
Qiang Xuyu and many other Qiang strongmen and talents were stunned in the same place. They were afraid, and many of them were already sweating.

Even the emperor of Qiang Yang looks dignified at the moment.

The bramble jungle is really dangerous. In a moment, it devours the essence and blood of a half empty spirit.

"Be careful, don't be careless!"

The emperor of Qiang Yang said in a deep voice.

Other Qiang strong and talented people are awe inspiring.

They didn't break through the path of the terrible bush, but turned around and took a detour.

Leading the way ahead is a strong man of Qiang nationality, who is proficient in array mechanism. In order to avoid unnecessary danger, he took the initiative to ask for orders and explore the way ahead.

Roar -

a roar.

Suddenly roaring out from the ground under his feet, the Qiang strongman, who was exploring his way, changed his face and quickly withdrew to avoid the danger coming from the ground under his feet.

Puff ~

splashing blood and wet mud, a huge sea animal is drilled out. The sea animal is different from other sea animals. Its whole body is cast of steel, its teeth are sharp, and there are many mysterious runes on its body surface. The runes are not the contemporary runes, nor the Runes of the ancient gods and demons, but the Runes of the ancient times Curse.

This kind of Fu Wen Mi mantra is a kind of curse, which makes this sea beast have a very strong attack power. However, it can only stay in this narrow area all its life. Once anyone steps into its territory, it will immediately detect it, and then swallow and kill it instantly.

The sea beast was biting the Qiang strong man's body, and the blood was filled with the sea water, which was shocking.

Finally, the sea beast bit the body of the Qiang strong man and went all the way back to the ground. It disappeared as if it had never appeared.


A strong man in the eight realms of Nirvana was swallowed and killed.

Fear has become more and more intense in the hearts of the Qiang people.

Many Qiang strong and talented people now regret coming to this treacherous place.

"Damn it! How could that be? "

A Qiang strong man with a sad and desperate face.

"That muzixu can get through here safely. He has entered the palace and started to search for treasures inherited from the flood and famine era. Why do we have to suffer such risks?"

His face was not willing.

Muzixu, who stole his ancestral tomb, was in the ancient palace. However, he and others were besieged by many formations or dangers outside. In one breath, he directly lost two super strong men.

"We Can you still enter that palace? "

"Why don't you retreat first? It's really dangerous here. Many places give people a strange feeling! "

A strong Qiang began to play the retreat drum.

They are very powerful. They are all powerful and powerful people in the star region. They can destroy a powerful race with one hand and can be called invincible!

Unfortunately, they are also human beings and monks. They have seven emotions and six desires, and they are afraid of fear.

When a person encounter even they are helpless danger, the only thing they can think of is to run for life!

"No one is allowed to retreat. Today, I will kill anyone who withdraws!"

Emperor Qiang Yang said in a deep voice.

Those Qiang strongmen and geniuses who are talking about it all shut up decisively.

"Keep on exploring. Be sure to enter the palace and catch muzixu.

That man is proficient in the art of dividing gold and fixing acupoints. He is good at robbing tombs.

If you want to get the peerless treasure from this ancient tomb, you have to find a way to catch muzixu. Only with him can we be safe here! "

Said the emperor.

The whole crowd was silent.

Indeed, Emperor Qiang Yang was right.

Muzixu is a robber. Although his talent and strength are far inferior to them, muzixu is the second in the line of tomb robbing. No one dares to be the first in the world!

Inspired some morale, the party marched towards the palace again.


"That's a tough bunch of people!"

In the palace, muzixu noticed that the Qiang Yang emperor and others were getting closer and closer, and he couldn't help wring his brows together.

"No problem, we just look for our men. If they want to fight us, they will kill us!"

Ahead, Ye Lan a face calm way.

At the moment, he has come to a side hall.

This side hall is already in a state of disrepair. The walls are full of mottled and fragmented traces. The sea water fills the whole side hall, making the lights here not bright and looking very dark.

The body surface, the divine power surging, Ye Lan isolated the sea water in the side hall, walking in it.

On one side, Mu Zixu was the same. He released his momentum and set up a border to isolate the sea from himself."So many dead bodies!"

Said Mu Zixu.

He saw countless dead bones piled up in the dark corner, which were different from each other. It was supposed that the strong men of various races came here to explore the tomb, and finally, unfortunately, they fell into it.

In the same way, muzixu saw a corner full of magic weapons. Unfortunately, with the age-old and the corrosion of Shanghai water, these magic weapons have long been broken, and the spirit and even the divine spirit contained in them have disappeared for many years.

It's covered with thick rust. It's broken when it's touched!

In addition, some pills bottles are also broken. There should be pills in them. I'm afraid they have already been completely ablated.

After that, there are some ancient books on Kung Fu, which are rotten in the sea.

Looking around, muzixu didn't find anything useful here.

"It's really bad luck. It's not good to open the door. When I enter the first side hall, I don't even have a consolation prize!" Make complaints about

Muzi Xu.

On the one hand, Ye Lan is wandering in the side hall, trying to feel whether there are fragments of the magic tower, but no matter how he feels, the magic tower in the sea of knowledge is very quiet.

"Go, go to the next place."

Ye Lan orders.

With Muzi Xu is to other side hall.

Boom ~

suddenly, the ground shakes, and the gate of the side hall is suddenly closed, trapping Ye Lan and Mu Zixu.

Under their feet, the light is bright, and a huge array suddenly starts.

Click, click

The sound of the machine rang out, and under the array, a series of figures emerged.

They are twelve stone figures three feet high, just like terracotta warriors and horses, which are full of ancient vicissitudes.

The twelve stone figures looked ordinary, but muzixu smelled an extremely dangerous smell from them.

Boom ~

a stone man, waving a stone knife, slashes Mu Zixu heavily. The knife is powerful, but it is actually in line with the power of heaven and earth.

Empty God!

In front of me, this stone man can burst out the terror strength and breath of the powerful in the virtual divine realm.

Muzixu is desperate!

In the face of such a stone man's all-out attack, how can he resist the strength of Nirvana?

Bang -

a dull sound.

Mu Zixu is not divided into two by the stone knife. In front of him, Ye Lan has made a decisive move, and the terrible stone man is blasted out with one punch.

"Sure enough, it's not easy. Can you take my punch?"

Ye Lan is slightly surprised.

He didn't use all his strength in the previous punch, but it was hard for him to bear the ordinary empty spirit.

But there is no damage to the stone man. It shows that the stone man is an extraordinary thing!

"Watch the back!"

Muzixu shouts. Seeing the other eleven stone figures, they dance their swords one after another. With the power of heaven and earth, they rush to kill Ye Lan.

Every stone man has the powerful strength of the existence of the virtual divine realm. When they fight together, the momentum is extremely terrible.


Ye Lan a low drink, towering dark golden flame, raging rampant, into a rage dragon, toward the 11 stone savage to kill.

Bang Bang

A dull sound, one after another.

Muzixu is shocked to find that Ye Lan, with her own strength, blocks the 11 terrible stone figures and knocks them all out.

"I'll go. It's good to have him with me. Otherwise, I will never die in this situation today!

However, this boy is really fierce. He is younger than Laozi for many years. He has such terrible strength! What a freak

Muzi Xujing said.

Then, he saw the twelve stone men roaring and killing. Ye Lan's previous attack didn't do much damage to them.


I don't know what kind of material this stone is made of. It's so tough that it can bear the attack of the powerful in the virtual spirit state continuously. There's nothing wrong with it!


Mu Zixu was stunned to see a stone figure with a small crack on its body surface. Through the crack, there was a burning air and a strong and surging divine power. From the crack, the red light was shining.

More than that, he could vaguely see that under the light of the fire, it was obviously a piece of red metal, with gold lines on it, intertwined with each other, forming a special mysterious rune, as if it contained a great mystery.

“…… Red flame fairy gold

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