"Lao Zu, help me!"

In the palace, there are special prohibitions, which make the nirvana and even the virtual God unable to travel through space.

At this moment, the emperor of Qiang Yang, with some of the surviving Qiang strong people, such as Qiang Xuyu, fled frantically to avoid the surging black fog from behind.

Now, a Qiang strong man who is in the eight realms of Nirvana sees that the terrible black fog is about to devour him. His face is full of fear, and he constantly asks for help from the Qiang Yang emperor in front of him.

But he saw that some of his companions had been killed in the black fog before, and disappeared without any sound.

In front of him, the emperor of Qiang Yang looked indifferent. He ignored the strong Qiang people's cry for help behind him and let him be engulfed by the black fog. Finally, he became decadent and disappeared silently.

"Run away!"

At the front, Mo Tianxing, with several surviving Mohist strongmen, accelerated his flight.

They can't resist the erosion of the black fog, whether it's the power of rebirth or the power of God. It seems that there is no powerful force that can suppress the black fog in this heaven and earth.

He and others, in front of the turbulent black fog, are as small and fragile as ants.

They have never dreamed that they, who can dominate one side of the star domain, are the existence of a giant and Overlord level. Today, they will run away in such a dilemma.

"Crouching grass, the black fog is too fierce. Where it passes, everything disappears like decay. Who can stop it!

Ye Lan, can we escape? "

Muzixu looks very ugly.

"Who knows?"

Ye Lan responded.

It was also the first time that he encountered such a terrible and mysterious black fog.

The copper coffin made of red flame immortal gold can't hold it down. Countless iron ropes made of red flame immortal gold can't seal it. Even the twelve stone figures made of red flame immortal gold can't suppress it. Even Fuxi Qin, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, just disappeared in the black fog.

"Come on, come on, that thing's catching up. It's catching up!"

Muzixu screams in horror. Seeing the speed of the black fog surging behind him, muzixu rushes to kill him. He is about to catch up with him.

Just as the black fog was about to kill Ye Lan and muzixu, the violent black fog suddenly rolled back and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

See, Ye Lan two people stopped.

Similarly, Mo Tianxing stopped with the rest of the people.

Those who survived, such as emperor Qiangyang and Qiang Xuyu, also stopped one after another, looking frightened and dignified.

"What's the matter?"

Mu Zixu doesn't understand to see to Ye Lan, voice inquiry.

On one side, Ye Lan did not respond, turned around and flew away towards the place where the black fog disappeared.

"What are you doing?"

Muzixu cried.

"Go and see."

Ye Lan responded.

"Are you not afraid of death?"

Muzi Xu said in a loud voice. Unfortunately, Ye Lan has already gone far away.

Not afraid of death?


Ye Lan is certainly afraid of death!

However, the reason why he flew to the place where the black fog disappeared was that the magic tower began to vibrate in the sea of knowledge.

And the place that echoes with the magic tower is the place where the black fog surged and disappeared before.

He knew that there were absolutely fragments of the magic tower there.

As Ye Lan guessed, he returned to the previous place.

Here, is already a mess, the ground is full of red flame fairy gold fragments, some have been completely decayed, divine power is not there, but some are perfectly preserved, directly by Ye Lan income bag.

In addition, Fuxi Qin is also lying quietly on the ground, where the divine power is not there, but there is still a special force in circulation. This object is one of the top ten artifact in the flood and famine era, and it will be of great use if it is kept. Maybe it can be restored to its former glory in the future.

At present, Ye Lan directly brought fuxiqin into the sea of knowledge.

Finally, his eyes were fixed in the void, where the black fog was surging, a piece of debris suppressed them, forming a special seal boundary, so that the terrible black fog could not collide out.

As for the fragment, it is the purpose that Ye Lan came here - the fragment of the magic tower.

"I can't imagine that there are fragments of magic tower here!"

Ye Lan smiles.

Flying forward, he reached for the fragments of the magic tower and put them into the sea of knowledge.

As for the black fog, after Ye Lan absorbed the fragments of the magic tower, he entered Ye Lan's sea of knowledge, integrated into the magic tower, and was directly suppressed in the second layer of daoshan layer.

I don't know what the black fog is. Previously, when I saw the ferocious and domineering, sweeping all directions, even chiyanxianjin and fuxiqin couldn't suppress it. But now, when I was sent to the second floor of the magic tower, it stayed in it obediently. It didn't dare to move in a rash way. It seemed to be extremely afraid of something."What the hell is this?"

Ye Lan's eyebrows frowned, and she was very curious about the mysterious black fog.

He could feel that the black fog was so powerful and extraordinary that it should be something evil.

When he thought of the evil things, he immediately thought of the three ancient evil things: the will of heaven, the eye of the green sky and the power of the yellow sky. He thought that the black fog had something to do with the power of the three days.

At this time, however, he found that the treacherous atmosphere of the black fog was more evil and domineering than the power of the three days. The two kinds of existence were not of the same origin.

"It seems that you have got a lot of good things. Does the red flame fairy gold scattered here fall into your hands?"

Just as Ye Lan looked at the black fog suppressed by the magic tower, a cold voice floated into his ears.

Ye Lan wakes up and looks around. He sees emperor Qiang Yang, Qiang Xuyu and others returning.

Like Ye Lan, they are also curious about why the black fog retreated?

When I came here, I saw that everything was calm again. The terrible black fog had already disappeared.

Ye Lan is the only one here.

"Yes, what? Are you going to rob me? "

Ye Lan smiles.

Looking at emperor Qiang Yang and Qiang Xuyu and others with a flat face.

"Rob? If you are wise and give up all the red flame immortal gold and fuxiqin, we will forgive you! Otherwise... "

A Qiang strong man, sneer repeatedly.


"Kill you!"

The Qiang strong man has a ferocious look on his face.

This words just fall, the power of a god surge, its body exploded, the spirit of destruction, Ye Lan shot.

There is no hesitation, for those who want to kill him, he never politely left his life to the other side.

"How bold! Kill me Qiang people

Several other Qiang strongmen, full of anger, burst into terror one after another, and killed Ye Lan angrily.

As a result, they can't get close to Ye Lan's body at all. They are directly strangled by the power of God.

These idiots seem to forget that Ye Lan was attacked and killed by a terrible stone man who carried twelve empty gods!

Da ~

Qiang Xuyu didn't say much. He stepped out one step and had to fight ye LAN.

But before he could make a move, Emperor Qiangyang reached out and stopped him.

"Sir, I think I'm not as good as you are.

But don't be rampant, sir. We Qiang people are the protoss of the time. There are so many powerful people in our family.

Today, when you kill our people, you have formed a death feud with our people.

In the future, there will be a top strong man in our family to kill you.

No matter how strong you are, you will surely die.

If you can give up everything you get from here, I promise you that you will be safe all your life. My family will never embarrass you at all! "

For the weak, Emperor Qiang Yang never had any pity, but for the strong, he was very respectful.

After all, this is a world where the strong are respected.

He is not Ye Lan's opponent, rash hand, only a dead end, so, he only borrow his family's prestige, to frighten Ye Lan, trying to let Ye Lan retreat, obediently listen to his arrangement.

If he can, he also wants to introduce Ye Lan's existence into his own family and use it for his own family.

"Can you stop talking so much bullshit? If you want something, grab it by yourself. If you don't have the guts to grab it, just go away! "

Ye Lan's impolite response.

If he didn't know he was not his opponent, he would have killed Ye Lan.

"Oh, Emperor Qiang Yang, you are very quick!"

With a laugh, Mo Tianxing came back to the world with several surviving people.

"Brother Mo, it's just the right time to come. All the red flame immortal gold and fuxiqin here fall into the hands of that man.

But the other side is strong, I'm not the enemy alone. How can we join hands to kill him? Take away the red flame immortal gold and Fuxi Qin

Emperor Qiang Yang looked at Mo Tianxing and asked with a smile.

"That's a good idea."

Mo Tianxing nodded and turned to the emperor.

The blood splashed.

Before the emperor had time to attack Ye Lan, Mo Tianxing secretly attacked and killed him.

"Mo Tianxing, you..."

Emperor Qiang Yang didn't believe it until he died. Why did Mo Tianxing do it by himself? Why?

"Mr. Mo, how dare you..."

On the one hand, Qiang Xuyu was shocked. He did not expect that Mo Tianxing suddenly attacked the ancestors of his family and killed emperor Qiang Yang!

Poof ~

before he finished his words, a surge of power came out. Mo Tianxing had already started to kill Qiang Xuyu.Finally, he looks at Ye Lan.

"How is it, sir? I've killed them for you. My Mohist people are willing to make friends with you. The red flame immortal gold and Fuxi Qin are obtained by the strong. "

Mo Tianxing said with a smile.

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