Nine star heaven, the land of the virtual family.

A streamer of light came out of the gate of the Xus. It was a young man, dressed in a white robe and moving with the wind.


A cold voice rang out. In the dark, a strong man of the virtual family, who was famous for guarding the divine gate here, was born and blocked the way of the youth.

Those powerful people of the virtual clan are all the seven or even nine peaks of nirvana. They are a very powerful and terrifying force that can easily destroy any race in the nine star universe.

The young man said nothing and went straight to the gate of God.

It seems that, in his eyes, those powerful people of the virtual family do not exist at all.

"To die!"

Seeing that the other party dared to ignore himself and others, these powerful people of the virtual family were furious one after another. One of them made a bold attack and killed the young people.

Unfortunately, as soon as his offensive came out, he disappeared quietly.

More than that, a treacherous force, but also let the power in his body disappear, and that force is madly destroying his bones, flesh and soul.

It's just a breath.

The strong man of the virtual family, whose cultivation was at the peak of Nirvana, had already died miserably and turned into a piece of ashes.


The rest of the strong people of the Xu clan were shocked and couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

They didn't see how the young man did it, and the strong man in the nirvana eight fold peak on his side had already died in silence.

It's so weird!

"God is the power, he "The empty spirit state..."

Someone suddenly woke up and looked at the young man in panic.

Before he finished speaking, there was a terrible and vast force of Shenze in heaven and earth. It was so powerful that it could be called terror. It made the power in his body disappear, his body burst, and his spirit were destroyed.

Before they could react, Qi Qi was crushed by the power of the terrible and domineering Shenze, and all of them turned into ashes.

No one can stop it!


When he came to the huge God's door, the young man gave a low drink.

In the body, the power of God violently attacks and smashes the God gate.

Countless pieces from the explosion of the divine gate fly straight into the land of the virtual family.


The land of the virtual family, on a mountain.

Nihilism and nihilism are playing games, talking about some recent situations.

"The spirit card of Tianlun is broken!"

Nihilistic, respond.

"The spirit cards of some of the people in the same trade are also broken one after another."

"Have you ever sent someone to find out?"

"Yes, it won't be long before news comes back."

Nihilistic response.

"It's up to you to take full responsibility for this matter. In addition, I've heard that the moon and the Chu seem to be making plans for Shenwu."

Asked the void.

"Yes, the land of Shenwu, the origin of ancient gods, was once extremely brilliant and powerful, which can be called the holy land of cultivation.

However, since the fall of the gods in ancient times, Shenwu continent has been extinct, and resources were once in a state of scarcity.

But I don't know why. Recently, the aura of Shenwu mainland suddenly soared. On the land, there are many rare and precious miraculous drugs. Some kinds of miraculous drugs are extremely rare even in our nine star universe.

The Moon Clan and the Chu clan sent secret visits to see if there is any sign of recovery in the place where the gods were originally born. It seems that they are going to make a big effort to kill the aborigines in the Shenwu continent and take them in their own hands. "

Nihilistic response, obviously, all the trends of the Yue clan and the Chu clan, he already knew.

"Will the origin of the gods be revived? If so, it really deserves our attention! "

Nihilistic mouth slightly lifted, eyes, flashed a touch of greedy color.

He knows something about Shenwu continent. If the origin of ancient gods really wants to revive and restore its glory, it is definitely a treasure land for cultivation that they will fight for madly!

If one's own family can occupy such a precious place to practice, the strong in the family will surely double, and the number of talents will definitely emerge in an endless stream, leading to a more powerful road.

"It's just that I can't attack Shenwu for the time being!"

Nihilism, deep voice.

"I know that place is the hometown of Ye Lan, and his friends and relatives all live in that continent.

Today, tianyuxian has not yet ascended, which is a great disaster for us.

After rising, we can join hands with Mo, Qiang, Yue and Chu to destroy Ye Lan and others, so that they will disappear in this world forever and take control of the place where the gods originated. "Nihilistic heaven is not a fool. He knows that the relationship between Shenwu mainland and Ye Lan is great, and Ye Lan has a deep relationship with Tian Yuxian.

One day when tianyuxian was there, he Xu, Mo, Qiang, Yue and Chu would never dare to attack Ye Lan rashly.

Otherwise, there is only one way to ruin.

Boom ~

all of a sudden, a huge sound came into the ears of nihilistic heaven and nihilistic heaven. They looked into the distance, but they saw that the smoke and dust were rushing into the sky, the huge divine gate was crashing, and countless pieces were flying into their own land.

Pieces of debris, crash into the land of their own virtual family, blow off one palace after another, blow down one mountain after another.

In the clan, many of the disciples who were practicing martial arts and some of the people of the clan were also killed by the flying debris and died on the spot.

In an instant, in the land of the virtual family, there were howls, wars, smoke and dust.


In the billowing smoke and dust, Ye Lan walks slowly with both hands on his back. He seems to walk slowly, but in fact he contains the power of heaven and earth. He is thousands of meters away in one step.

"Who destroys our sacred gate and disturbs our holy land?"

Smoke and dust back scattered, a shadow flashed out, surrounded by Ye Lan.

Those are the elders of the Xu clan. Their accomplishments are in the ninth or even the half step of nirvana. Two or three of them have already reached the double or even triple peak of the spirit.

With the emergence of the old level of the head of the virtual clan, around, a strong and talented disciple of the virtual clan who survived also appeared one after another, looking at Ye Lan one by one.


Many of the strong and talented disciples of the virtual family were shocked to see that Ye Lan was the only one to break into the holy land of the virtual family.

"That man is so brave. He dares to break into the holy land of our family, destroy the divine gate of our family, disturb the Qingxiu of our family, and even kill many of our people. I don't know what to do

Some people are furious.

They thought it was a powerful race. They joined hands with the strong of other races and rushed into the holy land of their own virtual race.

As a result, there was only one person on the other side, which was so special that he didn't pay attention to his virtual family.

He is a virtual family, but he is one of the families close to God. He has a strong foundation and many powerful and terrifying arrays.

In today's world, who dares to rush alone? Unless I'm tired of living.

But now there is Ye Lan, alone, who has broken into the holy land of the virtual family.

Strong and overbearing!


Someone roared and killed Ye Lan.

As a result, he just rushed to Ye Lan, a treacherous force is to destroy his body, spirit broken, silent disappearance.

The power of God!

The power of the Divine rule, which can only be controlled by the existence of the virtual divine state, is irresistible under the virtual divine state. Unless there is any special and powerful means, all the strong in the virtual divine state, once touched by the power of the Divine rule, will dissipate the whole body's strength, or will perish on the spot.


All around, all the strong and talented disciples of the virtual clan were shocked.

At this moment, they can understand why the other party dares to invade and kill the holy land of their own virtual family alone. Daren Qing is a saint in the virtual divine realm with strong cultivation strength!

It's not easy for these people to deal with the virtual divine realm. Even if they join hands, they can't shake the tree.

In the void, the elders of the void clan looked at each other, and their cultivation retreated from the existence of Nirvana jiuzhong and even the half step of the void.

However, the remaining two or three accomplishments in the two or even three peaks of the virtual spirit are just one step ahead, and each of them has a tendency of terror, and the whole body also has the power of the mighty God.

Virtual spirit state to virtual spirit state!

What's more, three virtual realms are better than one!

Around, many of the strong and gifted disciples of the virtual family calm down their inner shock and look at Ye Lan with sarcastic and compassionate eyes.

"When you step into the realm of emptiness, you think you are invincible? Is it true that I am an ordinary race? With your own strength, you can destroy our nation? "

One of the three elders of the virtual family, who were cultivated in the virtual spirit state, looked at Ye Lan and said calmly.

That high above the appearance, like the emperor looking down at the foot of the minister.

But the next second, the empty clan elder's pupil suddenly shrinks, and a sword light passes through his eyebrow.

Sword light contains the power of God, which easily destroys his spirit.

Poo Tong ~

soon, the Xu clan elder's look in his eyes was quickly lax, and his body plummeted to the ground from high altitude, with no vitality.


The whole holy land of the virtual family is as silent as death.

All the strong and gifted disciples of the virtual clan looked at the cold corpse on the ground in disbelief. Their whole brain was not enough!Just now, what happened?

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