After David finished introducing the outside world, Anthony immediately picked up the conversation and began to introduce the security situation.

"Sean, the streets outside and the Place de la Bastille have been completely blocked by people swarming from all directions, as has the street behind the apartment building

" "In these swarming crowds, there are many gangsters, a large number of art thieves, and other people and horses, including many intelligence agents from European and American countries

" "Without exception, these guys are coming for the top antique works of art and gold and silver treasures in Napoleon's treasures, They are mixed in the crowd with weapons, waiting for an opportunity

" "As night falls, among these guys with bad intentions, there will definitely be people who can't hold back, they will take advantage of the night to stir up chaos

, and then fish in troubled waters" Xiao Ran nodded, and then sneered and whispered:

"The operation to clean up Napoleon's treasure will be launched all night tonight, no one can stop it, we can't leave this apartment building, we must stay here"

"Once we leave, it will leave the French government with the opportunity to intervene, and they will even let people attack here, create an excuse to protect historical and cultural sites, take over this place completely, and exclude us

" "In this case, we must always stay here, and find a way to keep those senior French government officials, experts and scholars, and representatives of all parties here, let them be our shields,"

he said, pointing to the French president's special envoy and the minister of culture.

Although those guys looked at this side, they couldn't hear the conversation here, and they didn't know that Xiao Ran was calculating them.

David and Anthony were stunned for a moment, then both laughed.

"Your idea is very good, Sean, these high-ranking French government officials and various experts and scholars, as well as representatives of various parties, are indeed a good shield

here" "In order to protect their personal safety, the Paris police will definitely greatly strengthen the security here to ensure that these guys will not be harmed by those gangsters outside"

David said with a smile and a secret thumbs up.

Anthony also reacted and nodded slightly.

After a pause, Xiao Ran continued:

"These guys alone are not enough, we also have to retain the ambassadors and cultural counselors of various countries in France who are guarding outside, retain those hungry media reporters, and use them to create greater influence

" "When necessary, I can let ambassadors and cultural counselors of various countries come into the apartment building, and from time to time give those media reporters some sweetness, always hanging their appetite

" "There are ambassadors here, In order not to cause major diplomatic incidents, and for the sake of France's international face, the French government will definitely guard this place like an iron barrel

" "Of course, we can't all count on the protection of the French police, it's not safe, we ourselves must also be vigilant, strengthen the security inside and outside this apartment building, and be ready to respond at any time"

said, he looked at Anthony.

Anthony nodded and continued with the security briefing.

"Sean, inside and outside this apartment building, are now under our strict control, there are many plainclothes guys hidden in the crowd

, staring at those guys with bad intentions" "Several commanding heights on both sides of the street are under our control, but after nightfall, the vision will definitely be affected a lot, we will find a way to deal with it as soon as possible

" "Those three medium-sized helicopters are ready, ready to fly here to pick you up, and the French police have also sent a large number of police forces, The two streets before and after the complete blockade,...... "

Anthony gave a detailed description of the security situation.

And highlight some of the guys who hide in the crowd and pose the most threat.

These guys include gangsters from St. Denis, a gang of art thieves from District 10, and intelligence officers from various countries disguised as ordinary people.

After listening to his introduction, Xiao Ran thought for a moment, then discussed with them in a low voice for a moment, and formulated some emergency plans.

After the discussion, Anthony turned away and went to make the arrangements.

Xiao Ran and David glanced at each other and returned to the large-screen TV in the center of the hall.

Coming here, Xiao Ran first looked at the picture on the large-screen TV.

At this time, the clean-up and removal of Napoleon's treasures continued.

The boxes filled with gold and silver treasures placed in the corridors of the underground palace are being carried to the ground one by one.

After moving these staggering amounts of gold and silver treasures, the more valuable antique works of art stored in the rooms on either side are moved.

The entire handling process is highly transparent, and every action is clearly displayed on the live screen.

Xiao Ran glanced at the live broadcast screen, and then said to the guys who looked at him:

"Gentlemen, tell you one thing, we are going to clean up Napoleon's treasure overnight until all the treasures in this shocking treasure are cleared out and transported to the ground

" "As before, the entire cleaning and handling process will be broadcast live online to ensure a high degree of transparency, so that everyone can see it, and avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings"

"Later, I will ask my staff to arrange a room dedicated to the identification of antique artworks, identify a large number of antique works of art from Napoleon's treasures, and give an appraisal conclusion on the spot

" "This will be a marathon appraisal activity, which will surely attract countless attention and cause a lot of sensation, welcome to participate in the identification experts and archaeologists, let's identify and discuss together

" "The operation of cleaning up and moving Napoleon's treasure will last a long time, overnight is certain, If you continue to stay here, we will be responsible for eating and drinking, and we will also provide a place

for everyone to rest" "There are many rooms in this apartment building, the conditions may be poor, but there is no problem with living people, we will try to provide better conditions for everyone,......"

With his words, many experts and scholars, including Henry and Pierre, were suddenly happy

that they didn't have much idea, and what they wanted to do most now was to see with their own eyes, How many top antique works of art are in Napoleon's treasures!

It would be nice to be involved in the discovery and identification of these antique works of art.

The discovery of these antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure is bound to cause a sensation throughout Europe and the United States, and even the world.

No one wants to miss such a godsend, and they are the same.

Now that they heard that Xiao Ran opened the opportunity to everyone, can they not be happy about it?

The French president's special envoy and the Minister of Culture who were also at the scene quickly glanced at each other, and they all saw a little chagrin in each other's eyes.

Sean, this damn bastard, is so fucking cunning, this is not leaving a chance!

Just when these guys were secretly annoyed, Xiao Ran said something that made them even more annoyed.

After talking about the clean-up and identification operation carried out overnight, Xiao Ran suddenly turned his head to look at Mike who was standing on the side, and said to this guy:

"Mike, you go out and invite some media reporters to come in, participate in the live broadcast of the follow-up, and witness everything that happened here

" "I identified several media that can let them enter the apartment building to report, including French TV, "Le Figaro", "The New York Times", "National Geographic Channel" ,......"

He mentioned seven or eight well-known news media in succession, mainly the mainstream media in the United States and France.

While identifying news outlets, he also limited the number of people per outlet could enter the apartment building.

A maximum of three people can enter per media outlet and must undergo strict security checks before you can enter.

When he finished, Mike immediately nodded and replied

, "Okay, Sean, leave these things to me,"

and the guy turned and walked outside the apartment building.

Looking at the French presidential envoy and others, their faces suddenly became even more ugly.

The Frenchmen understood that as so many prominent news outlets entered the apartment building, the space for them to play small actions would be greatly compressed.

If you are not careful, you may be caught by the news media.

Thinking of this, several high-ranking French officials suddenly felt that the roots of their teeth were itching.

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