It is a very strangely shaped gold mask, the main body of which is a gold disc inlaid with many tarnished gemstones and stained glass.

It is said to be a disc, but there are human facial features on it, but the proportions are extremely strange and incongruous.

In particular, a pair of eyes inlaid with obsidian, dark as ink, and seem to be bottomless, revealing a strange, even eerie feeling, which makes people's backs chill when they look at it.

On the forehead of this gold mask are carved an eagle's head and an eyed snake's head.

In the lower part of this golden mask, dozens of hands are engraved densely, as if they are sticking out from this golden mask.

While these archaeologists and historians at the scene exclaimed, the vast majority of the audience who were watching the live broadcast of this exploration were confused.

This shape and style of golden mask, they have never seen before!

Even if Pierre says that this is an ancient Egyptian-style gold mask, everyone still does not know why.

The next moment, Xiao Ran suddenly smiled and said:

"The golden mask you see now is indeed from ancient Egypt, but many people may not know it, or they are not very familiar

" "Below I will introduce you to the relevant situation, this is actually the golden mask of

the ancient Egyptian sun god Aton, which is very rare" "The reason why this golden mask of the sun god Aton is extremely rare is because the sun god Aten existed in ancient Egyptian history for a short time

"Aten was originally just a symbol of the sun, unlike other ancient Egyptian gods, Aten did not have a human form and was not deified until the New Kingdom period

" "The one who revered Aten as the sun god was the pharaoh Amenhotep IV of the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt, that is, Tutankhamun's father

" "When Tutankhamun succeeded to the throne and became the new pharaoh, due to the counterattack of the old forces, Tutankhamun finally compromised, abolished the belief in the sun god Aton, and returned to the belief in the god Amun"

"After resuming the worship of the old gods, the ancient Egyptians completely eradicated everything about the sun god Aten, including words and statues, etc., in an attempt to erase the traces of Aten's existence" "

The sun god Aten from establishing the godhead, being revered as the sun god, and then being completely abandoned and eradicated, only a few decades, so I say that this golden mask is extremely rare,...... With

his introduction, people have some understanding of the ancient Egyptian sun god Aten.

There is no doubt about the origin of this golden mask.

At the same time, people were also shocked by Xiao Ran's profound knowledge.

"Wow! This guy Sean is so scary, there seems to be no knowledge in this world that he does not know, there seems to be no antique artifacts that he does not know, it is simply incredible!

"I've heard for a long time that this guy Sean is omnipotent and omniscient, and today I really understand the meaning of this sentence, this guy seems to be more powerful than the legend!"

Not only ordinary viewers and fans, but even those experts and scholars were amazed by Xiao Ran's performance.

Whether they liked it or not, they had to give Xiao Ran a thumbs up.

Xiao Ran, who was explaining, was still introducing this golden mask to everyone.

"After talking about the origin of the sun god Aton, let's take a look at the information shown

on this golden mask" "The eagle and cobra gods on the forehead of this sun god Aten

golden mask represent Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt respectively" "Upper Egypt is the eagle god as the protective deity, and Lower Egypt uses the snake god as the protective deity, and they appear here at the same time, symbolizing the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt

" "Those tentacles under this golden mask, It is the most prominent symbol of the sun god Aton, Aten has no human form, but there are countless

hands" "They symbolize the sun's rays shining on people's hands, representing the sun god Aten everywhere, bringing life to everything in the world,...... With

his introduction, Pierre, who was also at the scene, nodded frequently.

When Xiao Ran finished his introduction, Henry immediately sighed and said:

"Sean, you guy is really knowledgeable, it seems that there is nothing you don't know

" "That's right, this is indeed the golden mask of the ancient Egyptian sun god Aton, extremely rare

" "Although it is not as exquisite and precious as Tutankhamun's gold mask, it is also an undoubtedly top antique cultural relics

" "As for why it appears here, Apparently brought back by Napoleon from Egypt, and then has been privately treasured

" "This top antique artifact did not appear in any historical documents, it should be the result of Napoleon's great love and never displayed in public"

While saying this, this guy's eyes were hot and almost burning, and he kept staring at this sun god Aton gold mask.

Not only him, but Lawrence and Pierre who were also at the scene, why not.

These guys were all staring at this priceless treasure, and they couldn't immediately pounce on it, take this treasure in their arms, and take it for themselves.

However, before Xiao Ran spoke, none of them dared to touch, admire and identify this treasure.

In that case, they are likely to lose the opportunity to participate in the follow-up identification.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as a top expert and scholar in the industry, who is willing to miss it because of a momentary excitement?

In that case, you are likely to regret it for the rest of your life.

The next moment, Xiao Ran suddenly reached out and took out this Sun God Aton Golden Mask, and took it in his hand and flipped it over and over to admire it.

Seeing this scene, Henry and Pierre's eyes turned red with instant envy.

At this moment, Xiao Ran suddenly handed the golden mask of the sun god Aton to Pierre.

"Gentlemen, it seems that everyone is very interested in this ancient Egyptian gold mask, so let's get started and admire it

" "But you must be careful, the precious stones and stained glass inlaid on this gold mask have shown signs of loosening

" Before the words fell, Pierre quickly reached out to catch the golden mask of the sun god Aton, nodded excitedly and said:

"Don't worry, Sean, I will definitely protect this priceless treasure, It is so brilliant and perfect that it must not be harmed in any way,"

he said, and he began to admire and identify the golden mask in fascination.

The rest of the guys came forward one after another, looking at this treasure with their eyes shining.

Looking at their performance, Xiao Ran just smiled softly.

Then he looked at the other gold and silver treasures in this box.

Almost all of the contents of this box come from the Napoleonic family, and most of the artifacts are engraved with the Napoleon family coat of arms.

The rest of the items in the box are very beautiful and valuable, and each one is dazzling.

But compared to the golden mask of the sun god Aton, the value of these things is not worth mentioning.

Xiao Ran took out these gold and silver treasures in the box one by one and showed them one by one in front of the high-definition camera.

At the same time as the display, he will also briefly introduce the function, artistic style, and valuation of these items.

After the assessment, he handed these things to his staff standing aside.

Next, several company employees follow their respective division of labor.

Number each item, take photos and videos, and record relevant information and valuations.

After these processes, they packed these dazzling gold and silver treasures into aluminum suitcases and temporarily preserved them.

All these actions are clearly presented on the live broadcast screen, and nothing is missed.

Looking at these live broadcast pictures, those who have evil intentions and try to find trouble, one by one, have a feeling that the dog bites the hedgehog and has no way to eat!

Moments later, Pierre joined the cleanup after admiring the golden mask of the sun god Aten.

The appraisal opinions they gave were almost no different from Xiao Ran's, but the appraisal speed was much slower.

Often Xiao Ran has already identified three or four pieces before they can finish identifying one.

Just from the speed of identification, everyone can see it.

Xiao Ran's eyesight and appraisal level far exceed these top French antique art appraisal experts.

And the smart one is not a star and a half, it is completely a higher-dimensional existence!

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