrangement is good"

Pierre nodded and said, and the rest of the people nodded.

Next, Xiao Ran casually ordered a few boxes and asked his employees to move out and prepare to do it himself.

In a matter of moments, the four boxes he had picked out had been moved to the open space next to them.

The boxes vary in size, but they are all quite heavy and basically require two people to lift.

The weight of them can also be heard from the muffled sound they make when they land.

As these boxes were moved out, everyone's attention was drawn to them.

Xiao Ran stood in front of these boxes and examined them carefully.

A moment later, he casually asked for a hydraulic pliers from his staff, and he was ready to start.

"There should be no traps in these boxes, so you can safely open them and check them, but everyone should still be a little careful, just in case,"

he said, and he had neatly cut the lock on one of the boxes with hydraulic pliers.

The coat of arms engraved on that box, the coat of arms of the Russian Romanov dynasty, apparently from Moscow.

As for the lock that locked the box, it has long been rusty and completely scrapped.

Seeing his movements, Pierre and Henry both felt their hearts tighten.

They all raised their hands in unison, wanting to remind them.

As a result, before they could speak, Xiao Ran had already cut the lock.

In desperation, they could only shut up and take a few steps back.

The next moment, Xiao Ran put the hydraulic pliers on the box next to him, and looked at the box engraved with the Romanov dynasty coat of arms to

make sure it was safe, and then he removed the cut lock and slowly lifted the box.

There was nothing wrong with the box, no traps were triggered, and everything was business as usual.

As the box was opened, the scene immediately flashed a dazzling golden light.

Everyone standing in front of them was so shaken by this golden light that their eyes were closed, and countless viewers on the live broadcast side had the same reaction.

When everyone opens their eyes again, they will see it immediately.

This box with intricate patterns and patterns is filled with a variety of exquisite and dazzling gold and silver objects.

These include gold candlesticks, gold wine glasses, gold crosses, gold wine ware, gold jewelry boxes set with colorful gemstones, colorful gold eggs and more.

Looking at these dazzling gold products, everyone was stunned, and their eyes were reflected in gold.

The next moment, Henry was the first to exclaim.

"Oh my God! This box actually contains so many gold products, and each one is so beautiful, it is amazing!

Immediately after, Connell exclaimed excitedly.

"Judging from the manufacturing process and style of these gold products, it is obvious that they are from Russia, and they should be the treasures that Napoleon snatched from Moscow"

Excited, this guy lost his mouth for a while, and directly described Napoleon as a robber.

Xiao Ran smiled softly, then reached out and picked up a golden Easter egg inlaid with a large number of red and sapphires from the box and admired it.

"Yes, this is indeed the gold and silver treasure that Napoleon stole from Moscow, engraved with the coat of arms of the Romanov dynasty

" "Only the royal family of the Russian Empire will be so fond of Easter eggs, and they have made countless exquisite Easter eggs at all costs,"

he said, and he showed the gold and jewel eggs on the live camera.

The coat of arms of the Romanov dynasty engraved on this golden gemstone egg is presented in front of everyone's eyes with great clarity.

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