"Well What is it? "

Looking at the huge golden three legged bird, void son was shocked.

As a gifted disciple of Xu nationality, Xu Kongzi is naturally well-informed, but he can't recognize the golden bird in front of him, which is comparable to a huge sun?

What kind of monster can grow up to be so huge?

Star giant, I'm afraid it's less than one in ten thousand of each other, and the ancient Mirs are just the size of it!

In the distance, Ye Lan looks dignified.

"Jinyu, SANZU, Hongyan, Qingmu, is the monster in front of you the Jinwu in the flood and famine era?"

In her mind, Ye Lan recalled the records of the ancient books about Jinwu, and found that the records in the ancient books were exactly the same as the huge three legged Jinwu in front of her eyes.

"Kua Fu is beyond his capacity to pursue the shadow of the sun. In the corner of the valley, thirsty to drink, go to drink River Wei. River Wei is insufficient, will go north to drink daze. Before he arrived, Tao died of thirst. He abandoned his staff and soaked his corpse with ointment and meat, and gave birth to Deng Lin. It's a thousand miles away. "

In his mind, many allusions about Kuafu, the God of famine in the Honghuang era, appear in Ye Lan's mind.

According to many allusions, Kuafu tried to chase the sun out of his capacity. In the end, he died of thirst and became a peach forest.

Today, however, when I saw the huge three legged golden crow, I also thought of the dense peach forest and the many broken magic charms after the collapse of the peach forest.

Ye Lan concludes that the events of the flood and famine era and the allusions of later generations may not be completely recorded. The truth of endless years ago should be lost in the long river of time.

In the hand, peach stick suddenly trembles, a fragment of memory, into Ye Lan's mind.

He saw a great God with two yellow snakes in his ears and a mahogany stick in his right hand. He was fighting with a huge three legged golden black.

That gold black blazing, once led to one side of the star realm of life died.

In order to destroy Jinwu, the giant god chased him directly and wanted to kill him.

However, the strength of the three legged gold Wu is too strong. Even if the giant God uses all kinds of means, it is difficult to kill it. He has no choice but to set an example, turn it into a peach forest and put a seal on it. He wants to seal the three legged gold Wu forever.

"I see!"

When ye LAN wakes up, he is more and more convinced that the peach wood staff in front of him is the staff that Kuafu used to use for Chiyou, and that the other party had let him see it before.

It's part of Kuafu's memory.

He didn't want to chase the sun out of his own conceit.

But in the flood and famine period, there was a Jinwu riot, which brought disaster to hundreds of millions of people and burned a star field.

When Kua Fu learned about this, he fought hard against Jinwu and chased him all the way. The two sides fought fiercely, and it was hard to defeat Jinwu. He sacrificed himself, turned into a peach forest, and suppressed the three Jinwu. He wanted the other side to never escape.

However, as time goes by, the power of seal is weakening. The peach wood stick left by Kuafu is also in endless years, and the divine power has disappeared a lot.

Finally, the arrival of the void son, the powerful force is to destroy the whole peach forest, causing the seal of the peach forest to collapse.

This is the scene of the reappearance of sanzujinwu.

"I don't know what it was like at the beginning. It's been sealed up for a long time, but it still exists in the world. What's more, it can erupt such awe inspiring power. "

Knowing everything, Ye Lan's heart is more and more shocked.

In the flood and famine era, it was a long time since the ancient gods era.

It's totally impossible to measure how long it will take.

Thousands of years? Billions of years?

It has long been impossible to study.

For such a long time, even if a true God would be destroyed, there would be no possibility of survival.

But the three legged gold black, Leng is survived a long time, from the flood and famine era to now.

And the cultivation momentum is still overbearing and terrifying, and there is no weak virtual spirit state.

I really don't know how powerful this existence is at its peak!

I'm afraid that the existence of the emperor level in the ancient times was just like that.

唳 ~

the huge three legged golden crow looks up to the sky and crows again. A terrible red golden flame spits out and goes straight to the void.

The flame was so fast that it burned thousands of asteroids all at once. The void wanted to escape, but there was no time to escape. It was engulfed by the red golden flame, so that the form and spirit were destroyed.

After killing the empty son, the three legged golden crow's huge body quickly became smaller and the size of an ordinary crow. However, its terrible momentum and the high temperature emitted by the blazing fire were still extremely terrible.

It's a pair of blue eyes, suddenly staring at Ye Lan, wings a fan, such as light like electricity, instant kill.

Come on!

The speed is not so fast!

Even if ye LAN didn't respond immediately, her chest was pierced by the three foot gold black, and she burst out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Severe burning pain, in the chest, pain Ye Lan bared his teeth."It's a terrible flame. It's just right that I've absorbed you today to enhance my black flame fighting soul and enhance my strength!"

A fierce color flashed in Ye Lan's eyes, and the wound in front of her chest healed quickly.

The three legged golden black is born with extreme Yang. The flame is masculine and powerful. It can be used to absorb and enhance the fighting soul of the black flame. It's very suitable.

Ye Lan firmly believes that with the remaining power of the three legged golden crows, he can definitely raise his fighting spirit of the black flame to several levels, and his cultivation will also go to a higher level.

For him, this is a great tonic!

Roar ~

the sound of the dragon's chant resounds, and countless dark golden fire dragons roar and rush to the little three legged golden ebony. These fire dragons are extremely terrifying and powerful, and the general virtual God triple realm strongmen absolutely hate.

But the three feet of gold and black is not dodge, a small mouth, suction surge, unexpectedly is the countless dark golden dragon swallowed into the abdomen.

Then, it is open mouth a vomit, those who are swallowed by it dark golden fire dragon is anti kill to Ye Lan.

Bang Bang

Ye Lan's fists beat the fierce dark golden fire dragons one after another.

"I almost forgot, that guy is not afraid of fire at all!"

Ye Lan is stunned.

In the magic tower, the mighty weak water rolls out and turns into countless Water Dragons, rushing to Jinwu.

The golden crow crows.

Suddenly, a golden flag appeared.

A total of 12 golden flags, each with a very hot flame.

Fairy ware!

The twelve golden flags are absolutely immortal!

Ye Lan can feel the extraordinary place of those flags.

Hoo ~

Hoo ~

twelve golden flags, whistling and moving, a torrential red and golden flame, burning out, turned into a huge flame Jinwu, facing and killing the fierce fire dragons condensed by weak water.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss.

The vast fog is scattered in the void.

Ye Lan looks a Lin, suddenly startled, a golden flag like electricity burst from, straight to his eyebrows.

"The way of heaven belongs to the emperor!"

Ye Lan a low drink.

The huge shadow of xuangui appeared around him and protected him.

Ding ~

the golden flag was blocked by Ye Lan.

Although it is an immortal weapon, it seems that with the three legged golden crow being sealed for endless years, its divine power has not been as good as that of its peak. Therefore, it is still very difficult to penetrate Ye Lan's way of heaven in an instant.

However, the golden flag is not only one side, but twelve.

Whoosh, whoosh

Golden streamers keep coming, and their targets are all focused on one place.

One after another, each impact is hit in the same place.

Even though ye Lan's way of heaven belongs to the clan and his defense is amazing, he can hardly bear the repeated impact of the twelve golden flags.

Click ~

the huge shadow of the tortoise burst into pieces.

The twelve golden flags immediately wrapped Ye Lan, and the towering red and golden flames were burning violently.

In the distance, the three feet of gold and black stood quietly in the same place, in the blue eyes, flashed a touch of humanized cold color.

It is clear that Ye Lan is dead.

My own fire is the true fire of samadhi, which is hard to stop even if it is immortal.

Not to mention, Ye Lan is just a virtual existence, and has not really stepped into the list of immortals.

But the next second, to the amazement of the three feet, the red and golden flames of his twelve golden flags were engulfed by one thing.

It's not something else, it's a peach stick!

唳 ~

the three legged gold crows angrily. When he sees the peach stick, it seems to remember the bastard who sealed himself up. In his blue eyes, suddenly, cold hatred and homicide burst out.

"Strike the sky with one sword!"

The peach wood staff in his right hand blocks the samadhi fire of the three legged golden black. Ye Lan quickly holds the green wood sword, holds the sword in his left hand, cuts it down with one sword, and uses Xuanyuan sword technique.

Qingmu Shenjian, the sword of the ancient Qingmu shenhuang, is powerful and powerful.

Even though the endless years have passed, it still contains a powerful divine power, and it is an extremely important magic weapon.

And such a magic weapon, with the Xuanyuan family's strongest attack skill, Xuanyuan sword, its power is beyond doubt.

Click ~

on the spot, two golden flags were cut off by Ye Lan.

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