"Zhao, Xia, Wu and many other powerful races were once under the command of Xuanyuan.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, those races are still loyal to Xuanyuan! "

Mr. Yuan and other strong people of the Tiangui clan can not help but feel a sigh.

The rest of the strong men of all ethnic groups in the rebel army also lamented one after another.

Originally, Zhao, Xia, Wu and other powerful races that once belonged to Xuanyuan were almost destroyed by Chiyou after they were leaderless.

In order to survive, they chose to surrender.

Now, seeing that there is still one last blood of the Xuanyuan people, how dare these powerful people who once belonged to the Xuanyuan people forget their ancestral precepts?


Kill him. Anyone who dares to have any idea of Xuanyuan's blood is the enemy of his own family!

"Now, miss, let's go!"

There is an old ancestor of the Zhao nationality. He is bleeding all over and his body is cracked. He looks at Ye Yu and shouts loudly.

"Let's go, I'll wait for the break!"

On the other hand, many of Xia's top strongmen also went out one after another. Some of them ignited their own spirits and began to fight madly, destroying all Chiyou's strongmen.

"In the past, our ancestors failed to protect you Xuanyuan people. Over the years, we have been living for a long time, just to wait for Xuanyuan people to appear. Now, when the time comes, we can't let Chiyou people do whatever they want!"

An old ancestor of the Wu clan, with a gloomy face, fiercely killed a gifted disciple of the Chiyou clan. He is not the opponent of the strong of the Chiyou clan, but it is no matter that he killed some of the younger disciples and talents of the Chiyou clan.


"Good, good! Zhao, Xia, Wu You traitors, damn it, damn it, all of you

An old man of Chiyou nationality was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

Thousands of years ago, his Chiyou clan was very powerful, and he killed most of Xuanyuan's top strongmen at one stroke.

Most of the thousands of races that used to work under Xuanyuan's command died miserably under their iron hooves.

Zhao, Xia, Wu and so on are still nearly 100 ethnic groups, which were once under the Xuanyuan family.

However, the Chiyou people did not kill them completely, because their ancestors were loyal to them.

But now it seems that these guys are just doing it on purpose. What kind of surrender? What loyalty?

They are just taking the opportunity to recuperate and stay for the present.

Boom ~

this strong man of Chiyou nationality, whose cultivation is in the half empty divine realm, made a fierce exploration with one claw, and the roaring sound came out one after another. Many ethnic strong men, such as Zhao, Xia, and Wu, burst to death one after another.

The scene was bloody and the fighting was fierce.

Looking at the Zhao, Xia, Wu and other nearly 100 ethnic strongmen, they bravely resisted the attack from the Chiyou strongmen and the killing of the Chiyou strongmen.

Ye Yu felt a throb in her heart.

I don't know them at all!

But just because they have the blood of Xuanyuan and the blood of Bingfeng God, they have sacrificed their lives and shed their blood for themselves.

"Sister Yu Er!"

Red tail soared to the sky and came all the way. His whole body was full of murderous Qi, and his evil spirit was even more pervaded in nine days and ten places.

In addition, Lin Qingyun, Su Yi, Liu Hanyan, Su Zhan, Liu Jiaojiao, Gao Tianyi and many other former members of duantian Gang have also killed one after another. Most of them are exhausted, and their bodies are full of scars. But at the moment, none of them flinches back. In the face of the strong people of all ethnic groups, they still spare no effort to kill.

In this war, we can only win but not lose. Once we lose, we and others will be doomed!

"Please! Today, I will kill all the Chiyou people! "

Ye Yu's pretty face is icy cold. In her beautiful eyes, she is murderous.

Her eyes, fixed on the distance that is wantonly killing Zhao strong Chiyou strong, Bingfeng Changming, Ye Yu fiercely killed up.

Between heaven and earth, the cold is freezing all over the world. The Chiyou strongman is shocked and retreats suddenly. At the same time, he tries to block the cold of Ye Yu.

However, Ye Yu's cultivation strength is far better than that of him, plus the powerful ice Phoenix blood. This Chiyou strongman, whose cultivation is in the seven peaks of Nirvana, turns into an ice sculpture on the spot, and finally falls from the sky and breaks into ice dregs.

"God, now! The book of awakening, now

Leaf rain heart read a move, in the body, a huge compass fly out, God awn bloom, the outbreak of terror.

As soon as the compass appeared, the divine power between heaven and earth poured into it.

Finally, under the control of Ye Yu, the compass boomed and oppressed, and hundreds of the top leaders and ancestors of all ethnic groups who were cultivated in the Yin Yang realm and even the nirvana quintuple realm died one after another under the divine power of the God God God.The book of awakening, however, is the explosion of shenmang, which falls into the strong people of nearly 100 races, such as Zhao, Xia and Wu, who once worked for the Xuanyuan clan. That power is rapidly increasing their blood power.

Among the major ethnic groups such as Zhao, Xia and Wu, many of them are stuck in the bottleneck. After absorbing the powerful power from the book of awakening, they have broken through the realm of cultivation one after another, making the fighting power of the powerful people of all ethnic groups improve again.

"Damn it! The treasure of Xuanyuan people's inheritance, the book of God and awakening

Chiyou's strong man recognized Ye Yu's two magic weapons at a glance. He looked very ugly.

"Stop her!"

The strong man of Chiyou nationality, whose cultivation is in the realm of half empty spirit, orders in a deep voice.

Immediately, there are more than a dozen Chiyou strong people, Qi Qiwei killed to Ye Yu, want to kill Ye Yu, take away God and awakening book.

"To deal with sister yu'er, have you asked me about my red tail?"

The roar sounded, red tail came down from the sky, and the magic wand smashed down to a Chiyou strong man whose cultivation was at the top of nirvana.

The Chiyou strongman was startled, and his fist went off with a bang. The iron bar hit his fist hard, and the red tail body flew out with a mouthful of blood in his mouth. The Chiyou strongman also fell back with a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

"One sword will conquer the mountains and rivers!"

Lin Qingyun, holding a hundred demons sword, kills a Chiyou strongman whose cultivation is also in the five peaks of nirvana. The sword is sharp and makes the Chiyou strongman fall back again and again.

"Eight gun dragons!"

Su Yi shakes his spear, turns into eight rounds of Haori, and Haori turns into a dragon. He roars wildly, and stops a Chiyou strongman whose cultivation is in the four peaks of nirvana.

Liu Hanyan and Gao Tianyi also used powerful tricks to stop a Chiyou strongman.

Dozens of duantian gang members, such as Su Zhan and Liu Jiaojiao, also formed an array in twos and threes, surrounded by a Chiyou strongman.

In addition, Yan Shaosong came with the power of hegemony.

Painting gentleman Xiao Molin, with mountain ink painting, trapped a strong Chiyou.

Huang Tianqing, a scholar of calligraphy, turned his magic brush into numerous swords and stopped a Chiyou strongman.

Zhou Zhao, a swordsman, is also fierce and terrifying. He has blocked a Chiyou strongman.

Those Chiyou people who want to join hands to kill Ye Yu are blocked by duantian gang members and robbed and killed by the four gentlemen of Longyuan.

As for Ye Yu, she has only one goal, that is, to kill the Chiyou strong man who is in the half empty divine realm!

"Little girl, against me? You deserve it, too? Even if you are a descendant of the Xuanyuan clan, what should you do when you awaken the blood of Bingfeng God and control the God and the book of awakening?

It's easy for me to kill you

This old Chiyou strongman, full of evil spirit, and with the power of hegemony, fought with Ye Yu in the same place. They fought each other all the way from Chiyou city to other places.

In the outer world, the two powers are fierce. In the star field, countless asteroids smash under their confrontation, and countless meteorites turn into dust under the divine power of their collision and explosion.

Nine peaks of Nirvana, against the half step empty spirit.

If this is a strong ordinary race, I'm afraid it has already been defeated by the old Chiyou people.

But ye Yu is a member of the Xuanyuan family. She is born with noble blood, not inferior to Chiyou, not to mention the power of her awakening blood, which is the most rare blood of the Xuanyuan family.

In addition, the divine gift and the book of awakening are also the strength Ye Yu can rely on to compete with the Chiyou people who are in the half empty divine realm.

Not only rely on, but also follow her powerful means to kill the enemy.

This is not true. After a fierce battle, the elder Chiyou strongman obviously felt that his strength was constantly losing. On the contrary, Ye Yu, with the help of the book of awakening, kept his fighting power at the peak all the time!

The more frightened the Vietnam War is!

Kazam ~

his body is broken, and the old Chiyou strongman's body is frozen by the terrible cold sent out by Ye Yu, and turns into countless pieces of ice.

He wants to retreat and recover his damaged body with the help of the power of rebirth. But ye Yu doesn't give him any chance at all. God sent him to fly out, and God's power breaks out. He comes down from the sky and oppresses him severely.

Kazam ~

kazam ~

the physical body of the elder Chiyou strongman is constantly collapsing and breaking, and the spirit is constantly collapsing.

"Don't kill me, I'll be loyal to you to the death!"

The old man cried out in fear.

"No need!"

Ye Yu responded coldly.

God's blessing fell down and killed the old man.

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