"Little ones, kill me, let go of any one, I will use your head as a chamber pot!"

In the starry sky, red tail holds the magic wand and stands aloof, awe inspiring and extraordinary.

It really has the appearance of a demon emperor.

At its command, over the years, a lot of elite and strong people from the demon clan have sprung up one after another, carrying the evil spirit into the sky and killing the strong people of the three major clans.

"You are Ye Lan brothers, red tail?"

A sound floated into the red tail ear.

Looking for fame, red tail saw a beautiful woman in a white dress.


"I've heard a lot about you. It's said that you have inherited the blood of the emperor yuxu. Your fighting power is outstanding. I see you today. I wonder if you can fight with me?

Little girl, the moon... "

The beautiful woman said with a smile.

She is the first martial arts genius of the Moon Clan. Her cultivation has entered a half step into the void and divine realm. In addition, she has the blood of the Chu clan, and her combat power is comparable to that of a saint in an ordinary void and divine realm.

"Then fight!"

Red tail without saying a word, holding the magic wand heavily toward the beautiful woman to kill.

Don't even give the other person a chance to finish.

The beautiful woman was surprised, and a fierce color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

A wave of his hand, a seemingly soft, but in fact aggressive hand, suddenly killed to red tail.

Bang ~

red tail did not dodge, and forcefully blocked the beautiful woman's hand.

Flesh, terror!

This scene, however, frightened the beautiful woman!

With one hand, the existence of ordinary virtual spirit can not be so hard to resist and bear with the body.

But the red tail


When the iron bar fell, the power of God was vast. This stick was so powerful that the beautiful woman couldn't bear it. She was directly killed by Sheng Sheng on the spot.

"I can't help beating you!"

Red tail spat and turned into a streamer. With the power of the God, he dashed into the strong of the three families and swung the magic wand.

The powerful power of the stick is really terrible.

Let the three strong people, one by one close to die, hit on the death, simply can not easily resist.

"To die!"

Finally, a strong man in the triple peak state of the virtual God came forward to fight with Chiwei.

Then, among the Moon Clan, there was a strong and powerful man who was cultivated in the triple peak of the void God, and he killed Chiwei fiercely.

"The devil

A roar of cattle resounded.

A huge virtual shadow of the ox devil, galloping and roaring from afar, drives the power of God Ze, and smashes into the virtual God state of the Moon Clan!

Boom ~

the ancestor of the Moon Clan didn't dare to be careless. He clapped his backhand to block the attack of the ox demon, but his body was shaken back by the terrible blow, and he almost couldn't help vomiting blood.

The comer is very strong, the strength is not weaker than him, moreover, the other party also seems to have a strong blood force in the body!

"The power of Kui Niu's blood."

The old ancestor of Yuezu was surprised and looked at the middle-aged man with a big figure in the distance. In his eyes, the cold light flashed.

Here, the ox demon blocks the ancestor of the moon family's empty God state.

On the other side, Chiwei was fighting with an old ancestor of Xu Shenjing. He didn't fall behind and even forced him into the realm of life and death many times.

On the other hand, julilong, the head of the giant clan, Zhuyun, the head of the Huo clan, and longkuang, the head of the Guiren clan, are working together to deal with an old ancestor of the Qiang people in the virtual divine realm.

They join hands with each other, and the divine power is extremely powerful, which makes the ancestors of Qiang people dare not be careless.

What's more, Xiao Molin, Yin Shaoge, and Huang Tianqing, the painting gentleman and calligraphy gentleman, have entered the dual realm of emptiness and divinity. With their leadership and assistance, how can the ancestors of Qiang be careless?


"Shenwu, it's not what it used to be!"

Xiuwuya looks indifferent.

Just as he said that, a great momentum came from the rolling.

Several elders stepped out together. They were Mo Xingchen, the leader of the Star Palace, Mu Bairong, the elder patriarch of the Qing nationality, the patriarch of the Guangming nationality, the God of Guangming, and the patriarch of the Yu nationality.

There are several top talents, and their accomplishments have also improved by leaps and bounds over the years. In addition, Ye Lan has given them all kinds of panacea, which has effectively helped them to improve their realm faster.

Now, the strength of several people have respectively stepped into the five or six peaks of Xushen.

Although it's not as good as endless cultivation, there's no problem in holding each other together.

"You want to fight me?"

Xiuwuya looks calm, looking at Mo Xingchen, Mu Bairong, the God of light and the head of Yu clan, his eyes are full of contempt and disdain.

"What about the first World War?"Mo Xingchen said.

"The ancestor of the Chu nationality has boundless cultivation, second only to the cultivation of Wuming. He is the second top ancestor of the Chu nationality and has eight peaks of strength."

Light God light way.

"You younger generation, you know a lot."

Xiuwuya looks at the God of light with a faint smile.

"Since you know my strength, you should understand that even if you join hands, you can't be my opponent!"

"Whether it's an opponent or not, we'll know when we fight!"

Mo Xingchen responded.

"Why so much nonsense? Just fight! "

Mu Bairong was angry.

God is the power, crazy burst, the first to kill to repair boundless.

Seeing that Mu Bairong took the lead, Mo Xingchen, the God of light, the head of the Yuzu clan and others all killed in anger.

Bang ~

Xiu Wuyan, with both hands on his back, looked calm and calm. In his body, his momentum burst out, and he suddenly resisted the joint attack of Mu Bairong, Mo Xingchen, the God of light and the head of Yu clan.

More than that, his power of Divine rule shocked Mu Bairong and others to vomit blood, and his body almost broke apart.

This is the gap!

In the realm of emptiness, there is a difference between heaven and earth, which is not easily surmounted by too many people.

"Star disk!"

Mo Xingchen sacrificed a powerful magic weapon and killed Xiang Xiu boundlessly.

At the same time, Mu Bairong, the God of light, and the head of the Yu clan all sacrificed a powerful divine weapon and killed him to the end.

Fairy ware!

Ye Lan got them from the treasure house of Chiyou nationality. These magic weapons were left after the fall of the ancient immortals. Although they were badly damaged in the first World War, they were cultivated by Chiyou nationality with special aura all the year round. They have been restored to 7788. Their power is not as powerful as that of that year, but they should not be underestimated.

Several magic weapons that used to be immortal weapons, under the strong impetus of Mo Xingchen and others, the outbreak of magic power is extremely terrible.

Even if the repair boundless, but also the pupils shrink, face is startled.

He did not dare to have the slightest carelessness, and narrowly avoided the attack of those powerful magic soldiers.

"Xiuwuya's condition seems not very good. Do you want to help him?"

Yue Changsheng looks back and stands side by side with the ancient Qiang road.

"No, if they die in the hands of such a group of aborigines, there is no need for them to share the share of Shenwu mainland."

The ancient Qiang road responds coldly.

If one palm falls, the power of God will burst.

In the Shenwu dragon abyss, many strong men turned into looters under that hand, and even several powerful star warships turned into dust in the universe in a flash.


The ancient Qiang Road, a strike like God! Tough and terrifying!

This palm really shocked many strong people in Shenwu Longyuan and made them pale.

Many faces are full of despair.

How can we fight against such a tyrannical existence?

"Too strong! It's the ancient Qiang Road, the ancient ancestor of the Qiang people. It's the peak of the nine fold cultivation of the empty God! "

Under Ye Yu's command, a forefather of an alien race, has seen the ancient Qiang Road, and knows its power.

At this time, the other hand a hand, he suddenly noticed the other side, look very ugly.

Not only he, but also the ancestors and strong men of all ethnic groups who once belonged to the Chiyou people, all looked very ugly.

The ancient Qiang road is not a terrible existence that these people can easily contend with!

"Well! Did you all belong to Chiyou people? Now, I'll give you a chance to either surrender to the Qiang people or die right now! "

The eyes of the ancient Qiang road are fixed on the forefathers and the strong, with a cold look and a strong tone, which can not be doubted.

"Surrender? I, the Zhao people, will follow Miss ye to the death, and will never surrender easily! "

Among the Zhao people, the old ancestor, whose cultivation was in the realm of half empty spirit, cried aloud.

As a result, as soon as the words fell, a force of God suddenly landed on his head and destroyed him.

"Again, either surrender or die!"

The ancient Qiang road said coldly.

On the face, the color of ice cold, more and more rich.

When he was threatening himself, suddenly, a void was broken, and a huge ice Phoenix was singing. It went straight to the ancient Qiang Road, with great power and cold air invading the frozen star territory for hundreds of millions of miles.

The power of the great God made many of the top three feel uncomfortable, and many people died directly under the power of the God.

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